Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Law Library
Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

1.21.130 Decisions

(a) All decisions of the Court of Appeals shall be in writing, shall specify the relief granted, if any, and the Court's rationale therefore. The Clerk of Court of Appeals shall, within two days of their filing, furnish copies of the decision and any order of the Court of Appeals to the Tribal Court, the parties, and, for publication and distribution, to the Indian Law Reporter and the Great Lakes Indian Fish and Wildlife Commission.

(b) All decisions and dissents shall be written by the most senior judge voting with the majority or dissent, unless assigned by that judge to another judge. Any judge dissenting or concurring shall file a written opinion, or join in a written opinion filed by another judge. The most senior judge is the judge having the longest term of continuous service as a judge at the time.

(c) A petition for reconsideration may be filed by an aggrieved party within 15 days of the filing of any decision or order of the Court of Appeals. The petition for reconsideration shall state the specific change in the decision sought, and all reasons, and the authority therefor, for the change. Any non-petitioning party shall have 15 days from the date of service of the petition to respond. Oral argument on a petition for reconsideration is discretionary with the Court.

(d) The Tribal Court shall in all respects be bound by the decisions and orders of the Court of Appeals.

(e) The Indian Law Reporter is designated the official reporter of the decisions of the Court of Appeals.