Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Law Library
Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

1.22.110 Disclosure of Assets

When a judgment for money damages is entered under this chapter, the court shall order that the judgment debtor execute, under penalty of contempt, within 15 days of the entry of judgment unless the judgment is satisfied sooner, a statement, on forms provided by the Clerk of Court, disclosing, as of the date of judgment, the debtor's name, residence address, employers and their addresses, frequency of pay periods and gross and net pay per period, any non-USA trust real property interests, cash on hand, financial institutions in which the debtor has any funds and the amount of funds in each institution, the names and addresses of all persons who hold any property belonging to the debtor or who owe any money or property to the debtor, and all items and property worth more than $100.00.