Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Law Library
Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.


The citation shall contain a complaint, a case history, and a report of court action on the case. It must appear on the face of the citation that there is a reasonable basis to believe that a breach of an ordinance has been committed. The citation form shall provide the following:

(a) The name of the person to whom the citation was issued, together with the person's age and address, if available;

(b) The tribal permit or license number of the defendant, if applicable;

(c) The breach alleged, the time and place of occurrence, a statement that the defendant committed the breach, the ordinance provision charged, and a description of the breach in language which can be readily understood;

(d) The name and tribal department of the issuing officer;

(e) The maximum civil remedial money penalty for which the defendant might be found liable;

(f) A date, time and place for the tribal court appearance, and a notice to appear;

(g) Provision for a deposit and stipulation or default in lieu of court appearance;

(h) Notice that if the defendant fails to appear at the time fixed in the citation, the defendant will be defaulted and judgment entered against him in an amount up to the maximum penalty;

(i) Notice that if the defendant makes a deposit and stipulation of default, judgment will be entered against him in the amount of the deposit;

(j) Any other information.