Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Law Library
Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

1.24.150 Manner of Giving Notice

(a) Notice must be in writing, formal or informal, and substantially inform the other party to the landlord-tenant relation of the intent to terminate the tenancy and the date of termination. A notice is not invalid because of errors in the notice which do not mislead, including omission of the name of one of several landlords or tenants.

(b) Notice terminating a tenancy may be given in any of the following manners.

(1) By giving a copy of the notice personally to the other party, or by leaving a copy at the party's usual place of abode in the presence of some competent member of the family at least 14 years of age, who is informed of the contents of the notice. Notice is given under this subsection on the day the notice is given or left.

(2) By leaving a copy with any competent person apparently in charge of or occupying the tenants rented premises, or the landlord's place of business, and by mailing a copy to the party at the party's last known address. Notice is given under this subsection on the day the notice is given or left.

(3) By mailing a copy the registered or certified mail to the party's last known address. Notice is given under this subsection 3 days after it is mailed.

(c) Any notice to a landlord may be given to the landlord or to a person who has been managing the property or receiving rent as the landlord's agent.

(d) Any notice to a corporation, partnership, or other business association, may be given to any corporate director, general partner, manager, or agent who has made or received rental payments on behalf of the party.

(e) If notice is not properly given under this section but is actually received by the other party, the notice is deemed to be properly given, but the burden is on the party alleging actual receipt to prove that fact by clear and convincing evidence. Notice is given under this subsection on the day it is actually received.

(f) If a tenant vacates the premises without giving notice to the landlord, notice is deemed to have been given to the landlord as of the date of the tenant's vacation of the premises or, if such date cannot be ascertained, the date landlord had actual notice of the vacation.