Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Law Library
Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

1.24.240 Judgment; Writ of Restitution

(a) Judgment. If the court finds that the plaintiff is entitled to possession of the premises, the order for judgment shall be for the restitution of the premises to the plaintiff and if an additional cause of action is joined under Section 1.24.200 and plaintiff prevails thereon, for such other relief as the court orders. Judgment shall be entered accordingly as provided in Section 1.22.100.

(b) Writ of restitution. At the time of ordering judgment for the restitution of premises, the court shall order that a writ of restitution be issued, and the writ may be delivered to any general law enforcement officer or other officer specifically empowered to carry out such writ.

(c) Stay of writ of restitution. At the time of ordering judgment, upon application of the defendant with notice to the plaintiff, the court may in cases where it determines hardship to exist, stay the issuance of the writ by a period not to exceed 30 days from the date of the order for judgment. Any such stay shall be conditioned upon the defendant paying all rent or other charges due and unpaid at the entry of judgment and upon the defendant paying the reasonable value of the occupancy of the premises, including reasonable charges, during the period of the stay upon such terms and at such times as the court directs. The court may further require the defendant, as a condition of such stay, to give a bond in such amount and with such sureties as the court directs, conditioned upon the defendant's faithful performance of the conditions of the stay. Upon the failure of the defendant to perform any of the conditions of stay, the plaintiff may file an affidavit executed by the plaintiff or attorney, stating the facts of such default, and the writ of restitution may forthwith be issued.

(d) Writ of restitution; form and contents. The writ of restitution shall be in the name of the court, sealed with its seal, signed by its clerk, directed to any authorized law enforcement officer and in substantially the following form:


THE BAD RIVER TRIBE To any law enforcement officer:

The plaintiff, , of recovered a judgment against the defendant, of , in an eviction action in the Bad River Tribal Court, on the day of , , to have restitution of the following described premises:

(description as in complaint), located on the Bad River Reservation, in Ashland County, Wisconsin.

YOU ARE HEREBY COMMANDED To immediately remove the defendant, , from the said premises and to restore the plaintiff, , to the possession thereof. You are further commanded to remove from said premises all personal property not the property of the plaintiff, and to store and dispose of the same according to law, and to make due return of this writ within ten days.

Witness the Honorable , Judge of the Bad River Tribal Court this day of , .