Chapter 1.25 Children's Code 1.25.010 Purpose 1.25.020 Authority 1.25.030 Construction 1.25.040 Children's Court 1.25.050 Full Faith and Credit to Other Jurisdictions 1.25.060 Jurisdiction 1.25.070 Waiver of Jurisdiction Protest of Child's Tribe 1.25.080 Definitions 1.25.090 Pre-Petition Procedure 1.25.100 Parties 1.25.110 Prenatal Exposure 1.25.120 Taking a Child into Custody 1.25.130 Release from Custody 1.25.140 Holding a Child in Custody 1.25.150 Hearings for Child in Custody 1.25.160 Petitions 1.25.170 Initial Hearing 1.25.180 Adjudicatory Hearing 1.25.190 Disposition 1.25.200 Extensions and Modifications 1.25.210 Discovery 1.25.220 Psychological and Other Examinations 1.25.230 Termination or Suspensiont of Parental Rights 1.25.240 Guardianship 1.25.250 Adoption 1.25.260 Customary Adoption 1.25.270 Ineligible Children 1.25.280 Indian Child Welfare Act 1.25.290 Child Welfare Coordinator 1.25.300 Child Welfare Committee 1.25.310 Right of Access to Records 1.25.320 Severability