Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Law Library
Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

1.28.020 Voluntary Proceedings; Conservators

(a) Any adult member who believes that he or she is unable to properly manage his or property or income may voluntarily apply to the tribal court for appointment of a conservator of the estate. Upon receipt of the application the court shall fix a time and place for hearing the application and direct to whom and in what manner notice of the hearing shall be given.

(b) At the time of such hearing the applicant shall be personally examined and if the court is satisfied that the applicant desires a conservator and that the fiduciary nominated is suitable, the court may appoint the nominee as conservator and issue letters of conservatorship to the nominee upon the filing of a bond in the amount fixed by the court.

(c) A conservator shall have all the powers and duties of a guardian of the property of an incompetent person. The conservator's powers shall cease upon being removed by the court or upon death of the person whose estate is being conserved.

(d) Any person whose estate is under conservatorship may apply to the court at any time for termination thereof. Upon such application, the court shall fix a time and place for hearing and direct that 10 days notice by mail be given to the person's guardians, if any, the conservator and the presumptive heirs of the applicant. Upon such hearing, the court shall, unless it is clearly shown that the applicant is incompetent, remove the conservator and order the property restored to the applicant, or if the applicant so desires and the nominee is suitable, the court may appoint a successor conservator.

(e) If the court shall upon such hearing determine that the person whose estate is administered by a conservator may be incapable of handling his or her estate, the court shall order the conservatorship continued, or if the applicant so desires and the nominee is suitable, the court may appoint a successor conservator.

(f) Appointment of a conservator shall not be evidence of the competency or incompetency of the person whose estate is being administered.

(g) If an application for conservatorship is filed, the fee, to be determined by the court, shall be paid at the time of the filing of the inventory or other documents setting forth the value of the estate.