Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Law Library
Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

1.28.050 Guardian Ad Litem in Incompetency Cases

(a) Appointment. The court shall appoint a guardian ad litem whenever it is proposed that the court appoint a guardian on the ground of incompetency, protectively place a person or order protective services.

(b) Qualifications. The guardian ad litem shall be admitted to practice by the Bad River Tribal Court. No person who is an interested party in a proceeding, appears as counsel in a proceeding on behalf of any party or is a relative or representative of an interested party may be appointed guardian ad litem in that proceeding.

(c) Responsibilities. The guardian ad litem shall be an advocate for the best interests of the proposed ward or alleged incompetent as to guardianship, protective placement and protective services. The guardian ad litem shall function independently, in the same manner as an attorney for a party to the action, and shall consider, but shall not be bound by, the wishes of the proposed ward or alleged incompetent or the positions of others as the best interests of the proposed ward or alleged incompetent. The guardian ad litem has none of the rights or duties of a general guardian.

(d) General Duties. A guardian ad litem shall do all of the following:

(1) Interview the proposed ward or alleged incompetent and explain the applicable hearing procedure, the right to counsel and the right to request or continue a limited guardianship.

(2) Advise the proposed ward or alleged incompetent, both orally and in writing, of that person's rights to a jury trial, to an appeal, to counsel and to an independent medical or psychological examination on the issue of competency, at the Tribe's expense if the person is indigent.

(3) Request that the court order additional medical, psychological or other evaluation, if necessary.

(4) If applicable, inform the court that the proposed ward or alleged incompetent objects to a finding of incompetency, the present or proposed placement or the recommendation of the guardian ad litem as to the proposed ward's or alleged incompetent's best interests or that the proposed ward's or alleged incompetent's position on these matters is ambiguous.

(5) Present evidence concerning the best interests of the proposed ward or alleged incompetent, if necessary.

(6) Report to the court on any other relevant matter that the court requests.

(e) Duties in reviews. In any review of a protective placement or of a protect service order the guardian ad litem shall do all of the following:

(1) Interview the ward to explain the review procedure, the right to an independent evaluation, the right to counsel and the right to a hearing.

(2) Provide the information under par. (1), to the ward in writing.

(3) Secure an additional evaluation of the ward, if necessary.

(4) Review the annual report and relevant reports on the ward's condition and placement.

(5) Review the ward's condition, placement and rights with the guardian.

(6) If relevant, report to the court that the ward objects to the finding of continuing incompetency, the present or proposed placement, the position of the guardian or the recommendation of the guardian ad litem as to the best interests of the ward or if there is ambiguity about the ward's position on these matters.

(7) If relevant, report to the court that the ward requests the appointment of counsel or an adversary hearing.

(f) Communication to a jury. In jury trials the court or guardian ad litem may tell the jury that the guardian ad litem represents the interests of the proposed ward or alleged incompetent.

(g) Termination and extension of appointment. The appointment of a guardian ad litem under sub. (a) terminates upon the entry of the court's final order or upon the termination of any appeal in which the guardian ad litem participates, even if counsel has been appointed for the proposed ward or alleged incompetent. The court may extend that appointment, or reappoint a guardian ad litem whose appointment under this section has terminated, by an order specifying the scope of responsibilities of the guardian ad litem. At any time, the guardian ad litem, any party or the person for whom the appointment is made may request that the court terminate any extension or reappointment. The guardian ad litem may appeal, may participate in an appeal or may do neither. If an appeal is taken by any party and the guardian ad litem chooses not to participate in that appeal, he or she shall file with the appellate court a statement of reasons for not participating. Irrespective of the guardian ad litem's decision not to participate in an appeal, the appellate court may order the guardian ad litem to participate in the appeal.

Compensation. On order of the court, the guardian ad litem appointed under this chapter shall be allowed reasonable compensation to be paid by the person who the guardian ad litem is appointed for unless the court otherwise directs.