Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Law Library
Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

1.28.070 Fraud, Waste, Mismanagement

If the tribal court has reason to believe that any guardian within its jurisdiction has filed false inventory, claims property or permits others to claim and retain property belonging to the estate which he or she represents, is guilty of waste or mismanagement of the estate or is unfit for the proper performance of duties, the court shall appoint a guardian ad litem thus any minor or incompetent person interested and shall order the guardian to file the account. If upon the examination of the account the court deems it necessary to proceed further, a time and place for the adjustment and settlement of the account shall be fixed by the court, and at least 10 days notice shall be given to the guardian ad litem and to all persons interested. If upon the adjustment of the account, the court is of the opinion that the interests of the estate and of the persons interested require it, the guardian may be removed and another appointed.