Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Law Library
Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

1.28.110 Accounting

(a) Annual reports. Every guardian, except a corporate guardian, shall, prior to April 15 of each year, file and account under oath specifying the amount of property received and held or invested by the guardian, nature and manner of the investment, and the guardian's receipts and expenditures during the preceding calendar year. When ordered by the court, the guardian shall within 30 days render and file a like account for any shorter term. In lieu of the filing of these accounts before April 15 of each year, the court may, by appropriate order upon motion of the guardian, direct the guardian of an estate to thereafter render and file the accountings within 60 days after the anniversary date of the guardian's qualification as guardian, with the accounting period from the anniversary date of qualification to the ensuing annual anniversary date. The guardian shall also report any change in the status of the surety upon the guardian's bond.

(b) Display of assets. Upon rendering the account the guardian shall produce for examination by the court, or some person satisfactory to the court, all securities, evidences of deposit and investments reported, which shall be described in the account in sufficient detail so that they may be readily identified. It shall be ascertained whether the securities, evidences of deposit and investments correspond with the account.

(c) Small estates. When the whole estate of a ward or of several wards jointly, under the same guardianship, does not exceed $1,000 in value, the guardian shall be required to render account only upon the termination of the guardian's guardianship, unless otherwise ordered by the court.

(d) Examination of accounts. The account shall be promptly examined under the court's direction and if it is not satisfactory it shall be examined on 8 days' notice and the court shall make such order thereon as justice requires notice to the guardian may be served personally or by certified mail as the court directs. When the examination of a guardian's account is upon notice a guardian ad litem of the ward may be appointed.

(e) Notice. No action by the court upon any account shall be final unless it is upon notice.