Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Law Library
Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

1.31.080 Health of Foster Family

(a) All members of the foster family household shall be in physical and mental health that will not adversely affect the health of children received for foster care, or the quality and manner of their care.

(b) At the time of first application for a license and each licensing period thereafter, foster parents shall authorize their physician, or the Tribal Clinic Family Nurse Practitioner, to submit a statement to Indian Child Welfare certifying that a physical examination was completed and that the foster parents were essentially free from medical conditions which might endanger foster children.

(c) If the Indian Child Welfare office has reason to believe that the physical or mental health of any child or adult member of the foster family household might endanger children in care, the Indian Child Welfare office may require that the foster parents (for themselves or on behalf of their own children) or the adult family members in questions, shall authorize the submitting of a statement from a qualified physician and, if required, a psychiatrist, certifying the condition of the person.