Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Law Library
Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

1.31.100 Foster Home-Sleeping Arrangements

(a) Each foster child shall be provided with a separate bed, except that 2 brothers or 2 sisters may share a double bed. Each bed shall be of size as to insure comfort of the child, shall have suitable springs in good condition, a clean and comfortable mattress with waterproof covering when necessary and provided with suitable bedding adequate for the season.

(b) No foster child 6 years of age or older shall be permitted to share a bedroom with a child of the opposite sex.

(c) Foster children shall not be permitted to sleep in any building, apartment or other structure which is separate from the family home; nor shall any child be permitted to sleep in an unfinished attic, unfinished basement, or in a hall or any other room which is normally used for other than sleeping purposes. For purposes of this chapter, a basement is a story whose floor line is below grade at any entrance or exit and whose ceiling is not more than 5 feet above grade at any such entrance or exit.

(d) At night a responsible adult shall sleep within call of foster children.