Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Law Library
Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

1.31.170 Responsibility of the Foster Parents When Accepting Foster Children

(a) Foster parents shall keep the Indian Child Welfare office informed of the child's progress while in their care. They shall inform the Indian Child Welfare office regarding care, training and plans for the child whenever more than the day to day routine is involved.

(b) Foster parents shall notify the Indian Child Welfare office before taking or allowing the child to go on vacation trips or visits to the child's relatives.

(c) Foster parents shall notify the Indian Child Welfare office as soon as possible of emergencies involving the foster child. This includes serious illness or injury requiring medical treatment, unauthorized absence from the home, or other situations of which prudence suggests the Indian Child Welfare office be notified. This requirement in no way relieves foster parents from first taking action, such as obtaining emergency medical treatment for the child before notifying the Indian Child Welfare office.

(d) Foster parents shall allow the Indian Child Welfare office a minimum of 30 days in which to make suitable plans for the child when the foster parents have requested the child's removal from their home, unless an emergency requires faster action.

(e) Foster parents shall cooperate with the Indian Child Welfare office in seeing that an appropriate relationship is maintained between the child and their relatives.

(f) Foster parents shall maintain in confidence all personal information regarding children in their care, such as prior medical or family history revealed to the foster parents in confidence.