Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Law Library
Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

1.39.010 General

(a) Except as provided by this section, the Indian Civil Rights Act, or the United States constitution, as applicable, no person is privileged to refuse to be a witness, to refuse to disclose any matter, to refuse to produce any object or writing, or to prevent another from doing any of the above.

(b) A confidential communication is one not intended to be disclosed to any third party except the agents or colleagues of the person to whom the disclosure is made, in the course of furthering the purpose for which the disclosure was made.

(c) A privilege may be asserted by the person making the communication, or by the person making the communication, or by the person to whom the communication was made, on behalf of that person, unless the person making the communication has validly waived the privilege.

(d) Any person making a communication may waive the privilege by so testifying in open court.

(e) No inference shall be drawn from the assertion of a lawful privilege.