Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Law Library
Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

11.01.030 Index

1100.1 Purpose

1100.2 Exclusive Remedy

1100.3 Index

1100.4 Definitions

1100.5 Conditions of Liability

1100.6 Joint Liability of Employer and Contractor

1100.7 Employee Defined.

1100.8 Health Benefits

1100.9 Temporary Disability

1100.10 Earnings, Method of Computation

1100.11 Notice of Injury, Exception, Laches

1100.12 Fraudulent Claims Reporting and Investigating

1100.13 Examination; Competent Witnesses; Exclusion of Evidence; Autopsy

1100.14 Rules of Procedure; Transcripts

1100.15 Submission of Disputes

1100.16 Procedure, Notice of Hearing; Witnesses; Contempt; Testimony; Medical Examination

1100.17 Apportionment of Liability

1100.18 Findings; Orders and Awards

1100.19 Employees Confined in Institutions; Payment of Benefits

1100.20 Judicial Review

1100.21 Appeal from Judgment on Award

1100.22 Fees and Costs

1100.23 Third Party Liability

1100.24 Other Insurance Not Affected; Liability of Insured Employer

1100.25 Department Forms and Records; Public Access

1100.26 Maximum Limitations

1100.27 Benefits Payable to Minors; How paid

1100.28 Death Benefit

1100.29 Burial Expenses

1100.30 Decreased Compensation

1100.31 Sovereign Immunity