{"t": "Title 14 Vehicles", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/14", "et": "container", "dj": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/index.json", "fh": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/14/index.full.html", "sc": "Title 14", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|14", "c": [{"t": "Chapter 14.01 Motor Vehicle Code", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/14.01", "et": "container", "sc": "Chapter 14.01", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|14|14.01", "c": [{"t": "14.01.010 Scope and Purpose", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/14.01.010", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 14.01.010", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|14|14.01|14.01.010", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/14.01.010#(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 14.01.010(a)", "x": "This code is-applicable to all persons within the exterior boundaries of th"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/14.01.010#(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 14.01.010(b)", "x": "The purpose of this code is to govern the activities of all persons within "}]}, {"t": "14.01.020 Definitions", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/14.01.020", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 14.01.020", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|14|14.01|14.01.020", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/14.01.020#(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 14.01.020(a)", "x": "The definitions contained in Chapter 3.18 of the Wisconsin Statutes are her"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/14.01.020#(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 14.01.020(b)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/14.01.020#(b)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 14.01.020(b)(1)", "x": "\"Member\" means a person enrolled or eligible for enrollment in the Bad Rive"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/14.01.020#(b)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 14.01.020(b)(2)", "x": "\"Non-criminal\" means punishable by forfeiture or loss of privileges and not"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/14.01.020#(b)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 14.01.020(b)(3)", "x": "\"Reservation\" means the area within the exterior boundaries of the Bad Rive"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/14.01.020#(b)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 14.01.020(b)(4)", "x": "\"Tribe\" means the Bad River Band of Lake Superior Indians."}, {"t": "(5)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/14.01.020#(b)(5)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 14.01.020(b)(5)", "x": "\"Tribal Court\" means the Bad River Tribal Court."}], "x": "As used in this ordinance:"}]}, {"t": "14.01.030 Rules of the Road", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/14.01.030", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 14.01.030", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|14|14.01|14.01.030", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/14.01.030#(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 14.01.030(a)", "x": "No person may operate a motor vehicle on the reservation in violation of th"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/14.01.030#(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 14.01.030(b)", "x": "No person may operate a vehicle on the reservation in violation of a traffi"}]}, {"t": "14.01.040 Equipment of Vehicles", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/14.01.040", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 14.01.040", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|14|14.01|14.01.040"}, {"t": "14.01.050 Size, Weight, and Load", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/14.01.050", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 14.01.050", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|14|14.01|14.01.050", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/14.01.050#(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 14.01.050(a)", "x": "No member mom nay operate a motor vehicle on the reservation in violation o"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/14.01.050#(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 14.01.050(b)", "x": "The Program Manager of the Tribal Roads Department is hereby authorized to "}]}, {"t": "14.01.060 Jurisdiction and Procedure", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/14.01.060", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 14.01.060", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|14|14.01|14.01.060", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/14.01.060#(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 14.01.060(a)", "x": "Jurisdiction is hereby conferred upon the Tribal Court over prosecutions fo"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/14.01.060#(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 14.01.060(b)", "x": "Proceedings for violation of this Code shall be governed by Section 2 of th"}]}, {"t": "14.01.070 Enforcement and Penalties", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/14.01.070", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 14.01.070", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|14|14.01|14.01.070", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/14.01.070#(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 14.01.070(a)", "x": "The provisions of this Code shall be enforced by all Tribal law enforcement"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/14.01.070#(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 14.01.070(b)", "x": "Violations of the provisions of this Code shall be punishable by a civil re"}, {"t": "(c)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/14.01.070#(c)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 14.01.070(c)", "x": "In addition to a civil remedial money penalty, the Tribal Court shall suspe"}, {"t": "(d)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/14.01.070#(d)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 14.01.070(d)", "x": "Notice of any conviction under this Code shall be sent by the Clerk of Cour"}, {"t": "(e)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/14.01.070#(e)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 14.01.070(e)", "x": "In addition to a civil remedial money penalty, the court upon conviction sh"}]}]}]}