Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Law Library
Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

15.01.110 Twenty-One Day Permit; Temporary Registration Certificate

A vehicle may be operated by a private person after the date of purchase of such vehicle by such private person, or after the date such person moved to this reservation or lands subject to the jurisdiction of the Band, once the person has obtained a temporary 21-day registration certificate from the Registrar. The owner shall make application upon forms prescribed by the Registrar and remit the required fee of $5.00. All temporary certificates shall be affixed to the interior rear window of the vehicle, on the driver's side of the car and in a position as not to obstruct the rear- view of any driver. The Registrar shall issue no other temporary registration certificate upon expiration of the first 21-day permit.