Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Law Library
Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.


If upon order of the Court to register or re-register a vehicle, the owner fails to comply, the Court shall have the power to order any Law Enforcement Officer of the Band to seize and impound any unregistered or unlawfully registered vehicle and to hold the same until such time as the owner complies with the provisions of the Ordinance. All costs incurred in the holding, seizure by order of the Court shall be the responsibility of the owner of the vehicle. Any vehicle held, under seizure order of the Court, shall be sold at public auction to the highest bidder, including all costs incurred, after thirty (30) days from the date of seizure. The owner of the vehicle shall have the right to petition the Court to half any public auction of the said vehicle at any time prior to the sale. The Registrar shall have the right to reject any and all bids received which are less than the appraised value of the vehicle. All proceeds derived from the sale of the vehicle, less all costs incurred by the Band, including monetary assessments shall become the property of the legal owner as defined in Section 2.07. If, in the event the sale does not realize sufficient proceeds to pay off any security interest, the owner prior to auction shall be obligated to the secured party for any balance remaining. The secured party shall have the right to be listed as a secured party on any other certificate of title for a vehicle registered in the Band and owned by the person prior to the auction. Nothing herein shall limit the rights of any secured party in any vehicle registered with the Bad River Band.