Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Law Library
Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

15.01.620 Citations

When a person is cited for any violation of this ordinance, the officer shall prepare in quadruplicate, written notice to appear before the Court. This notice has the effect of, and serves as a summons and complaint. The written notice must be signed by the officer, describe the violation, the date and time of return or first appearance before the courts and the address of the court. In order to secure appearance, the cited person must give his written notice prepared by the arresting officer. The officer shall retain the original of the notice and deliver the copy thereof marked "summons" to the person cited. If the person so summoned fails to appear on the day, the Court shall issue an order to show cause, and may subject the person to the court powers of contempt.