Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Law Library
Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

3.02.060 Equipment and Methods

(a) No person shall, while hunting deer:

(1) Hunt with any means other than the use of a gun discharged from the shoulder or a bow and arrow.

(2) Have in possession while hunting any poisoned, drugged, or explosive tipped arrow.

(3) Have in possession while hunting any incendiary type ammunition, except hunter distress flares.

(4) Be in possession of handguns (any gun having a barrel less than 12 inches in length) if under the age of 18 years unless supervised by an adult 18 years of age or older.

(5) Hunt with the aid of a dog.

(6) Use arrows that are not well sharpened broad head blades. Broad head blades may not be less than seven-eights of an inch or more than one-half inches in width.

(b) No person shall, while hunting deer:

(1) Discharge a firearm on lands of another within 500 yards of a building devoted to human occupancy without permission of the owner or occupant.

(2) Appropriate, molest, or disturb any deer or the carcass or part thereof which has been lawfully reduced to possession by another without having that person's consent.

(3) Hunt with the use of an airplane, including the use of an airplane to spot, rally or drive deer for hunters on the ground.

(4) Put out bait containing poison where it might cause the destruction of wild animals or birds or possess poison while hunting or trapping.

(5) Place, operate, or attend, spread, or set any net, pitfall, spring gun, pivot gun, or any other contrivance for the purpose of catching or which catch or take deer.

(6) Take or attempt to take any deer with the aid of any explosives.

(7) Train dogs by pursuing deer.

(8) Fail to make every reasonable effort to retrieve all deer crippled or killed.