Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Law Library
Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

3.11.070 Prohibited Activities

Except for those activities expressly permitted by Section 3.11.080, it shall be unlawful for any person to do any of the following unless and until a permit is obtained from the Bad River Natural Resources Department pursuant to this ordinance. A permit is required for:

(a) Depositing or permitting to be deposited any fill material or structures into any watercourse or within or upon any protected wetlands.

(b) Removing or permitting the removal of any soil from any watercourse or from any protected wetland.

(c) Removing or permitting the removal of any vegetation, including trees, from protected wetlands if such removal would adversely affect the nutrient cycling, sediment trapping, flood retention, and any other hydrologic functions of such wetlands.

(d) Dredging, filling, excavating or manipulating watercourses or protected wetlands.

(e) Creating, enlarging, diminishing or altering any lake, pond, creek, stream, river, drain, or protected wetland.

(f) Constructing, operating or maintaining any development in or upon protected wetlands or watercourses.

(g) Erecting or building any structure including but not limited to buildings, roadways, bridges dams, driving of piles, placement of obstructions, paving, utilities, or private poles or towers in or upon protected wetlands or watercourses.

(h) Constructing, extending or enlarging any pipe, culvert, or open or closed drainage facility which discharges silt, sediment, organic, or inorganic materials, chemicals, fertilizers, flammable liquids or other pollutants to any lake, stream, protected wetland, or watercourse, except through a retention area, settling basin, or treatment facility designed to control and eliminate the pollutant. The ordinance shall apply to all land uses.

(i) Constructing, enlarging, extending or connecting any private or public sewage or waste treatment plant discharge to any lake, stream, river, pond, watercourse, or protected wetland except in accordance with the requirements of the Bad River Tribe, State of Wisconsin and/or the United States, to the extent that such entities have jurisdiction.

(j) Draining, or causing to be drained, any water from a protected wetland or water course including water withdrawals.