Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Law Library
Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

3.13.050 Licenses

(a) No member may fish commercially in the Wisconsin waters of Lake Superior without a commercial fishing license unless he or she is an assistant on a commercial fishing boat whose owner has a commercial fishing license.

(b) Upon application and payment of the license fee, and subject to subsection (c), below, any member eighteen years of age or older complying with this chapter shall be issued a commercial fishing license provided that such person does not have his or her on-reservation or off-reservation fishing rights revoked or suspended pursuant to a Tribal Court Order.

(c) There shall be a limited entry to large boat fishers. No more than seven large boat licenses shall be issued in any one fishing year, with all license holders from the previous year having priority over all other applicants.

(d) Fishing licenses shall be issued for one year from November 28 of each year and shall not be transferred or altered.

(e) License classifications are as set forth below. License fees and maximum lean lake trout tag allocations for each classification shall be set by resolution of the Tribal Council upon recommendation of the Conservation Department and shall remain as set unless modified by further resolution of the Tribal Council.

(1) Large boat. In order to obtain a large boat license, a member must possess at the time of application a boat in operational condition of at least 20 feet in length with a functional net lifting device installed. A large boat license is valid only for use on the specific boat identified in the member's application, except in case of temporary hardship or breakdown when the Fisheries Office is notified of the alternate boat on which the license will be used. A licensee may request transfer of the license to another boat in his possession at any time during the fishing year.

(2) Small boat III. In order to obtain a small boat III license, a member must possess at the time of application a boat in operational condition.

(3) Small boat II. In order to obtain a small boat II license, a member must possess at the time of application a boat in operational condition.

(4) Small boat I. In order to obtain boat license, a member must possess at the time of application a boat in operational condition. No fee shall be charged for a small boat I license. No more than 100 lean lake trout tags shall be issued annually to a small boat I licensee.

(f) No member shall participate in any transaction by which a license, lean lake trout tags, effort allocation, or any interest therein, is practically transferred to a non-member.