Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Law Library
Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

3.13.120 Reporting

(a) Reporting periods shall end on alternating Fridays, with the first such period of each fishing year ending on the second Friday of December. Each commercial fishing licensee shall submit a report as prescribed by this section no later than 4:00 p.m. on the third working day after the last day of each reporting period.

(b) Each commercial fishing licensee shall report to the fisheries office, on forms prescribed by that office, the number of each kind of fish taken or killed in the fishing operation, the kind and amount of fishing gear employed, the length of time (i.e. number of nights) each unit was fished, verification of the number of fish sold, and any other data the Fisheries Office may require in the performance of its duties. Catch and effort shall be reported by the date and by grid location.

(c) Reports shall be submitted for each reporting period regardless of whether or not any fish were taken or any fishing done during the period. If no fish were taken or fishing done, that fact will be reported.

(d) If two or more licensees fished together, the report shall be made by the vessel owner, or in the case of ice fishing or boats owned in common by two or more licensees, the reported catch shall be made by one licensee.

(e) The Conservation Department may refuse the issuance of tags to any commercial fishing licensee who has not filed a report as required by this section.

(f) Home use fisherman shall report to the fisheries office, on forms prescribed by that office, the number of each kind of fish taken or killed in the fishing operation, and the kind and amount of fishing gear employed, and any other data the fisheries office may require in the performance of its duties. Home use fisherman are not required to submit for a reporting period if no fish were taken or fishing done.