Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Law Library
Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

3.15.060 Life Preservers/Immersion Suits

(a) Personal Floatation Devices (PFDs). Each vessel must carry at least one Coast Guard approved life preserver (Type I, II or III) of the proper size for each person on board. A Type V Hybrid life preservers may be substituted if it is worn when the vessel is underway and the wearer is not in an enclosed space.

(b) Immersion Suits. Each vessel must carry at least one Coast Guard approved immersion suit of the proper size for each person on board.

(c) Other Immersion Suit/PFD Requirements. Each immersion suit and wearable PFD must:

(1) be in serviceable condition;

(d) have a personal floatation device light (Coast Guard approved series 161.012) attached to the front shoulder area;

(e) have Coast Guard approved Type I or II retro-reflective material attached as required by Coast Guard regulations;

(f) be marked with the name of the vessel, or the owner of the device, or the individual to whom it is assigned; and

(g) be stowed so that it is readily accessible to the individual for whom it is intended.