Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Law Library
Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

3.20.220 Trails

The Tribal Council may adopt by resolution designated snowmobile trails for the purpose of recreation, subject to any limitations for use imposed by the Tribal Council in its designating resolution and subject to the following conditions:

(a) All non-member users of the trail shall be required to purchase a trail pass prior to using the trail at locations designated by resolution of the Tribal Council. Such trail pass shall state the dates of validity, any trail use limitations set by the Tribal Council such as for recreational purposes only, and language to comply with subsection (c) below.

(b) The trail pass fee, which shall be charged at the time of purchase, shall be set by resolution of the Tribal Council and may be changed as deemed necessary by the Tribal Council.

(c) Any trail pass shall contain language acknowledging use's acceptance of Bad River Tribal Court jurisdiction for any violations of this ordinance. By accepting the trail pass, the user consents to the jurisdiction of the Bad River Tribal Court.

(d) Tribal members operating snowmobiles duly registered under Section 3.20.020 of this ordinance shall not be required to purchase a trail pass. The exemptions of Section 3.21.040 shall not apply to this section.

(e) All users of the snowmobile trail shall comply with all safety and operation regulations set out in this this chapter and any trail use limitations set out by the Tribal Council in its trail designating resolution, and shall comply with all posted safety and operation signs.