Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Law Library
Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

3.24.020 Definitions

(a) "Acceptable Burn Barrel" shall mean a metal drum of at least 55 gallon volume, which:

(1) Has been placed upon blocks made of a material that will not cause the barrel to tip or cause the ground to burn.

(2) Has air vents of approximately "pea size" on the sides and bottom,

(3) Is covered by a screen of not to exceed 1/4 inch mesh, and

(4) Has been inspected by the Natural Resources Department or Fire Warden.

(b) "Burning Barrel" shall mean any fire contained in a barrel or other type of containment where the products of combustion are emitted directly into the outdoor atmosphere and are not directed through a stack or chimney, incinerator or other similar device and the purpose of the fire is not for cooking or to provide heat to dwelling.

(c) "Brush" shall mean woody debris commonly associated with land clearing of all types such as landscaping, trail clearing a and general yard maintenance. Additional materials which may fall into this category are clean lumber from demolition (containing no paint, stain, or preservative), leaves, bark and other woody scraps from various activities.

(d) "Construction/Demolition Material" shall mean wood and non-wood products commonly associated with the demolition of structures, including but not limited to; shingles of all types, insulation of all types, gypsum board, tar paper, metal plumbing, ductwork, wiring, and chemically-treated wood of all types.

(e) "Forest Fire" shall mean uncontrolled, wild, or running fires occurring on forest, marsh, field, cut-over, or other lands within the boundaries of the Bad River Reservation.

(f) "Hazardous Waste" shall mean any commercial chemical substance designed pursuant to the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, under 33 U.S.C. Section 1321(b)(2)(A); any hazardous air pollutant listed pursuant to the Clean Air Act, under 42 U.S.C. Section 7412; any hazardous waste defined under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, 42 U.S.C. Section 6901 et seq. as amended, and any other substance which constitutes a hazardous waste under tribal, state, or federal law.

(g) "Kitchen Garbage" shall mean animal and vegetable waste resulting from the handling, preparation, cooking, and/or consumption of foods.

(h) "Non-recyclable Material" shall mean Pyrex glass, window glass, light bulbs, mirrors, broken glass, china, Styrofoam and melamine type plastics, waxed paper, waxed cardboard, soiled paper, garbage, bottle or jar caps and any material for which there is no destination point for reclamation or processing.

(i) "Open Burning" shall mean any fire wherein the products of combustion are emitted directly into the outdoor atmosphere and are not directed through a stack or chimney, incinerator or other similar device. " Open Burning" includes, but is not limited to, brush burning.

(j) "Owner" shall mean the person(s) or entity(ies) which hold legal or beneficial title to a burn barrel or property and the person(s) or entity(ies) which have or exercise possession of a burn barrel or property. Owner also means landlord and lessee.

(k) "Recyclable Material" shall mean brown, clear, and green container glass, aluminum cans, steel containers, bi-metal containers, plastics containers with #1 thru #7 inside a triangle on the bottom, corrugated cardboard, newspaper, magazines, mixed paper, office paper, used motor oil, vehicle tires, and any other material for which there is a destination point named for reclamation or processing or listed as recyclable material in the Bad River Solid Waste Ordinance.