Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Law Library
Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

3.24.060 Permitted Burning

(a) Open Burning

(1) Brush burning shall be limited to wood products only, which includes only twigs, brush, leaves, grass, and untreated, unpainted sawn wood or those items defined as brush, above.

(2) No construction/demolition materials or household garbage may be burned.

(3) No chemically or creosote treated wood may be burned.

(4) No woody materials which may be contaminated with other construction materials, including but not limited to: tar paper, insulations of all types, shingles, gypsum board, paint and other wall treatments, may be burned.

(5) No recyclable materials as defined in this ordinance may be burned.

(6) The burning of objectionable materials such as rubber, roofing, or any material which can damage the property of another is prohibited.

(7) No open fires shall be kindled within fifty feet (50') of any property line, public right-of-way, building, fence, or combustible growth or material other than that intended to be burned.

(8) Burn piles may be no larger than five feet by five feet five feet (5' by 5' by 5').

(9) Burning of uncut grass, brush, or vegetation (running fire) are prohibited, except by special permit issued for exceptional circumstances only after inspection of the proposed burn site and agreement with the proposed burn by the Bad River Fire Warden and Natural Resources Department.

(10) Burning may only be conducted between the hours of 6:00 PM and MIDNIGHT. Burning on Sundays is prohibited.

(11) Burning is prohibited at all times when a general fire permit ban is in effect, as declared by the Bad River Fire Warden.

(b) Barrel Burning

(1) Barrel burning shall be limited to burning in an acceptable burn barrel the burning of small woody debris and soiled or other non-recyclable paper.

(2) No recyclable materials as defined may be burned.

(3) No demolition materials as defined may be burned.

(4) No material identified in376.6(a) 2-6 may be burned

(5) Barrels must be covered while burning with a screen which will hold down flying ash. The screen must be in sound condition and have a mesh size no larger than one-quarter inch (1/4").

(6) The barrel must not be contaminated with paint, oil, gasoline, or other potentially harmful or noxious substance.

(7) Barrels must be continually observed by a responsible person during the burning process and completely extinguished before being left.

(8) Burning may only be conducted between the hours of 6:00 PM and MIDNIGHT. Burning on Sundays is prohibited.

(9) Burn barrels must be located in a ten foot (10') clear area, a minimum of twenty-five feet (25') from buildings and combustibles