Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Law Library
Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

3.24.080 Special Authority to Restrict Burning

This chapter includes the authority for the Bad River Fire Warden to restrict and forbid the setting of any type of fire or burning within the exterior boundaries of the Bad River Reservation, by any person, when there is a dangerously dry season. Setting of fire or burning in this particular Section will include but will not be limited to the burning of paper or garbage, burning of leaves, campfires, outside cooking units, etc. The only exceptions will be those homes where a stove or appliance is located outside the home which is needed in the preparation of food or for heat and for ceremonial uses when the Fire Warden is notified of the general location of the fire and can assure that proper fire safety precautions have been met. Proper notice will be given to the public when this restriction goes into effect by the following notification:

(a) Posting of notices at the Tribal Offices, Fire Hall, Bad River Natural Resources Department and at least one tribal enterprise, and

(b) At the option of the Fire Warden, announcement on one or more local radio stations.