Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Law Library
Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

4.03.030 Services Offered

(a) Water Services: The Utility Department is responsible to provide safe, adequate water for a fee to those houses connected to the mainlines of community water systems. Responsibility for maintenance will include water sources, storage tanks, controls, mainlines, valves and hydrants, and services lines to curb stops only and water meter installation and servicing. The service line from the curb stop to the house and interior house plumbing are the responsibility of the customer.

(b) Sewerage Service: The Utility Department is responsible to provide sanitary disposal of domestic waste for a fee to those houses connected to the mainlines of community sewerage systems. Responsibility for maintenance will include treatment facilities, pumping stations, mainline and manholes, and service lines to the property lines only. The service line from the property line to the house and interior house plumbing are the responsibility of the customer.

(c) Septic System and Holding Tank Pumping: The Utility Department shall, upon request of the customer, pump septic tanks and holding tanks for a fee, as specified below.

(d) To ensure the provision of adequate water and sewerage service to its customers, the Utility Department will retain qualified personal on duty or on call at all times. The Department will respond quickly to breakdown and other emergencies.

(e) Other Services: The Utility Department may agree to perform under contract with governmental, tribal, or private bodies construction or operating and maintenance services.