Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Law Library
Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

4.03.060 Rate Schedule

This section may be amended as necessary as an Attachment A to this ordinance by Resolution of the Tribal Council. Upon installation of water meters, the Department shall establish and charge base rates and usage rates as recommended by the Department and approved by the Tribal Council. Such rates may be adjusted from time to time upon recommendation of the Department and approval of the Tribal Council and shall be published as an Attachment A to this ordinance:

(a) Residential

(1) Water Service $12.50/month

(2) Sewer Service $12.50/Month

(3) Re-connection after shut-off $40.00

(b) Water and Sewer Monthly Charges for Commercial/Administrative Buildings

(1) Administration Building $450.00

(2) Clinic $125.00

(3) Casino $350.00

(4) New Odanah Fire Hall $50.00

(5) Birch Hill Fire Hall $50.00

(6) Bad River Day Care $125.00

(7) Bad River Head Start $125.00

(8) Bad River Tribal Garbage $50.00

(9) Bad River Tribal Center $150.00

(10) Bad River Heritage Building $50.00

(11) Bad River Lodge $300.00

(12) Bad River Warehouse $50.00

(13) Community Center $125.00

(14) Bad River Housing Authority $4,255.00

(c) Reconnection Charge after shut-off $40.00

(d) Septic System and Holding Tank Pumping and Cleaning/Maintenance Fees

(1) Septic Systems: $180.00 per system, up to 2000 gallons. Additional gallons pumped will be charged a pro-rata share of the $180.00.

(2) Holding Tanks: $90.00 per holding tank, up to 2000 gallons. Additional gallons pumped will be charged a pro-rata of the $90.00.

(3) Cleaning and Maintenance Fees shall be charged at an hourly rate of ______________ as well as the cost of part replacement.