Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Law Library
Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

4.03.090 Bookkeeping and Handling of Funds

(a) The Tribal Accounting Office shall collect Water and Sewer fees and shall perform bookkeeping functions for the Department.

(b) Actual handling of the Utility Department's funds will be performed by the Tribal Treasurer, or his/her designated agent.

(c) All accounts and leaders of the Utility Department shall be available for audit at any time by the Tribal Council.

(d) Reserve Accounts. The Utility Department shall cause to be established and the Tribal Accounting Department shall maintain the following reserve accounts, funded through collection of Utility rates:

(1) Sludge Disposal Reserve Account: An amount estimated to meet the needs for periodic final disposal of sludge through duly licensed land application methods or other means of legal disposal.

(2) System Maintenance Reserve Account: An amount estimated to meet the needs of routine maintenance of the systems and replacement of parts as necessary.