Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Law Library
Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

4.04.080 Inspections

(a) Inspections: General

An inspection schedule shall be developed within the Policies and Procedures Manual, which may provide for more frequent inspections. The following shall serve as a minimum inspection schedule.

(1) All systems must be inspected at least once during construction.

(2) Notice for final inspection shall be given to the POWTS Inspector for all POWTS when installation, modification, or reconnection are complete.

(3) These POWTS shall be inspected by the POWTS Inspector, or another approved licensed inspector with prior notice tot he POWTS Inspector, for compliance with this Ordinance. If inspection is conducted by anyone other than the POWTS Inspector, a copy of the inspection results must be filed with the POWTS Inspector within ten (10) days of the inspection.

(4) Notification for final inspection shall be given in accordance with the requirements of WAC Comm 83, as adopted by this Ordinance.

(5) When a private sewage system is ready for inspection, the plumber in charge shall make arrangements to enable the inspector to inspect all parts of the systems. The plumber shall provide the proper apparatus, equipment, and necessary assistance to make a proper inspection.

(6) Private sewage systems shall be inspected periodically, but not less than one (1) time every three years, after the initial installation inspection(s) and/or after the system is operative, as deemed necessary by the POWTS Inspector.

(b) Inspections: Site Constructed Holding Tanks.

(1) All site constructed holding tanks shall be inspected after the floor is poured and the keyway and water stop are installed or after the forms for the tank walls have been set but in all instances before any concrete for the walls has been poured.

(2) Concrete walls may be poured only after it has been determined that the tank, as formed, complies with the approved plans.

(3) This inspection shall not eliminate the need for an inspection after the installation has been completed.

(c) Inspections: Mounds.

(1) The plumber installing the mound shall notify the POWTS Inspector the working day prior to the installation, excluding Saturdays, Sundays and holidays.

(2) Mound systems may be inspected at the time the ground surface is plowed, before aggregate is placed in the distribution cell, at the time the distribution piping installation has been completed and after all work has been completed. At least one inspection prior to completion is required.

(d) Inspections: At-Grade Systems.

(1) The plumber installing the at-grade for the owner shall notify the POWTS Inspector the working day prior to installation, excluding Saturdays, Sundays and holidays.

(2) At-grade systems may be inspected at the time the ground surface is plowed, at the time the distribution piping installation has been completed and after all work has been completed. At least one inspection prior to completion is required.

(e) Re-inspection.

(1) Re-inspection may cause the assessment of a fee when a system fails the initial inspection or is incomplete. Additional re-inspections of the system shall require a fee.

(2) The re-inspection fee shall be due within ten (10) working days of written notification by the POWTS Inspection. Failure to pay this fee within that period shall constitute a violation of this Ordinance.

(f) Testing.

(1) If testing of new systems or new system components is required by this Ordinance, or as a condition of a plan approval, notice shall be given to the POWTS Inspector as specified in 406.8 so that the Inspector may make an inspection during the test.

(2) The Inspector shall verify that required testing has been completed by:

(A) Performing an inspection during the test;

(B) Requiring written verification from the responsible person; or

(C) Both (a) and (b).