Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Law Library
Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

4.09.040 Foreclosure Procedures

(a) A Borrower/Mortgagor shall be considered to be in default when he or she is thirty (30) days past due on his or her mortgage payment(s) or is in violation of any covenant under the mortgage for more than 30 days to the Lender/Mortgagee (i.e. the 3 1 st day from the payment due date).

(b) When a Borrower/Mortgagor is thirty days past due on his or her mortgage and before a foreclosure action or activity is initiated, the Lender/Mortgagee shall complete the following:

(1) Make a reasonable effort to arrange a face-to-face interview with the Borrower/Mortgagor. This shall include at least one trip to meet with the Borrower/Mortgagor at the mortgaged property.

(2) Lender/Mortgagee shall document that it has made at least one phone call to the Borrower/Mortgagor (or the nearest phone as designated by the Borrower/Mortgagor, able to receive and relay message to the Borrower/Mortgagor) for the purpose of trying to arrange a face-to-face interview.

(c) Lender/Mortgagee may appoint an agent to perform the services of arranging and conducting the face-to-face interview specified in this action.

(d) When the Borrower/Mortgagor is past due on three installment payments and at least ten (10) days before initiating a foreclosure action in Tribal Court, the Lender shall advise the Borrower/Mortgagor in writing by mail or by posting prominently on the unit, with a copy provided to the Tribe, as follows:

(1) Advise the Borrower/Mortgagor that information regarding the loan and default/delinquency will be given to credit bureaus.

(2) Advise the Borrower/Mortgagor of homeownership counseling opportunities/programs available through the Lender or otherwise.

(3) Advise the Borrower/Mortgagor of other available assistance regarding the mortgage/default.

(4) In addition to the preceding notification requirements, the Lender/Mortgagee shall complete the following additional notice requirements: (i) notify the Borrower/Mortgagor that if the Leasehold Mortgage remains past due on three installment payments, the Lender/Mortgagee may ask the applicable governmental agency to accept assignment of the Leasehold Mortgage if this is an option of the governmental program; (ii) notify the Borrower/Mortgagor of the qualifications for forbearance relief from the Lender/Mortgagee, if any, and that forbearance relief may be available from government; and (iii) provide the Borrower/Mortgagor with names and addresses of government officials to whom further communications may be addressed, if any.

(e) If a Borrower/Mortgagor is past due on three or more installment payments and the Lender/Mortgagee has complied with the procedures set forth in the first past of this section, the Lender/Mortgagee may commence a foreclosure proceeding in the Tribal Court by filing a verified complaint as set forth in Section 4.09.050 of this Code.