{"t": "Title 4 Property Code", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4", "et": "container", "dj": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/index.json", "fh": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4/index.full.html", "sc": "Title 4", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4", "c": [{"t": "Chapter 4.01 Trespass to Land", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.01", "et": "container", "sc": "Chapter 4.01", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.01", "c": [{"t": "4.01.010 Findings and Purposes", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.01.010", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 4.01.010", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.01|4.01.010", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.01.010#(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.01.010(a)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.01.010#(a)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.01.010(a)(1)", "x": "The Tribe possesses the inherent sovereign power to exclude unauthorized pe"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.01.010#(a)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.01.010(a)(2)", "x": "The adoption of a trespass to land ordinance will strengthen Tribe sovereig"}], "x": "The Tribal Council finds that -"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.01.010#(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.01.010(b)", "x": "Purposes."}]}, {"t": "4.01.020 Authority", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.01.020", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 4.01.020", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.01|4.01.020"}, {"t": "4.01.030 Definitions", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.01.030", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 4.01.030", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.01|4.01.030"}, {"t": "4.01.040 Civil Trespass", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.01.040", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 4.01.040", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.01|4.01.040", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.01.040#(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.01.040(a)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.01.040#(a)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.01.040(a)(1)", "x": "Enters tribal land or causes a thing or a third person to do so, or"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.01.040#(a)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.01.040(a)(2)", "x": "Remains on tribal land, or"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.01.040#(a)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.01.040(a)(3)", "x": "Fails to remove from tribal land a thing which he is under a duty to remove"}], "x": "A person commits civil trespass who intentionally and without the Tribe's c"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.01.040#(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.01.040(b)", "x": "In any action to enforce this ordinance, the defendant shall bear the burde"}]}, {"t": "4.01.050 Failure to Remove Thing Placed on Tribal Land", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.01.050", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 4.01.050", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.01|4.01.050"}, {"t": "4.01.060 Separate Acts of Trespass", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.01.060", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 4.01.060", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.01|4.01.060"}, {"t": "4.01.070 Remedies", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.01.070", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 4.01.070", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.01|4.01.070", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.01.070#(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.01.070(a)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.01.070#(a)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.01.070(a)(1)", "x": "Federal common law remedies, including ejectment, accounting for rents and "}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.01.070#(a)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.01.070(a)(2)", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.01.070#(a)(2)(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.01.070(a)(2)(A)", "x": "$5000 for each day that a trespass occurs; or"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.01.070#(a)(2)(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.01.070(a)(2)(B)", "x": "Three times the property taxes due because of the presence of the structure"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.01.070#(a)(2)(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.01.070(a)(2)(C)", "x": "Immediate removal, at the trespassers expense; and"}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.01.070#(a)(2)(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.01.070(a)(2)(D)", "x": "Damages equal to the costs of removal."}], "x": "A fine not to exceed the greater of"}], "x": "Civil Penalties and Sanctions."}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.01.070#(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.01.070(b)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.01.070#(b)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.01.070(b)(1)", "x": "In the event of a judgment of no liability, return the property to the defe"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.01.070#(b)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.01.070(b)(2)", "x": "Continue to hold and exclude the defendant from using the property pending "}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.01.070#(b)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.01.070(b)(3)", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.01.070#(b)(3)(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.01.070(b)(3)(A)", "x": "Sell the property and credit the proceeds against the judgment; or"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.01.070#(b)(3)(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.01.070(b)(3)(B)", "x": "Assume ownership of the property and credit its value, as determined by the"}], "x": "In the event the defendant fails, within 90 days, to pay in full any fines,"}], "x": "Disposition of Property on Tribal Land in Violation of Ordinance"}]}, {"t": "4.01.080 Enforcement", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.01.080", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 4.01.080", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.01|4.01.080", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.01.080#(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.01.080(a)", "x": "Tribal Conservation Enforcement Officers may execute this ordinance and ser"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.01.080#(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.01.080(b)", "x": "The Tribal Attorney may enforce this ordinance by initiating a civil compla"}]}, {"t": "4.01.090 Jurisdiction", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.01.090", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 4.01.090", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.01|4.01.090"}]}, {"t": "Chapter 4.02 Tribal Leases", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.02", "et": "container", "sc": "Chapter 4.02", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.02", "c": [{"t": "4.02.010 Purpose", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.02.010", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 4.02.010", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.02|4.02.010"}, {"t": "4.02.020 Authority", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.02.020", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 4.02.020", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.02|4.02.020"}, {"t": "4.02.030 Maximum Lot Size", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.02.030", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 4.02.030", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.02|4.02.030"}, {"t": "4.02.040 Procedure Established", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.02.040", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 4.02.040", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.02|4.02.040"}, {"t": "4.02.050 Administrator's Duties", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.02.050", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 4.02.050", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.02|4.02.050"}, {"t": "4.02.060 Administrator Established", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.02.060", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 4.02.060", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.02|4.02.060"}, {"t": "4.02.070 Procedure", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.02.070", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 4.02.070", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.02|4.02.070", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.02.070#(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.02.070(a)", "x": "Application. The administrator shall make lease site application forms avai"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.02.070#(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.02.070(b)", "x": "Legal Description. If the applicant is unable to supply a complete legal de"}, {"t": "(c)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.02.070#(c)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.02.070(c)", "x": "Zoning. The administrator shall check the proposed lease site against the O"}, {"t": "(d)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.02.070#(d)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.02.070(d)", "x": "Flood Plain. The administrator shall check the proposed site against the Of"}, {"t": "(e)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.02.070#(e)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.02.070(e)", "x": "Percolation. The administrator shall refer a site not within a flood plain "}, {"t": "(f)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.02.070#(f)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.02.070(f)", "x": "Certification - Denial. If the proposed site fails to prove suitable under "}, {"t": "(g)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.02.070#(g)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.02.070(g)", "x": "Certification - Granted. If the proposed site is found suitable for a priva"}, {"t": "(h)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.02.070#(h)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.02.070(h)", "x": "Tribal Council Approval. The administrator shall submit to the tribal counc"}, {"t": "(i)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.02.070#(i)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.02.070(i)", "x": "Recording on Official Lease Map. Upon execution and recording of the lease,"}, {"t": "(j)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.02.070#(j)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.02.070(j)", "x": "Appeal of Administrator Denial. Any denial of lease-site certification made"}]}, {"t": "4.02.080 Official Lease Map", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.02.080", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 4.02.080", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.02|4.02.080"}, {"t": "4.02.090 Flow Chart", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.02.090", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 4.02.090", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.02|4.02.090"}, {"t": "4.02.100 Application Form", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.02.100", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 4.02.100", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.02|4.02.100"}, {"t": "4.02.110 Effective Date", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.02.110", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 4.02.110", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.02|4.02.110"}, {"t": "4.02.120 Termination of Leases", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.02.120", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 4.02.120", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.02|4.02.120", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.02.120#(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.02.120(a)", "x": "Applicant(s) Name:"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.02.120#(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.02.120(b)", "x": "Address:"}, {"t": "(c)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.02.120#(c)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.02.120(c)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.02.120#(c)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.02.120(c)(1)", "x": "First Choice:"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.02.120#(c)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.02.120(c)(2)", "x": "Second and third choices (optional):"}], "x": "Please describe the residential lease site(s) desired. Listing more than on"}, {"t": "(d)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.02.120#(d)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.02.120(d)", "x": "I (we) hereby make application for the above lease site to be used for resi"}, {"t": "(e)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.02.120#(e)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.02.120(e)", "x": "Legal description complete? Yes ______ No ______"}, {"t": "(f)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.02.120#(f)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.02.120(f)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.02.120#(f)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.02.120(f)(1)", "x": "Zoning Map: Tribal property? Yes ______ No ______"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.02.120#(f)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.02.120(f)(2)", "x": "Zoning Map: State district:"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.02.120#(f)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.02.120(f)(3)", "x": "Zoning Map: Shoreline/Wetland encroachments on site?"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.02.120#(f)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.02.120(f)(4)", "x": "Lease Map: Conflict with existing lease?"}, {"t": "(5)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.02.120#(f)(5)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.02.120(f)(5)", "x": "Forestry Map: Conflict with forestry project?"}]}, {"t": "(g)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.02.120#(g)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.02.120(g)", "x": "If answer to 6(c) is yes, inform applicant. Does applicant wish to proceed "}, {"t": "(h)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.02.120#(h)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.02.120(h)", "x": "If answer to 6(b) is not residential or if answer to 6(d) or 6(e) is yes, i"}, {"t": "(i)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.02.120#(i)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.02.120(i)", "x": "Flood plain map: Within flood plain?"}, {"t": "(j)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.02.120#(j)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.02.120(j)", "x": "Perc Test: Outside flood plain: Referred to IHS date"}, {"t": "(k)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.02.120#(k)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.02.120(k)", "x": "Results:"}, {"t": "(l)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.02.120#(l)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.02.120(l)", "x": "Type(s) of private sewer disposal systems permitted on site:"}, {"t": "(m)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.02.120#(m)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.02.120(m)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.02.120#(m)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.02.120(m)(1)", "x": "Denial. The lease site described in line 5 of this application is denied ce"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.02.120#(m)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.02.120(m)(2)", "x": "Certification. I, the Bad River Lease Administrator, cer"}], "x": "Lease Administrator Date"}, {"t": "(n)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.02.120#(n)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.02.120(n)", "x": "Referred to BIA for lease preparation: Date"}, {"t": "(o)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.02.120#(o)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.02.120(o)", "x": "Referred to Tribal Council for approval: Date"}, {"t": "(p)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.02.120#(p)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.02.120(p)", "x": "Tribal Council action: Approve Disapprove"}, {"t": "(q)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.02.120#(q)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.02.120(q)", "x": "Applicant informed of Tribal Council action:"}, {"t": "(r)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.02.120#(r)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.02.120(r)", "x": "Papers forwarded to BIA for execution and recording. Date"}, {"t": "(s)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.02.120#(s)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.02.120(s)", "x": "Lease executed."}, {"t": "(t)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.02.120#(t)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.02.120(t)", "x": "Official Lease Map modified."}, {"t": "(u)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.02.120#(u)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.02.120(u)", "x": "Name of applicant(s):"}, {"t": "(v)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.02.120#(v)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.02.120(v)", "x": "Address: Ph. #"}, {"t": "(w)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.02.120#(w)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.02.120(w)", "x": "Date of Application:"}, {"t": "(x)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.02.120#(x)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.02.120(x)", "x": "Second Third Choice (cross out one)."}, {"t": "(y)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.02.120#(y)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.02.120(y)", "x": "Complete legal description of proposed site:"}, {"t": "(z)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.02.120#(z)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.02.120(z)", "x": "I (we) hereby make application for the above lease site(s) to be used for r"}, {"t": "(aa)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.02.120#(aa)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.02.120(aa)", "x": "Legal description complete? Yes _______ No _______"}, {"t": "(bb)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.02.120#(bb)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.02.120(bb)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.02.120#(bb)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.02.120(bb)(1)", "x": "Zoning Map: Tribal property? Yes _______ No _______"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.02.120#(bb)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.02.120(bb)(2)", "x": "Zoning Map: State district:"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.02.120#(bb)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.02.120(bb)(3)", "x": "Zoning Map: Shoreline/Wetland encroachments on site? Yes _______ No ____"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.02.120#(bb)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.02.120(bb)(4)", "x": "Lease Map: Conflict with existing lease? Yes _______ No _______"}, {"t": "(5)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.02.120#(bb)(5)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.02.120(bb)(5)", "x": "Forestry Map: Conflict with forestry project? Yes _______ No _______"}]}, {"t": "(cc)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.02.120#(cc)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.02.120(cc)", "x": "If answer to 6(c) is yes, inform applicant. Does applicant wish to proceed "}, {"t": "(dd)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.02.120#(dd)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.02.120(dd)", "x": "If answer to 6(b) is not residential or if answer to 6(d) or 6(e) is yes, i"}, {"t": "(ee)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.02.120#(ee)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.02.120(ee)", "x": "Flood plain map: Within flood plain?"}, {"t": "(ff)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.02.120#(ff)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.02.120(ff)", "x": "Perc Test: Outside flood plain: Referred to IHS. Date"}, {"t": "(gg)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.02.120#(gg)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.02.120(gg)", "x": "Results:"}, {"t": "(hh)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.02.120#(hh)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.02.120(hh)", "x": "Type(s) of private sewer disposal systems permitted on site:"}, {"t": "(ii)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.02.120#(ii)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.02.120(ii)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.02.120#(ii)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.02.120(ii)(1)", "x": "Denial. The lease site described in line 7 of this application is denied ce"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.02.120#(ii)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.02.120(ii)(2)", "x": "Certification. I, , the Bad River Lease Administrator, c"}], "x": "Lease Administrator Date"}, {"t": "(jj)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.02.120#(jj)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.02.120(jj)", "x": "Referred to BIA for lease preparation:"}, {"t": "(kk)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.02.120#(kk)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.02.120(kk)", "x": "Referred to Tribal Council for approval"}, {"t": "(ll)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.02.120#(ll)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.02.120(ll)", "x": "Tribal Council action: Approve Disapprove"}, {"t": "(mm)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.02.120#(mm)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.02.120(mm)", "x": "Applicant informed of Tribal Council action"}, {"t": "(nn)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.02.120#(nn)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.02.120(nn)", "x": "Papers forwarded to BIA for execution and recording."}, {"t": "(oo)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.02.120#(oo)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.02.120(oo)", "x": "Lease executed"}, {"t": "(pp)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.02.120#(pp)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.02.120(pp)", "x": "Official Lease Map modified"}]}]}, {"t": "Chapter 4.03 Bad River Utilities", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.03", "et": "container", "sc": "Chapter 4.03", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.03", "c": [{"t": "4.03.010 Purpose", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.03.010", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 4.03.010", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.03|4.03.010"}, {"t": "4.03.020 Place of Business", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.03.020", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 4.03.020", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.03|4.03.020"}, {"t": "4.03.030 Services Offered", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.03.030", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 4.03.030", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.03|4.03.030", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.03.030#(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.03.030(a)", "x": "Water Services: The Utility Department is responsible to provide safe, adeq"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.03.030#(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.03.030(b)", "x": "Sewerage Service: The Utility Department is responsible to provide sanitary"}, {"t": "(c)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.03.030#(c)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.03.030(c)", "x": "Septic System and Holding Tank Pumping: The Utility Department shall, upon "}, {"t": "(d)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.03.030#(d)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.03.030(d)", "x": "To ensure the provision of adequate water and sewerage service to its custo"}, {"t": "(e)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.03.030#(e)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.03.030(e)", "x": "Other Services: The Utility Department may agree to perform under contract "}]}, {"t": "4.03.040 Systems Covered", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.03.040", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 4.03.040", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.03|4.03.040", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.03.040#(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.03.040(a)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.03.040#(a)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.03.040(a)(1)", "x": "New Odanah"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.03.040#(a)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.03.040(a)(2)", "x": "Diaperville"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.03.040#(a)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.03.040(a)(3)", "x": "Birch Hill"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.03.040#(a)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.03.040(a)(4)", "x": "Frank's Field"}], "x": "Water (Community Systems)"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.03.040#(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.03.040(b)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.03.040#(b)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.03.040(b)(1)", "x": "New Odanah"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.03.040#(b)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.03.040(b)(2)", "x": "Diaperville"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.03.040#(b)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.03.040(b)(3)", "x": "Birch Hill"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.03.040#(b)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.03.040(b)(4)", "x": "Frank's Field"}], "x": "Sewerage (Community Systems)"}, {"t": "(c)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.03.040#(c)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.03.040(c)", "x": "Septic Systems and Holding Tanks within the Bad River Reservation."}]}, {"t": "4.03.050 Maintenance Schedule", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.03.050", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 4.03.050", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.03|4.03.050", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.03.050#(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.03.050(a)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.03.050#(a)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.03.050(a)(1)", "x": "Inspect and operate valves and hydrants."}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.03.050#(a)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.03.050(a)(2)", "x": "Inspect and repair water mains for leaks and damage."}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.03.050#(a)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.03.050(a)(3)", "x": "Flush water lines."}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.03.050#(a)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.03.050(a)(4)", "x": "Inspect storage tanks and level indicators."}, {"t": "(5)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.03.050#(a)(5)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.03.050(a)(5)", "x": "Adjust and service controls."}, {"t": "(6)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.03.050#(a)(6)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.03.050(a)(6)", "x": "Insure proper residuals of chlorine and fluoride in the system."}], "x": "Water Systems"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.03.050#(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.03.050(b)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.03.050#(b)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.03.050(b)(1)", "x": "Flush sewer mains."}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.03.050#(b)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.03.050(b)(2)", "x": "Remove debris for manholes."}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.03.050#(b)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.03.050(b)(3)", "x": "Control weeds and erosion at lagoons."}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.03.050#(b)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.03.050(b)(4)", "x": "Inspect and service lift station and mechanical aerators."}], "x": "Sewerage Systems"}]}, {"t": "4.03.060 Rate Schedule", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.03.060", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 4.03.060", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.03|4.03.060", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.03.060#(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.03.060(a)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.03.060#(a)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.03.060(a)(1)", "x": "Water Service $12.50/month"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.03.060#(a)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.03.060(a)(2)", "x": "Sewer Service $12.50/Month"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.03.060#(a)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.03.060(a)(3)", "x": "Re-connection after shut-off $40.00"}], "x": "Residential"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.03.060#(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.03.060(b)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.03.060#(b)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.03.060(b)(1)", "x": "Administration Building $450.00"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.03.060#(b)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.03.060(b)(2)", "x": "Clinic $125.00"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.03.060#(b)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.03.060(b)(3)", "x": "Casino $350.00"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.03.060#(b)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.03.060(b)(4)", "x": "New Odanah Fire Hall $50.00"}, {"t": "(5)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.03.060#(b)(5)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.03.060(b)(5)", "x": "Birch Hill Fire Hall $50.00"}, {"t": "(6)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.03.060#(b)(6)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.03.060(b)(6)", "x": "Bad River Day Care $125.00"}, {"t": "(7)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.03.060#(b)(7)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.03.060(b)(7)", "x": "Bad River Head Start $125.00"}, {"t": "(8)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.03.060#(b)(8)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.03.060(b)(8)", "x": "Bad River Tribal Garbage $50.00"}, {"t": "(9)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.03.060#(b)(9)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.03.060(b)(9)", "x": "Bad River Tribal Center $150.00"}, {"t": "(10)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.03.060#(b)(10)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.03.060(b)(10)", "x": "Bad River Heritage Building $50.00"}, {"t": "(11)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.03.060#(b)(11)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.03.060(b)(11)", "x": "Bad River Lodge $300.00"}, {"t": "(12)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.03.060#(b)(12)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.03.060(b)(12)", "x": "Bad River Warehouse $50.00"}, {"t": "(13)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.03.060#(b)(13)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.03.060(b)(13)", "x": "Community Center $125.00"}, {"t": "(14)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.03.060#(b)(14)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.03.060(b)(14)", "x": "Bad River Housing Authority $4,255.00"}], "x": "Water and Sewer Monthly Charges for Commercial/Administrative Buildings"}, {"t": "(c)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.03.060#(c)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.03.060(c)", "x": "Reconnection Charge after shut-off $40.00"}, {"t": "(d)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.03.060#(d)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.03.060(d)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.03.060#(d)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.03.060(d)(1)", "x": "Septic Systems: $180.00 per system, up to 2000 gallons. Additional gallons "}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.03.060#(d)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.03.060(d)(2)", "x": "Holding Tanks: $90.00 per holding tank, up to 2000 gallons. Additional gall"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.03.060#(d)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.03.060(d)(3)", "x": "Cleaning and Maintenance Fees shall be charged at an hourly rate of _______"}], "x": "Septic System and Holding Tank Pumping and Cleaning/Maintenance Fees"}]}, {"t": "4.03.070 Billing and Collection", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.03.070", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 4.03.070", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.03|4.03.070", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.03.070#(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.03.070(a)", "x": "The Utility Department will maintain a complete and up-to-date record of al"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.03.070#(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.03.070(b)", "x": "Water meters will be read according to a schedule established by the Depart"}, {"t": "(c)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.03.070#(c)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.03.070(c)", "x": "The Utility Department will type and mail to each customer his bill for ser"}, {"t": "(d)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.03.070#(d)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.03.070(d)", "x": "Customers may make payments by cash, check or money order to the Tribal Acc"}, {"t": "(e)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.03.070#(e)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.03.070(e)", "x": "Customers who live in houses managed by the Tribal Housing Authority will c"}, {"t": "(f)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.03.070#(f)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.03.070(f)", "x": "If a customer's water service is discontinued he/she must pay all of this d"}]}, {"t": "4.03.080 Enforcement", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.03.080", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 4.03.080", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.03|4.03.080", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.03.080#(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.03.080(a)", "x": "The Utility Department is hereby authorized by the Bad River Tribal Council"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.03.080#(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.03.080(b)", "x": "The Utility Department shall enforce its regulations and fee collections by"}]}, {"t": "4.03.090 Bookkeeping and Handling of Funds", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.03.090", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 4.03.090", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.03|4.03.090", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.03.090#(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.03.090(a)", "x": "The Tribal Accounting Office shall collect Water and Sewer fees and shall p"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.03.090#(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.03.090(b)", "x": "Actual handling of the Utility Department's funds will be performed by the "}, {"t": "(c)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.03.090#(c)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.03.090(c)", "x": "All accounts and leaders of the Utility Department shall be available for a"}, {"t": "(d)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.03.090#(d)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.03.090(d)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.03.090#(d)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.03.090(d)(1)", "x": "Sludge Disposal Reserve Account: An amount estimated to meet the needs for "}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.03.090#(d)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.03.090(d)(2)", "x": "System Maintenance Reserve Account: An amount estimated to meet the needs o"}], "x": "Reserve Accounts. The Utility Department shall cause to be established and "}]}, {"t": "4.03.100 Management", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.03.100", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 4.03.100", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.03|4.03.100", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.03.100#(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.03.100(a)", "x": "The Department will establish a job description for the Water and Sewer Mai"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.03.100#(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.03.100(b)", "x": "The Water and Sewer Maintenance Worker will manage the daily operations of "}, {"t": "(c)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.03.100#(c)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.03.100(c)", "x": "Job description for all employees will be developed by the Utility systems."}]}, {"t": "4.03.110 Customer Complaints and Problems", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.03.110", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 4.03.110", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.03|4.03.110"}, {"t": "4.03.120 Mandatory Hook-up", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.03.120", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 4.03.120", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.03|4.03.120", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.03.120#(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.03.120(a)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.03.120#(a)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.03.120(a)(1)", "x": "If such costs of hook-up are not paid within thirty (30) days, notice shall"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.03.120#(a)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.03.120(a)(2)", "x": "Within 30 days of issuance of such notice, the owner or lessee may file a w"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.03.120#(a)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.03.120(a)(3)", "x": "This chapter ordains that the failure to connect to the sewer system is con"}], "x": "The owner or lessee of each parcel of land adjacent to a sewer main on whic"}]}, {"t": "4.03.130 Water Meters", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.03.130", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 4.03.130", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.03|4.03.130"}, {"t": "4.03.140 Emergency Plan", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.03.140", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 4.03.140", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.03|4.03.140"}, {"t": "4.03.150 Amendments or Revisions", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.03.150", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 4.03.150", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.03|4.03.150"}]}, {"t": "Chapter 4.04 Private On-Site Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Systems Ordinance", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04", "et": "container", "sc": "Chapter 4.04", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.04", "c": [{"t": "4.04.010 Introduction and Authority", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.010", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 4.04.010", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.04|4.04.010", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.010#(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.010(a)", "x": "Title. This Ordinance shall be known as the Bad River Band of Lake Superior"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.010#(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.010(b)", "x": "Authority. The Bad River Tribal Council is authorized by Article VI of the "}, {"t": "(c)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.010#(c)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.010(c)", "x": "Purpose and Intent. The purpose of this Ordinance is to develop a Tribal co"}, {"t": "(d)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.010#(d)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.010(d)", "x": "Scope and Date of Applicability. This Ordinance shall govern within the bou"}, {"t": "(e)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.010#(e)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.010(e)", "x": "Interpretation. In the interpretation and application of this Ordinance, it"}, {"t": "(f)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.010#(f)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.010(f)", "x": "Reference and Inclusion of Wisconsin Administrative Code, Department of Com"}, {"t": "(g)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.010#(g)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.010(g)", "x": "Construction. Words used in the present tense include the past and future t"}, {"t": "(h)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.010#(h)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.010(h)", "x": "Federal Law. Nothing in this Ordinance is intended to modify or supercede r"}]}, {"t": "4.04.020 Definitions", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.020", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 4.04.020", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.04|4.04.020", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.020#(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.020(a)", "x": "\"Applicant\" shall mean a person who submits an application for a permit for"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.020#(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.020(b)", "x": "\"Board\" shall mean the POWTS Board."}, {"t": "(c)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.020#(c)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.020(c)", "x": "\"Compliance Order\" shall mean an order issued by the POWTS Inspector, which"}, {"t": "(d)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.020#(d)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.020(d)", "x": "Compliance schedule\" shall mean that schedule for meeting interim and final"}, {"t": "(e)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.020#(e)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.020(e)", "x": "\"Department\" shall mean the Bad River Natural Resources Department."}, {"t": "(f)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.020#(f)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.020(f)", "x": "\"Engineered System\" shall mean a system designed outside the defined parame"}, {"t": "(g)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.020#(g)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.020(g)", "x": "\"Experimental System\" shall have the same meaning as in WAC Comm 83 as refe"}, {"t": "(h)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.020#(h)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.020(h)", "x": "\"Failing System\" shall have the same meaning specified under WSA Section 14"}, {"t": "(i)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.020#(i)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.020(i)", "x": "\"Human Habitation\" shall mean the occupying of a structure as a dwelling or"}, {"t": "(j)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.020#(j)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.020(j)", "x": "\"Imminent Threat to Public Health or Safety\" shall mean situations that pos"}, {"t": "(k)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.020#(k)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.020(k)", "x": "\"Inspection Certificate\" shall mean a certificate issued by the POWTS Inspe"}, {"t": "(l)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.020#(l)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.020(l)", "x": "\"Installation\" shall mean the construction or placement of a sewage treatme"}, {"t": "(m)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.020#(m)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.020(m)", "x": "\"Journeyman Plumber\" shall mean any person licensed and registered as a Jou"}, {"t": "(n)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.020#(n)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.020(n)", "x": "\"Maintenance\" shall mean such regular inspection and care for the system as"}, {"t": "(o)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.020#(o)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.020(o)", "x": "\"Master Plumber\" shall mean any person licensed and registered as a Master "}, {"t": "(p)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.020#(p)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.020(p)", "x": "\"Non-plumbing Sanitation System\" shall mean sanitation systems and devices "}, {"t": "(q)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.020#(q)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.020(q)", "x": "\"Non-Tribal member\" shall mean someone whose name does not appear on the me"}, {"t": "(r)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.020#(r)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.020(r)", "x": "\"Performance Standards\" shall mean requirements and conditions applied to t"}, {"t": "(s)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.020#(s)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.020(s)", "x": "\"Performance System\" shall mean any individual wastewater treatment system "}, {"t": "(t)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.020#(t)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.020(t)", "x": "\"Person\" shall mean an individual, partnership, firm, corporation, or assoc"}, {"t": "(u)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.020#(u)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.020(u)", "x": "\"POWTS Board\" shall mean that board appointed by the Tribal Council to init"}, {"t": "(v)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.020#(v)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.020(v)", "x": "\"Plumbing Apprentice\" shall mean any person other than a journeyman or mast"}, {"t": "(w)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.020#(w)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.020(w)", "x": "\"Private On-Site Wastewater Treatment System\" or\" POWTS\" shall mean a sewag"}, {"t": "(x)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.020#(x)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.020(x)", "x": "\"Privy\" shall mean an enclosed non-portable toilet into which non-water-car"}, {"t": "(y)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.020#(y)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.020(y)", "x": "\"Privy-pit\" shall mean a privy with a subsurface storage chamber which is n"}, {"t": "(z)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.020#(z)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.020(z)", "x": "\"Privy-vault\" shall mean a privy with a subsurface storage chamber which is"}, {"t": "(aa)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.020#(aa)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.020(aa)", "x": "\"Privy Permit\" shall mean a permit that is issued by the POWTS Inspector fo"}, {"t": "(bb)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.020#(bb)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.020(bb)", "x": "\"Property Owner\" shall mean any person who has an ownership interest in the"}, {"t": "(cc)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.020#(cc)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.020(cc)", "x": "\"Rebuilt\" shall mean the construction which takes place after a structure b"}, {"t": "(dd)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.020#(dd)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.020(dd)", "x": "\"Registered Learner\" shall mean a person, other than a Restricted Plumber L"}, {"t": "(ee)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.020#(ee)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.020(ee)", "x": "\"Renovation\" shall mean activity involving the extension, alteration, recon"}, {"t": "(ff)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.020#(ff)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.020(ff)", "x": "\"Repair\" shal mean the repair or replacement of damaged or faulty component"}, {"t": "(gg)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.020#(gg)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.020(gg)", "x": "\"Residential System\" shall mean any POWTS serving a private residence."}, {"t": "(hh)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.020#(hh)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.020(hh)", "x": "\"Restricted Plumber Licensee\" shall mean any person licensed as a master pl"}, {"t": "(ii)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.020#(ii)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.020(ii)", "x": "\"Sanitary Permit\" shall mean a permit issued for the construction, installa"}, {"t": "(jj)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.020#(jj)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.020(jj)", "x": "\"Site Evaluator\" shall mean any person who conducts an evaluation of a site"}, {"t": "(kk)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.020#(kk)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.020(kk)", "x": "\"Soil and Site Evaluation Application\" shall mean an application submitted "}, {"t": "(ll)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.020#(ll)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.020(ll)", "x": "\"Standards\" shall mean any POWTS standards as adopted and amended from time"}, {"t": "(mm)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.020#(mm)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.020(mm)", "x": "\"Standard System\" shall mean any POWTS which utilizes at least thirty-six i"}, {"t": "(nn)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.020#(nn)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.020(nn)", "x": "\"Transfer, sale, or conveyance\" shall mean all transfers, sales, or conveya"}, {"t": "(oo)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.020#(oo)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.020(oo)", "x": "\"Variance\" shall mean any modification or relief from this Ordinance where "}, {"t": "(pp)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.020#(pp)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.020(pp)", "x": "\"Wetlands\" shall mean the presence of hydric soils, surface and subsurface "}]}, {"t": "4.04.030 General Requirements", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.030", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 4.04.030", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.04|4.04.030", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.030#(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.030(a)", "x": "Structure Applicability. All structures or premises within the exterior bou"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.030#(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.030(b)", "x": "Treatment. No building structures, area or premises shall be constructed or"}, {"t": "(c)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.030#(c)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.030(c)", "x": "Dispersal. Regardless of the type of treatment technology used, all sewage "}, {"t": "(d)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.030#(d)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.030(d)", "x": "Capacity. POWTS shall be designed to receive all sewage from the dwelling(s"}, {"t": "(e)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.030#(e)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.030(e)", "x": "Applicability. The requirements of this Ordinance shall apply to all land w"}, {"t": "(f)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.030#(f)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.030(f)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.030#(f)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.030(f)(1)", "x": "All commercial, institutional, and domestic wastewater shall enter a privat"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.030#(f)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.030(f)(2)", "x": "A non-plumbing sanitation system may be permitted when the structure or pre"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.030#(f)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.030(f)(3)", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.030#(f)(3)(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.030(f)(3)(A)", "x": "At Grade"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.030#(f)(3)(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.030(f)(3)(B)", "x": "In ground non-pressurized system"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.030#(f)(3)(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.030(f)(3)(C)", "x": "In ground pressure"}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.030#(f)(3)(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.030(f)(3)(D)", "x": "Mound system"}, {"t": "(E)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.030#(f)(3)(E)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.030(f)(3)(E)", "x": "Pretreatment Systems"}, {"t": "(F)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.030#(f)(3)(F)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.030(f)(3)(F)", "x": "Alternative Systems"}, {"t": "(G)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.030#(f)(3)(G)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.030(f)(3)(G)", "x": "Variance Systems"}, {"t": "(H)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.030#(f)(3)(H)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.030(f)(3)(H)", "x": "Engineered Systems."}], "x": "A holding tank may be used as a POWTS unless soil and site conditions allow"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.030#(f)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.030(f)(4)", "x": "A thorough soil and site evaluation shall be completed in all areas in orde"}], "x": "Limitations."}, {"t": "(g)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.030#(g)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.030(g)", "x": "Expansion. Where it can reasonably be anticipated that the construction of "}, {"t": "(h)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.030#(h)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.030(h)", "x": "Replacement Area. All occupied properties shall provide and maintain suffic"}, {"t": "(i)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.030#(i)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.030(i)", "x": "Proximity to Public Sewer. No POWTS or other means of sewage or excreta dis"}, {"t": "(j)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.030#(j)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.030(j)", "x": "Location. All on-site sewage systems shall be located wholly upon the prope"}, {"t": "(k)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.030#(k)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.030(k)", "x": "Maintenance. It shall be the responsibility of the owner of any premises us"}, {"t": "(l)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.030#(l)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.030(l)", "x": "Correction: Ineffective Systems. When the POWTS Inspector, based upon inspe"}, {"t": "(m)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.030#(m)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.030(m)", "x": "New Systems in Conjunction with Old Systems. A new code compliant POWTS may"}, {"t": "(n)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.030#(n)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.030(n)", "x": "Repair of POWTS. No permit is required for system repair if the repair does"}, {"t": "(o)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.030#(o)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.030(o)", "x": "Failing Systems. Failing systems shall be brought into compliance within th"}, {"t": "(p)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.030#(p)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.030(p)", "x": "Provisional Permit. Where weather or other conditions prevent permanent cor"}, {"t": "(q)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.030#(q)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.030(q)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.030#(q)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.030(q)(1)", "x": "When public sewers approved by the Band become available to the structure o"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.030#(q)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.030(q)(2)", "x": "The components of an existing private sewage system that are not part of th"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.030#(q)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.030(q)(3)", "x": "The POWTS Inspector may impose additional requirements for individual sites"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.030#(q)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.030(q)(4)", "x": "Previously abandoned POWTS shall be confirmed by the POWTS Inspector to hav"}], "x": "Abandonment of Private Sewage Systems."}, {"t": "(r)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.030#(r)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.030(r)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.030#(r)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.030(r)(1)", "x": "A privy shall be permitted only when the structure or premises served by th"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.030#(r)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.030(r)(2)", "x": "Existing and new privies must be permitted by the POWTS Inspector. Owners o"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.030#(r)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.030(r)(3)", "x": "Applications for privy permits shall be on forms supplied by the POWTS Insp"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.030#(r)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.030(r)(4)", "x": "Permits shall be valid for a period of one (1) year from the date of issuan"}, {"t": "(5)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.030#(r)(5)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.030(r)(5)", "x": "Abandonment. Privies shall be abandoned in accordance with WAC Comm 91."}], "x": "Privy Permits and Abandonment of Privies."}]}, {"t": "4.04.040 Inspection Certificates, Permits and Applications", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.040", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 4.04.040", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.04|4.04.040", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.040#(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.040(a)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.040#(a)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.040(a)(1)", "x": "Inspection Certificates shall be issued to owners of POWTS and other system"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.040#(a)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.040(a)(2)", "x": "POWTS and other systems not meeting such criteria shall not receive an Insp"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.040#(a)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.040(a)(3)", "x": "Inspection Certificates shall initially be valid for a period of one (1) to"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.040#(a)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.040(a)(4)", "x": "The POWTS Inspector may enter the property at any reasonable time to inspec"}, {"t": "(5)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.040#(a)(5)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.040(a)(5)", "x": "The POWTS Inspector may suspend or revoke any Inspection Certificate upon a"}], "x": "Inspection Certificate. All private wastewater treatments systems, whether "}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.040#(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.040(b)", "x": "Requirement. No person shall construct, install, renovate or use any type o"}, {"t": "(c)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.040#(c)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.040(c)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.040#(c)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.040(c)(1)", "x": "Soil, site evaluations and design plans shall be complete prior to the issu"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.040#(c)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.040(c)(2)", "x": "Soil test pits shall be constructed which allow adequate visual observation"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.040#(c)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.040(c)(3)", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.040#(c)(3)(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.040(c)(3)(A)", "x": "Issuance of the permit, provided all information on the application, plans "}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.040#(c)(3)(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.040(c)(3)(B)", "x": "Establishment of a file indicating site suitability;"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.040#(c)(3)(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.040(c)(3)(C)", "x": "Holding the application pending clarification of information or new informa"}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.040#(c)(3)(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.040(c)(3)(D)", "x": "Denial of the permit if the site does not meet all the provisions of this O"}], "x": "Thee must be verification of the Soil and Site Evaluation Report by the POW"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.040#(c)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.040(c)(4)", "x": "The POWTS Inspector may request verification of a Soil and Site Evaluation "}], "x": "Soil and Site Evaluation."}, {"t": "(d)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.040#(d)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.040(d)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.040#(d)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.040(d)(1)", "x": "Every instance of construction, installation, repair or modification of a p"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.040#(d)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.040(d)(2)", "x": "A sanitary permit shall be obtained by the property owner, except as permit"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.040#(d)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.040(d)(3)", "x": "If any part of a private sewage system has failed or requires replacement o"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.040#(d)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.040(d)(4)", "x": "If any part of the system is found to be defective or not in conformance wi"}, {"t": "(5)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.040#(d)(5)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.040(d)(5)", "x": "All sanitary applications and soil and site evaluations must be submitted t"}], "x": "Sanitary Permits"}, {"t": "(e)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.040#(e)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.040(e)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.040#(e)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.040(e)(1)", "x": "A sanitary permit for a private sewage or non-plumbing sanitation system wh"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.040#(e)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.040(e)(2)", "x": "There shall be a fee for renewal of a sanitary permit."}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.040#(e)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.040(e)(3)", "x": "The renewal shall be based on Ordinance requirements in force at the time o"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.040#(e)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.040(e)(4)", "x": "Changed Ordinance requirements may impede or prohibit the renewal."}, {"t": "(5)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.040#(e)(5)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.040(e)(5)", "x": "The property owner shall return the original permit prior to receiving a re"}, {"t": "(6)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.040#(e)(6)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.040(e)(6)", "x": "All sanitary permits issued prior tot he effective date of this Ordinance s"}, {"t": "(7)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.040#(e)(7)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.040(e)(7)", "x": "A new sanitary permit shall be obtained by the owner or his agent prior to "}], "x": "Permit Expiration."}, {"t": "(f)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.040#(f)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.040(f)", "x": "Permit Denial. When applicable provisions of this Ordinance have not been c"}, {"t": "(g)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.040#(g)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.040(g)", "x": "Permit Fees. The Fee Schedule shall be set initially by the Bad River Triba"}, {"t": "(h)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.040#(h)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.040(h)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.040#(h)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.040(h)(1)", "x": "A Soil and Site Evaluation Report."}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.040#(h)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.040(h)(2)", "x": "Work on existing systems shall require a report by a licensed plumber relat"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.040#(h)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.040(h)(3)", "x": "Work on existing systems shall require a report by POWTS Inspector stating "}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.040#(h)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.040(h)(4)", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.040#(h)(4)(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.040(h)(4)(A)", "x": "Legal description, lot dimensions and driving directions to the proposed si"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.040#(h)(4)(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.040(h)(4)(B)", "x": "Name and address of property owners and of persons performing the permit ac"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.040#(h)(4)(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.040(h)(4)(C)", "x": "System plan (see Section 406.4.1);"}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.040#(h)(4)(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.040(h)(4)(D)", "x": "Sketch of the proposed system;"}, {"t": "(E)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.040#(h)(4)(E)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.040(h)(4)(E)", "x": "Description of water supply, well depth, proximal location of bedrock and w"}, {"t": "(F)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.040#(h)(4)(F)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.040(h)(4)(F)", "x": "Building use (single family, duplex, etc.); and"}, {"t": "(G)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.040#(h)(4)(G)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.040(h)(4)(G)", "x": "Any other information required by the POWTS Inspector."}], "x": "The application shall also include the following:"}, {"t": "(5)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.040#(h)(5)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.040(h)(5)", "x": "Each permit application shall be kept on file with any permit issued pursua"}, {"t": "(6)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.040#(h)(6)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.040(h)(6)", "x": "The POWTS Inspector shall, at his/her discretion, perform site visits or re"}], "x": "Application Requirements."}, {"t": "(i)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.040#(i)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.040(i)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.040#(i)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.040(i)(1)", "x": "Plans submitted to the POWTS Inspector shall include the original and as ma"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.040#(i)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.040(i)(2)", "x": "Plans submitted shall be clear, legible and permanent copies."}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.040#(i)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.040(i)(3)", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.040#(i)(3)(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.040(i)(3)(A)", "x": "The name of the property owner and the legal description of the site;"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.040#(i)(3)(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.040(i)(3)(B)", "x": "Estimated daily wastewater flow and design wastewater flow;"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.040#(i)(3)(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.040(i)(3)(C)", "x": "A detailed plot plan (site plan), dimensional or drawn to scale on no small"}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.040#(i)(3)(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.040(i)(3)(D)", "x": "Details and configuration layouts depicting how the system is to be constru"}, {"t": "(E)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.040#(i)(3)(E)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.040(i)(3)(E)", "x": "Provide a contingency plan in the event that the proposed plan fails and ca"}, {"t": "(F)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.040#(i)(3)(F)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.040(i)(3)(F)", "x": "Sufficient supporting information to ensure the proposed private sewage sys"}], "x": "Plans submitted shall comply with this Ordinance and include the following:"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.040#(i)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.040(i)(4)", "x": "A copy of the approved plan shall be available at the construction site unt"}, {"t": "(5)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.040#(i)(5)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.040(i)(5)", "x": "A final \"as built\" copy of the plans shall be submitted to the POWTS Inspec"}, {"t": "(6)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.040#(i)(6)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.040(i)(6)", "x": "A modification to the design of the private sewage system which has previou"}], "x": "System Plans. System plans shall be submitted for approval of the POWTS Ins"}, {"t": "(j)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.040#(j)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.040(j)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.040#(j)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.040(j)(1)", "x": "Any person transferring, selling, or conveying a building or dwelling, or l"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.040#(j)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.040(j)(2)", "x": "Prior to such transfer, sale or conveyance of any building or dwelling, the"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.040#(j)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.040(j)(3)", "x": "If, upon inspection, the existing system meets the criteria of a \"failing p"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.040#(j)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.040(j)(4)", "x": "The following changes in ownership shall require an inspection: Gifts throu"}, {"t": "(5)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.040#(j)(5)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.040(j)(5)", "x": "The following changes in interest shall not require an inspection at the ti"}, {"t": "(6)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.040#(j)(6)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.040(j)(6)", "x": "The sanitary permit shall be returned to the POWTS Inspector so that a new "}, {"t": "(7)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.040#(j)(7)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.040(j)(7)", "x": "Because the permit runs with the property, transfer of property shall not a"}, {"t": "(8)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.040#(j)(8)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.040(j)(8)", "x": "A transfer filing fee of the correct amount as listed in Exhibit A shall be"}], "x": "Transfer of Ownership. In order to ensure the provisions of this Ordinance "}, {"t": "(k)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.040#(k)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.040(k)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.040#(k)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.040(k)(1)", "x": "When an owner wishes to change plumbers during construction, it will be nec"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.040#(k)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.040(k)(2)", "x": "The transfer of a sanitary permit shall take place prior to the installatio"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.040#(k)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.040(k)(3)", "x": "A transfer filing fee of the correct amount as listed in Exhibit A shall be"}], "x": "Change of Plumbers."}]}, {"t": "4.04.050 Reconnection and Construction", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.050", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 4.04.050", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.04|4.04.050", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.050#(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.050(a)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.050#(a)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.050(a)(1)", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.050#(a)(1)(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.050(a)(1)(A)", "x": "Construction of a structure to be connected to an existing private sewage s"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.050#(a)(1)(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.050(a)(1)(B)", "x": "Disconnection of a structure from an existing private sewage system and con"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.050#(a)(1)(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.050(a)(1)(C)", "x": "Rebuilding a structure that is connected to a private sewage system."}], "x": "A reconnection permit shall be obtained prior to:"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.050#(a)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.050(a)(2)", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.050#(a)(2)(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.050(a)(2)(A)", "x": "Determine if it is functioning properly and whether it is a failing system;"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.050#(a)(2)(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.050(a)(2)(B)", "x": "Determine if it will be capable of handling the proposed wastewater flow an"}], "x": "Prior to issuance of a reconnection permit, the existing private sewage sys"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.050#(a)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.050(a)(3)", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.050#(a)(3)(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.050(a)(3)(A)", "x": "All items in Sections 406.4.H and I."}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.050#(a)(3)(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.050(a)(3)(B)", "x": "For all systems that utilize soil for treatment or disposal, a Soil and Sit"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.050#(a)(3)(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.050(a)(3)(C)", "x": "A report provided by a licensed plumber, certified septage servicing operat"}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.050#(a)(3)(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.050(a)(3)(D)", "x": "A report provided by a licensed plumber or POWTS Inspector relative to the "}, {"t": "(E)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.050#(a)(3)(E)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.050(a)(3)(E)", "x": "A plot plan prepared by a plumber including information specified in Sectio"}, {"t": "(F)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.050#(a)(3)(F)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.050(a)(3)(F)", "x": "Complete plans, as specified in Sections 406.4.H and I for any system compo"}], "x": "Application for a reconnection permit shall include the following:"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.050#(a)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.050(a)(4)", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.050#(a)(4)(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.050(a)(4)(A)", "x": "Reconnection to existing holding tanks may require a new servicing contract"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.050#(a)(4)(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.050(a)(4)(B)", "x": "Reconnection to an existing system other than a holding tank may require a "}], "x": "In addition, the following may also be required:"}, {"t": "(5)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.050#(a)(5)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.050(a)(5)", "x": "Replacing a structure with a new or different structure within two years of"}, {"t": "(6)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.050#(a)(6)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.050(a)(6)", "x": "When reconnection to an undersized system is permitted by WAC Comm 83 and 8"}, {"t": "(7)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.050#(a)(7)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.050(a)(7)", "x": "Systems may be inspected at the time of reconnection, prior to backfilling,"}], "x": "Reconnection and Construction."}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.050#(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.050(b)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.050#(b)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.050(b)(1)", "x": "Possess a sanitary permit to construct a new private sewage system or modif"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.050#(b)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.050(b)(2)", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.050#(b)(2)(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.050(b)(2)(A)", "x": "Documentation that a private sewage system of adequate capability and capac"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.050#(b)(2)(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.050(b)(2)(B)", "x": "Documentation showing that the location of the proposed structure conforms "}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.050#(b)(2)(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.050(b)(2)(C)", "x": "Documentation specified in this section.A.3."}], "x": "Provide the following to the POWTS Inspector:"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.050#(b)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.050(b)(3)", "x": "If the existing private sewage system is found to be undersized, constructi"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.050#(b)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.050(b)(4)", "x": "Any installation, addition or modification of a system must be completed an"}], "x": "Construction Affecting Wastewater Flow or Contaminant Load."}, {"t": "(c)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.050#(c)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.050(c)", "x": "Construction Not Affecting Wastewater Flow or Contaminant Load."}, {"t": "(d)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.050#(d)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.050(d)", "x": "Permit Fees."}]}, {"t": "4.04.060 Licensing", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.060", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 4.04.060", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.04|4.04.060"}, {"t": "4.04.070 Variances", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.070", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 4.04.070", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.04|4.04.070", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.070#(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.070(a)", "x": "The POWTS Inspector shall consider and may grant a variance to a provision "}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.070#(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.070(b)", "x": "The POWTS Inspector may not approve a petition for variance for an existing"}, {"t": "(c)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.070#(c)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.070(c)", "x": "A property owner may apply to the POWTS Inspector for a variance. The appli"}]}, {"t": "4.04.080 Inspections", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.080", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 4.04.080", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.04|4.04.080", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.080#(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.080(a)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.080#(a)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.080(a)(1)", "x": "All systems must be inspected at least once during construction."}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.080#(a)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.080(a)(2)", "x": "Notice for final inspection shall be given to the POWTS Inspector for all P"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.080#(a)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.080(a)(3)", "x": "These POWTS shall be inspected by the POWTS Inspector, or another approved "}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.080#(a)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.080(a)(4)", "x": "Notification for final inspection shall be given in accordance with the req"}, {"t": "(5)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.080#(a)(5)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.080(a)(5)", "x": "When a private sewage system is ready for inspection, the plumber in charge"}, {"t": "(6)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.080#(a)(6)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.080(a)(6)", "x": "Private sewage systems shall be inspected periodically, but not less than o"}], "x": "Inspections: General"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.080#(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.080(b)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.080#(b)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.080(b)(1)", "x": "All site constructed holding tanks shall be inspected after the floor is po"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.080#(b)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.080(b)(2)", "x": "Concrete walls may be poured only after it has been determined that the tan"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.080#(b)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.080(b)(3)", "x": "This inspection shall not eliminate the need for an inspection after the in"}], "x": "Inspections: Site Constructed Holding Tanks."}, {"t": "(c)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.080#(c)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.080(c)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.080#(c)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.080(c)(1)", "x": "The plumber installing the mound shall notify the POWTS Inspector the worki"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.080#(c)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.080(c)(2)", "x": "Mound systems may be inspected at the time the ground surface is plowed, be"}], "x": "Inspections: Mounds."}, {"t": "(d)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.080#(d)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.080(d)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.080#(d)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.080(d)(1)", "x": "The plumber installing the at-grade for the owner shall notify the POWTS In"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.080#(d)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.080(d)(2)", "x": "At-grade systems may be inspected at the time the ground surface is plowed,"}], "x": "Inspections: At-Grade Systems."}, {"t": "(e)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.080#(e)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.080(e)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.080#(e)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.080(e)(1)", "x": "Re-inspection may cause the assessment of a fee when a system fails the ini"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.080#(e)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.080(e)(2)", "x": "The re-inspection fee shall be due within ten (10) working days of written "}], "x": "Re-inspection."}, {"t": "(f)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.080#(f)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.080(f)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.080#(f)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.080(f)(1)", "x": "If testing of new systems or new system components is required by this Ordi"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.080#(f)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.080(f)(2)", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.080#(f)(2)(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.080(f)(2)(A)", "x": "Performing an inspection during the test;"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.080#(f)(2)(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.080(f)(2)(B)", "x": "Requiring written verification from the responsible person; or"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.080#(f)(2)(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.080(f)(2)(C)", "x": "Both (a) and (b)."}], "x": "The Inspector shall verify that required testing has been completed by:"}], "x": "Testing."}]}, {"t": "4.04.090 System Management and Maintenance", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.090", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 4.04.090", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.04|4.04.090", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.090#(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.090(a)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.090#(a)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.090(a)(1)", "x": "All POWTS shall be managed and maintained in accordance with this Ordinance"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.090#(a)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.090(a)(2)", "x": "The property owner shall report to the POWTS Inspector each inspection, mai"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.090#(a)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.090(a)(3)", "x": "The property owner shall submit a copy of an appropriate maintenance agreem"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.090#(a)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.090(a)(4)", "x": "The property owner shall submit a new maintenance agreement and/or servicin"}, {"t": "(5)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.090#(a)(5)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.090(a)(5)", "x": "The property owner shall submit a new maintenance agreement and/or servicin"}], "x": "Maintenance and Management."}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.090#(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.090(b)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.090#(b)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.090(b)(1)", "x": "The owner of the holding tank shall enter into a Maintenance Agreement with"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.090#(b)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.090(b)(2)", "x": "The owner or agent shall submit a copy of the holding tank Maintenance Agre"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.090#(b)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.090(b)(3)", "x": "Pumping records shall be filed at least quarterly with the POWTS Inspector."}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.090#(b)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.090(b)(4)", "x": "The POWTS Inspector may inspect pumping records and the site for compliance"}, {"t": "(5)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.090#(b)(5)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.090(b)(5)", "x": "The POWTS Inspector may require a pumping schedule and/or a meterting or mo"}, {"t": "(6)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.090#(b)(6)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.090(b)(6)", "x": "Holding tanks which are connected to public sewer systems and which serve i"}], "x": "Holding Tank Maintenance Agreement."}]}, {"t": "4.04.100 Administration and Enforcement", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.100", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 4.04.100", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.04|4.04.100", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.100#(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.100(a)", "x": "Administration. The POWTS Inspector shall be responsible for the administra"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.100#(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.100(b)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.100#(b)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.100(b)(1)", "x": "Delegate duties to and supervise clerical staff and other employees to ensu"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.100#(b)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.100(b)(2)", "x": "Prepare reports and recommendations regarding any additional sanitary measu"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.100#(b)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.100(b)(3)", "x": "Obtain assistance and cooperation from other Bad River Tribal departments a"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.100#(b)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.100(b)(4)", "x": "Cooperate with federal, state, tribal and local personnel in the enforcemen"}, {"t": "(5)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.100#(b)(5)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.100(b)(5)", "x": "Arrange for the enforcement of any and all rules, orders, permits and other"}, {"t": "(6)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.100#(b)(6)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.100(b)(6)", "x": "Interpret the provisions of this Ordinance as provided in Section 4.04.010."}, {"t": "(7)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.100#(b)(7)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.100(b)(7)", "x": "Review and approve or disapprove all plans for private sewage systems;"}, {"t": "(8)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.100#(b)(8)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.100(b)(8)", "x": "Issue sanitary permits and inspect properties for compliance with this Ordi"}, {"t": "(9)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.100#(b)(9)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.100(b)(9)", "x": "Keep records of all sanitary permits issued, inspections made, work approve"}, {"t": "(10)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.100#(b)(10)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.100(b)(10)", "x": "Issue compliance orders and report continuing violations of this Ordinance "}, {"t": "(11)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.100#(b)(11)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.100(b)(11)", "x": "to Section 4.04.010.D., above, and enforce the terms of such agreement to e"}, {"t": "(12)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.100#(b)(12)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.100(b)(12)", "x": "Have access to any premises for the purpose of performing official duties b"}, {"t": "(13)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.100#(b)(13)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.100(b)(13)", "x": "Upon receipt of reliable evidence of a real or potential threat to the envi"}, {"t": "(14)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.100#(b)(14)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.100(b)(14)", "x": "Upon reasonable cause or question as to proper compliance, revoke or suspen"}, {"t": "(15)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.100#(b)(15)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.100(b)(15)", "x": "Issue and enforce orders to plumbers, pumpers, property owners, their agent"}, {"t": "(16)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.100#(b)(16)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.100(b)(16)", "x": "Withhold permit(s) or approval(s) pursuant to this Ordinance where the appl"}, {"t": "(17)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.100#(b)(17)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.100(b)(17)", "x": "Cooperate with the Office of the Tribal Attorney to commence actions on beh"}, {"t": "(18)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.100#(b)(18)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.100(b)(18)", "x": "Perform other duties regarding private sewage systems as considered appropr"}], "x": "Powers and Duties. In the administration of this Ordinance, the POWTS Inspe"}, {"t": "(c)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.100#(c)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.100(c)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.100#(c)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.100(c)(1)", "x": "The Bad River Tribal Council shall, at its discretion, establish a POWTS Bo"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.100#(c)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.100(c)(2)", "x": "Recommend rates and fees under this Ordinance to the Tribal Council for the"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.100#(c)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.100(c)(3)", "x": "Recommend Ordinance amendments/revisions to the Tribal Council;"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.100#(c)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.100(c)(4)", "x": "Establish a Policies and Procedures Manual with such provisions as are nece"}, {"t": "(5)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.100#(c)(5)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.100(c)(5)", "x": "Hear appeals from administrative decisions of the POWTS Inspector and deter"}, {"t": "(6)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.100#(c)(6)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.100(c)(6)", "x": "Incorporate as necessary to acquire grant funding to accomplish the purpose"}], "x": "POWTS Board."}, {"t": "(d)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.100#(d)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.100(d)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.100#(d)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.100(d)(1)", "x": "Oversee the day-to-day operations of the POWTS Inspector;"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.100#(d)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.100(d)(2)", "x": "Alter decisions of the POWTS Inspector without an opportunity for a hearing"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.100#(d)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.100(d)(3)", "x": "Create permit conditions or issue permits;"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.100#(d)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.100(d)(4)", "x": "Impose monetary penalties upon persons in violation of this Ordinance."}], "x": "The POWTS Board shall not have the authority to:"}, {"t": "(e)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.100#(e)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.100(e)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.100#(e)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.100(e)(1)", "x": "Any person who alleges that there is an error in any order, requirement or "}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.100#(e)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.100(e)(2)", "x": "The timely filed request for reconsideration must specify the reasons for t"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.100#(e)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.100(e)(3)", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.100#(e)(3)(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.100(e)(3)(A)", "c": [{"t": "(i)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.100#(e)(3)(A)(i)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.100(e)(3)(A)(i)", "x": "Fix a reasonable time for the hearing;"}, {"t": "(ii)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.100#(e)(3)(A)(ii)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.100(e)(3)(A)(ii)", "x": "Publish a notice, posted in at least three public places, specifying the da"}, {"t": "(iii)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.100#(e)(3)(A)(iii)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.100(e)(3)(A)(iii)", "x": "Ensure that the notice shall be mailed certified mail to parties in interes"}], "x": "Notice"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.100#(e)(3)(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.100(e)(3)(B)", "c": [{"t": "(i)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.100#(e)(3)(B)(i)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.100(e)(3)(B)(i)", "x": "Any party may appear in person or by agent or attorney;"}, {"t": "(ii)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.100#(e)(3)(B)(ii)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.100(e)(3)(B)(ii)", "x": "Decide appeals of the decisions of the POWTS Inspector."}], "x": "Hearing"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.100#(e)(3)(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.100(e)(3)(C)", "c": [{"t": "(i)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.100#(e)(3)(C)(i)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.100(e)(3)(C)(i)", "x": "Be made within reasonable time;"}, {"t": "(ii)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.100#(e)(3)(C)(ii)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.100(e)(3)(C)(ii)", "x": "Be sent to the POWTS Inspector and Appellant within ten (10) days of the de"}, {"t": "(iii)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.100#(e)(3)(C)(iii)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.100(e)(3)(C)(iii)", "x": "Be a written determination signed by the chairperson or secretary of the PO"}, {"t": "(iv)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.100#(e)(3)(C)(iv)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.100(e)(3)(C)(iv)", "x": "State the specific facts which are the basis for the POWTS Board's decision"}, {"t": "(v)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.100#(e)(3)(C)(v)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.100(e)(3)(C)(v)", "x": "Either affirm, reverse, vary or modify the order requirement, decision or d"}, {"t": "(vi)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.100#(e)(3)(C)(vi)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.100(e)(3)(C)(vi)", "x": "Include the reasons or justifications for granting an appeal, with a descri"}, {"t": "(vii)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.100#(e)(3)(C)(vii)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.100(e)(3)(C)(vii)", "x": "Appeal to Tribal Court: Any party wishing to appeal decisions of the POWTS "}, {"t": "(viii)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.100#(e)(3)(C)(viii)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.100(e)(3)(C)(viii)", "x": "Each party shall bear their own costs of appeal unless the POWTS Board or T"}], "x": "Decision"}], "x": "The timely filed notice of appeal must specify the reasons for the appeal a"}], "x": "Requests for Reconsideration and Appeals"}, {"t": "(f)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.100#(f)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.100(f)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.100#(f)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.100(f)(1)", "x": "The Bad River Tribal shall have jurisdiction to hear all matters brought pu"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.100#(f)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.100(f)(2)", "x": "The POWTS Inspector and all Tribal law enforcement and conservation enforce"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.100#(f)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.100(f)(3)", "x": "The POWTS Inspector shall issue compliance orders. Failure to comply with s"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.100#(f)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.100(f)(4)", "x": "Actions for violations of this chapter may be commenced in Tribal Court by "}, {"t": "(5)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.100#(f)(5)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.100(f)(5)", "x": "Violations of this Ordinance shall be prosecuted by the Office of the Triba"}, {"t": "(6)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.100#(f)(6)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.100(f)(6)", "x": "Any person may bring suit in Tribal Court to enjoin a violation of this cha"}], "x": "Jurisdiction/Enforcement"}]}, {"t": "4.04.110 Violations", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.110", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 4.04.110", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.04|4.04.110", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.110#(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.110(a)", "x": "Any person who fails to comply with the provisions of this Ordinance, or an"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.110#(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.110(b)", "x": "Any construction which is in violation of this Ordinance shall cease upon w"}, {"t": "(c)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.110#(c)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.110(c)", "x": "All construction shall remain stopped until the order is removed by the POW"}, {"t": "(d)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.110#(d)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.110(d)", "x": "Each day of any continuing violation may be charged as a separate violation"}]}, {"t": "4.04.120 Injunctions, Civil Damages, Civil Forfeitures, and Other Remedies", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.120", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 4.04.120", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.04|4.04.120", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.120#(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.120(a)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.120#(a)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.120(a)(1)", "x": "Immediate injunction;"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.120#(a)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.120(a)(2)", "x": "Restitution for damages caused by violations, including civil damages for a"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.120#(a)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.120(a)(3)", "x": "Civil forfeiture not exceeding $5,000. Each day of any continuing violation"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.120#(a)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.120(a)(4)", "x": "In addition to a civil forfeiture, any personal property, including vehicle"}, {"t": "(5)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.120#(a)(5)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.120(a)(5)", "x": "Restitution for costs of enforcement incurred by the POWTS Inspector, Conse"}], "x": "Injunctions, Civil Damages, Civil Forfeiture, Other Remedies"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.120#(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.120(b)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.120#(b)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.120(b)(1)", "x": "The Bad River Tribal Court may award damages to individuals who successfull"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.120#(b)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.120(b)(2)", "x": "Citizen suit damages are separate from and may be in addition to and may du"}], "x": "Citizen Suit Damages"}, {"t": "(c)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.04.120#(c)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.04.120(c)", "x": "Abatement of Imminent Threat/Emergencies"}]}]}, {"t": "Chapter 4.05 Interim Land Use Controls (Formerly Unnumbered)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.05", "et": "container", "sc": "Chapter 4.05", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.05", "c": [{"t": "4.05.010 Statement of Policy", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.05.010", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 4.05.010", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.05|4.05.010"}, {"t": "4.05.020 Definitions", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.05.020", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 4.05.020", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.05|4.05.020", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.05.020#(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.05.020(a)", "x": "\"Activity\" means any unskilled, semi-skilled, technical or professional lab"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.05.020#(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.05.020(b)", "x": "\"Commission\" means the Interim Land Use Commission consisting of the Tribal"}, {"t": "(c)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.05.020#(c)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.05.020(c)", "x": "\"Committee\" means the Land Use Committee."}, {"t": "(d)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.05.020#(d)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.05.020(d)", "x": "\"Council\" means the Tribal Council of the Bad River Band of Lake Superior C"}, {"t": "(e)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.05.020#(e)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.05.020(e)", "x": "\"Land Use Change\" means any topographical or use change leading to commerci"}, {"t": "(f)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.05.020#(f)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.05.020(f)", "x": "\"Reservation\" means all lands within the boundaries of the Bad River Indian"}]}, {"t": "4.05.030 Changes Prohibited", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.05.030", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 4.05.030", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.05|4.05.030", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.05.030#(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.05.030(a)", "x": "Except as otherwise provided, no person shall engage in any activity causin"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.05.030#(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.05.030(b)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.05.030#(b)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.05.030(b)(1)", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.05.030#(b)(1)(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.05.030(b)(1)(A)", "x": "The Commission shall establish a form for applications and procedures by wh"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.05.030#(b)(1)(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.05.030(b)(1)(B)", "x": "The Commission may impose reasonable conditions on the granting of a permit"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.05.030#(b)(1)(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.05.030(b)(1)(C)", "x": "The Commission may suspend any permit for failure to comply with its condit"}], "x": "Upon written application to the commission, a permit for land use change ma"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.05.030#(b)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.05.030(b)(2)", "x": "Final decisions of the Commission may be appealed within ten days to the Co"}]}, {"t": "(c)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.05.030#(c)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.05.030(c)", "x": "Any person who breaches Section 3.1 shall be assessed a forfeiture of not m"}, {"t": "(d)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.05.030#(d)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.05.030(d)", "x": "Any articles of whatever description located within the jurisdiction of the"}, {"t": "(e)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.05.030#(e)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.05.030(e)", "x": "Citations for violations of Section 3.1 may be issued by the tribal conserv"}]}, {"t": "4.05.040 Land Use Committee Established", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.05.040", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 4.05.040", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.05|4.05.040", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.05.040#(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.05.040(a)", "x": "A land use committee is hereby established for the purpose of preparing and"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.05.040#(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.05.040(b)", "x": "The committee shall consist of the Tribal Planner, Tribal Attorney, and one"}, {"t": "(c)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.05.040#(c)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.05.040(c)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.05.040#(c)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.05.040(c)(1)", "x": "At the April Council meeting the committee shall present a proposed base ma"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.05.040#(c)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.05.040(c)(2)", "x": "At the June Council meeting the committee shall present the revised base ma"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.05.040#(c)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.05.040(c)(3)", "x": "At the July Council meeting the committee shall present the revised zoning "}], "x": "The committee shall report to the Council according to the following timeta"}, {"t": "(d)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.05.040#(d)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.05.040(d)", "x": "The committee shall invite public participation at all stages of the zoning"}]}, {"t": "4.05.050 Sunset Clause", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.05.050", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 4.05.050", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.05|4.05.050"}, {"t": "4.05.060 Repeal of Inconsistent Prior Ordinances", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.05.060", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 4.05.060", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.05|4.05.060"}, {"t": "4.05.070 Effective", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.05.070", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 4.05.070", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.05|4.05.070"}, {"t": "4.05.080 Severability", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.05.080", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 4.05.080", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.05|4.05.080"}]}, {"t": "Chapter 4.06 Right-of-Way Maintenance Method Ordinance", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.06", "et": "container", "sc": "Chapter 4.06", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.06", "c": [{"t": "4.06.010 Purpose and Policy Statement", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.06.010", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 4.06.010", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.06|4.06.010"}, {"t": "4.06.020 Authority", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.06.020", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 4.06.020", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.06|4.06.020"}, {"t": "4.06.030 Applicability", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.06.030", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 4.06.030", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.06|4.06.030"}, {"t": "4.06.040 Non-Chemical Treatment Alternatives to Maintain Right-of-Ways:", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.06.040", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 4.06.040", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.06|4.06.040", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.06.040#(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.06.040(a)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.06.040#(a)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.06.040(a)(1)", "x": "Mowing: Mowers may be used to reduce brush and herbaceous weeds. Cut no sho"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.06.040#(a)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.06.040(a)(2)", "x": "Trimming: Use of hand labor or gas-powered devices to trim brush woody vege"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.06.040#(a)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.06.040(a)(3)", "x": "Planting of native grasses and flowers: Native species should be introduced"}], "x": "Roadsides, Roadside Appurtenances, Pipelines, Utility Lines:"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.06.040#(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.06.040(b)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.06.040#(b)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.06.040(b)(1)", "x": "Mowing and hand and power trimming shall be the first alternatives pursued."}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.06.040#(b)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.06.040(b)(2)", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.06.040#(b)(2)(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.06.040(b)(2)(A)", "x": "The Tribe is informed prior to the burn."}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.06.040#(b)(2)(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.06.040(b)(2)(B)", "x": "The burn must be supervised at all times."}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.06.040#(b)(2)(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.06.040(b)(2)(C)", "x": "Special permission must be obtained during dry seasons and burning is banne"}], "x": "Controlled burns may be used to eliminate vegetation around railways provid"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.06.040#(b)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.06.040(b)(3)", "x": "Mowing and trimming should be used for maintaining visibility and at crossi"}], "x": "Railroads:"}]}, {"t": "4.06.050 Prohibition and Exceptions", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.06.050", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 4.06.050", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.06|4.06.050", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.06.050#(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.06.050(a)", "x": "The use of herbicides on non-designated right-of-way areas is prohibited."}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.06.050#(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.06.050(b)", "x": "A Person shall be permitted to use chemical treatment for maintenance of ri"}, {"t": "(c)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.06.050#(c)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.06.050(c)", "x": "Upon receipt of permit applicators must follow guidelines set forth in Sect"}, {"t": "(d)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.06.050#(d)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.06.050(d)", "x": "Bad River Natural Resources Department and Great Lakes Indian Fish and Wild"}]}, {"t": "4.06.060 Obtaining a Permit", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.06.060", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 4.06.060", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.06|4.06.060", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.06.060#(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.06.060(a)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.06.060#(a)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.06.060(a)(1)", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.06.060#(a)(1)(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.06.060(a)(1)(A)", "x": "Area to be treated, including a map, acreage and description of right- of-w"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.06.060#(a)(1)(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.06.060(a)(1)(B)", "x": "Time period of treatment, including start and finish dates, days of week, a"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.06.060#(a)(1)(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.06.060(a)(1)(C)", "x": "A description of what chemicals will be used and in what quantities, and wh"}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.06.060#(a)(1)(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.06.060(a)(1)(D)", "x": "Evidence demonstrating why non-chemical treatment alternatives are not avai"}, {"t": "(E)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.06.060#(a)(1)(E)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.06.060(a)(1)(E)", "x": "The name, address, and phone number of the individual responsible for the r"}, {"t": "(F)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.06.060#(a)(1)(F)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.06.060(a)(1)(F)", "x": "A notarized statement that the requesting party at all times claims ownersh"}], "x": "Submitting a written proposal to the Natural Resources Department requestin"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.06.060#(a)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.06.060(a)(2)", "x": "The written proposal must be submitted to the Natural Resources Department "}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.06.060#(a)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.06.060(a)(3)", "x": "The Natural Resources Department shall recommend a grant or denial of the r"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.06.060#(a)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.06.060(a)(4)", "x": "The Natural Resources Department or Tribal Council may request additional i"}, {"t": "(5)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.06.060#(a)(5)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.06.060(a)(5)", "x": "A vote of approval of the Tribal Council is necessary for a permit to be gr"}, {"t": "(6)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.06.060#(a)(6)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.06.060(a)(6)", "x": "The Tribal Council may condition the approval of a request for a permit upo"}, {"t": "(7)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.06.060#(a)(7)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.06.060(a)(7)", "x": "An approval in the form of a letter permit or written denial will be provid"}, {"t": "(8)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.06.060#(a)(8)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.06.060(a)(8)", "x": "Appeals must be in writing and presented to the Tribal Council within 10 bu"}], "x": "Any person requesting to use chemicals to maintain a right-of-way must firs"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.06.060#(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.06.060(b)", "x": "Each permit is valid only for each approved chemical treatment application."}, {"t": "(c)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.06.060#(c)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.06.060(c)", "x": "No permit shall be granted within 3000 feet of an open water source or with"}]}, {"t": "4.06.070 Rules of Chemical Application", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.06.070", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 4.06.070", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.06|4.06.070", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.06.070#(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.06.070(a)", "x": "Workers applying the herbicides must possess a current license or equivalen"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.06.070#(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.06.070(b)", "x": "All areas to be treated must be marked at least once every quarter-mile wit"}, {"t": "(c)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.06.070#(c)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.06.070(c)", "x": "No herbicides shall be applied which are not approved by the USEPA for such"}, {"t": "(d)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.06.070#(d)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.06.070(d)", "x": "All spray records must be kept on file and sent to Bad River Natural Resour"}, {"t": "(e)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.06.070#(e)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.06.070(e)", "x": "All herbicides shall be applied in the fall."}, {"t": "(f)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.06.070#(f)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.06.070(f)", "x": "Applicators must spray in the morning before the wind exceeds five miles pe"}, {"t": "(g)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.06.070#(g)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.06.070(g)", "x": "All remaining chemicals, contaminated materials, and contaminated materials"}]}, {"t": "4.06.080 Effective Date and Severability", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.06.080", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 4.06.080", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.06|4.06.080", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.06.080#(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.06.080(a)", "x": "Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be effective upon the date of adoption"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.06.080#(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.06.080(b)", "x": "Severability. If the Bad River Tribal Court judges any section, provision, "}]}, {"t": "4.06.090 Enforcement/Evidence", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.06.090", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 4.06.090", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.06|4.06.090", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.06.090#(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.06.090(a)", "x": "The Bad River Conservation Wardens and the Bad River Police Department are "}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.06.090#(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.06.090(b)", "x": "The Bad River Conservation Wardens and the Bad River Police Department are "}]}, {"t": "4.06.100 Jurisdiction/Penalties", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.06.100", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 4.06.100", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.06|4.06.100", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.06.100#(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.06.100(a)", "x": "The Bad River Tribal Court shall have jurisdiction to hear all matters pros"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.06.100#(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.06.100(b)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.06.100#(b)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.06.100(b)(1)", "x": "Immediate injunction against the use of chemical treatment for right-of-way"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.06.100#(b)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.06.100(b)(2)", "x": "A civil forfeiture not to exceed $1,000.00. Each day of any continuing viol"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.06.100#(b)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.06.100(b)(3)", "x": "In addition to a civil forfeiture, any personal property, including vehicle"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.06.100#(b)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.06.100(b)(4)", "x": "The court may order restitution for damage to personal health or to natural"}], "x": "The Bad River Tribal Court may impose any of the following penalties for vi"}]}, {"t": "4.06.110 Definitions", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.06.110", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 4.06.110", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.06|4.06.110", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.06.110#(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.06.110(a)", "x": "Applicator: Any permitted party, including an individual or entity which co"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.06.110#(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.06.110(b)", "x": "Natural Resources Department: Shall mean the Bad River Natural Resources De"}, {"t": "(c)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.06.110#(c)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.06.110(c)", "x": "Brush: Woody species of shrubs, trees, vines, and brambles generally not ex"}, {"t": "(d)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.06.110#(d)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.06.110(d)", "x": "Chemical treatment of right-of-way: The use of herbicides to reduce herbace"}, {"t": "(e)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.06.110#(e)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.06.110(e)", "x": "Hand labor: The use of shovels, saws and axes to cut back vegetation or rem"}, {"t": "(f)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.06.110#(f)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.06.110(f)", "x": "Herbaceous weeds: Plants or plant parts that are fleshy and wither after ea"}, {"t": "(g)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.06.110#(g)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.06.110(g)", "x": "Herbicides: Chemicals that kill plants or inhibit their growth."}, {"t": "(h)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.06.110#(h)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.06.110(h)", "x": "Member: An enrolled member of the Bad River Tribe, including those eligible"}, {"t": "(i)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.06.110#(i)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.06.110(i)", "x": "Open Water Source: Any river, lake, stream, marsh, bog, slough, or any othe"}, {"t": "(j)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.06.110#(j)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.06.110(j)", "x": "Particle drift: The particulate matter released when spraying that is distr"}, {"t": "(k)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.06.110#(k)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.06.110(k)", "x": "Reservation: All lands and waters within the exterior boundaries of the Bad"}, {"t": "(l)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.06.110#(l)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.06.110(l)", "x": "Right-of-way: An easement or servitude over Tribal land conferring a right "}, {"t": "(m)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.06.110#(m)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.06.110(m)", "x": "Trees: Woody plants, including brush and shrubs, that exceed 10 feet in hei"}, {"t": "(n)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.06.110#(n)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.06.110(n)", "x": "Tribal Council: The elected body governing the Bad River Tribe."}, {"t": "(o)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.06.110#(o)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.06.110(o)", "x": "Tribal Council: The elected body governing the Bad River Tribe."}, {"t": "(p)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.06.110#(p)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.06.110(p)", "x": "Vegetation: Refers to herbaceous plants, brush, and trees."}, {"t": "(q)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.06.110#(q)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.06.110(q)", "x": "USEPA:"}, {"t": "(r)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.06.110#(r)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.06.110(r)", "x": "Watershed: The land area that drains into a stream; the watershed for a maj"}, {"t": "(s)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.06.110#(s)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.06.110(s)", "x": "Wetland: An area where water is at, near, or above the land surface long en"}]}]}, {"t": "Chapter 4.07 Energy Product Facility Rights of Way and Service Lines", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07", "et": "container", "sc": "Chapter 4.07", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.07", "c": [{"t": "4.07.010 General", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.010", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 4.07.010", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.07|4.07.010", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.010#(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.010(a)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.010#(a)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.010(a)(1)", "x": "to take advantage of opportunities for greater self-determination presented"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.010#(a)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.010(a)(2)", "x": "to strengthen Tribal sovereignty and increase Tribal control over Tribal la"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.010#(a)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.010(a)(3)", "x": "to provide rules governing eligibility the issuance of rights-of-way and se"}], "x": "Purpose"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.010#(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.010(b)", "x": "Authority"}, {"t": "(c)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.010#(c)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.010(c)", "x": "Effective Date"}, {"t": "(d)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.010#(d)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.010(d)", "x": "Scope"}, {"t": "(e)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.010#(e)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.010(e)", "x": "Applicable Law"}, {"t": "(f)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.010#(f)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.010(f)", "x": "Sovereign Immunity"}, {"t": "(g)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.010#(g)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.010(g)", "x": "Definitions"}]}, {"t": "4.07.020 Administration", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.020", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 4.07.020", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.07|4.07.020", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.020#(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.020(a)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.020#(a)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.020(a)(1)", "x": "Approve all realty-related interests authorized by this ordinance, as evide"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.020#(a)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.020(a)(2)", "x": "Adopt rules, policies, forms, and procedures, consistent with this Ordinanc"}], "x": "Tribal Council"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.020#(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.020(b)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.020#(b)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.020(b)(1)", "x": "Provide information to interested persons or entities regarding the process"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.020#(b)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.020(b)(2)", "x": "Process applications for Rights-of-Way and Service Line Agreements for subm"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.020#(b)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.020(b)(3)", "x": "Facilitate the approval and recording of documents by the BIA to the extent"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.020#(b)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.020(b)(4)", "x": "Maintain an inventory of Tribal Lands and develop and maintain a land recor"}, {"t": "(5)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.020#(b)(5)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.020(b)(5)", "x": "Serve as the custodian of Tribal Lands for those lands designated by the Tr"}, {"t": "(6)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.020#(b)(6)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.020(b)(6)", "x": "Record all Rights-of-Way and Service Line Agreements under a land records s"}, {"t": "(7)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.020#(b)(7)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.020(b)(7)", "x": "Perform such additional duties as may be necessary in order to fulfill the "}], "x": "Realty Officer"}, {"t": "(c)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.020#(c)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.020(c)", "x": "Natural Resources Director"}, {"t": "(d)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.020#(d)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.020(d)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.020#(d)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.020(d)(1)", "x": "perform the legal reviews and other legal functions required by this ordina"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.020#(d)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.020(d)(2)", "x": "adopt policies and procedures, including time lines, and forms for the purp"}], "x": "Tribal Attorney"}]}, {"t": "4.07.030 Rights of Way", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.030", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 4.07.030", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.07|4.07.030", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.030#(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.030(a)", "x": "Definitions"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.030#(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.030(b)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.030#(b)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.030(b)(1)", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.030#(b)(1)(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.030(b)(1)(A)", "x": "The applicant's name and address;"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.030#(b)(1)(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.030(b)(1)(B)", "x": "The purpose of the Right-of-Way and a statement describing the Public Inter"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.030#(b)(1)(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.030(b)(1)(C)", "x": "The requested duration of the Right-of-Way;"}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.030#(b)(1)(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.030(b)(1)(D)", "x": "The permanent Improvements associated with the Right-of-Way and the propose"}, {"t": "(E)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.030#(b)(1)(E)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.030(b)(1)(E)", "x": "The proposed ownership and disposition of Improvements upon termination of "}, {"t": "(F)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.030#(b)(1)(F)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.030(b)(1)(F)", "x": "An accurate legal description of the Right-of-Way, its boundaries, and parc"}, {"t": "(G)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.030#(b)(1)(G)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.030(b)(1)(G)", "x": "A map of definite location of the Right-of-Way;"}, {"t": "(H)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.030#(b)(1)(H)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.030(b)(1)(H)", "x": "Bonds, insurance, and/or other security meeting the requirements of Section"}, {"t": "(I)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.030#(b)(1)(I)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.030(b)(1)(I)", "c": [{"t": "(i)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.030#(b)(1)(I)(i)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.030(b)(1)(I)(i)", "x": "The representative has authority to execute the application;"}, {"t": "(ii)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.030#(b)(1)(I)(ii)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.030(b)(1)(I)(ii)", "x": "The Right-of-Way will be enforceable against the applicant; and"}, {"t": "(iii)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.030#(b)(1)(I)(iii)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.030(b)(1)(I)(iii)", "x": "The legal entity is in good standing and authorized to conduct business in "}], "x": "If the applicant is a corporation, limited liability company, partnership, "}, {"t": "(J)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.030#(b)(1)(J)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.030(b)(1)(J)", "x": "Environmental and archaeological reports, surveys, and site assessments, as"}], "x": "An applicant for Right-of-Way Agreement shall submit to the Realty Officer "}], "x": "Application"}, {"t": "(c)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.030#(c)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.030(c)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.030#(c)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.030(c)(1)", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.030#(c)(1)(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.030(c)(1)(A)", "x": "the date and the circumstances under which the facilities were placed on Tr"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.030#(c)(1)(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.030(c)(1)(B)", "x": "whether the facilities whether the siting of the facilities on Tribal Lands"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.030#(c)(1)(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.030(c)(1)(C)", "x": "if the siting of the facilities on Tribal Lands was previously approved, wh"}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.030#(c)(1)(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.030(c)(1)(D)", "x": "copies of any documentation related to the above matters."}], "x": "An applicant who owns, operates, licenses or otherwise benefits from, unaut"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.030#(c)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.030(c)(2)", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.030#(c)(2)(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.030(c)(2)(A)", "x": "The surcharge amount for applications otherwise complete and filed before J"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.030#(c)(2)(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.030(c)(2)(B)", "x": "The surcharge amount for applications otherwise complete and filed after Ja"}], "x": "No Right-of-Way application shall be considered complete for an applicant d"}], "x": "Applications Relating to Unauthorized Facilities"}, {"t": "(d)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.030#(d)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.030(d)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.030#(d)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.030(d)(1)", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.030#(d)(1)(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.030(d)(1)(A)", "x": "The highest annual rental specified in the grant, unless compensation is a "}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.030#(d)(1)(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.030(d)(1)(B)", "x": "The estimated damages resulting from the construction of any Improvements;"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.030#(d)(1)(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.030(d)(1)(C)", "x": "The estimated damages and remediation costs from any potential release of c"}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.030#(d)(1)(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.030(d)(1)(D)", "x": "The operation and maintenance charges for any land located within an irriga"}, {"t": "(E)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.030#(d)(1)(E)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.030(d)(1)(E)", "x": "The restoration of the premises to their condition at the start of the Righ"}], "x": "Unless the Tribe determines that the best interests of the Tribe will be se"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.030#(d)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.030(d)(2)", "x": "The bond or other security must be deposited with and made payable to the T"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.030#(d)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.030(d)(3)", "x": "The Right-of-Way Agreement will specify the conditions under which the bond"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.030#(d)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.030(d)(4)", "x": "The Tribe may require that the surety provide any supporting documents need"}, {"t": "(5)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.030#(d)(5)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.030(d)(5)", "x": "The bond, insurance, or other security instrument must require the surety t"}, {"t": "(6)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.030#(d)(6)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.030(d)(6)", "x": "Bonds or alternative security must satisfy the requirements of 25 C.F.R. \u00a7 "}], "x": "Security Document Requirements"}, {"t": "(e)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.030#(e)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.030(e)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.030#(e)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.030(e)(1)", "x": "If permanent Improvements are to be constructed, the Right-of-Way Agreement"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.030#(e)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.030(e)(2)", "x": "Failure of the grantee to comply with the due diligence requirements of the"}], "x": "Due Diligence"}, {"t": "(f)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.030#(f)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.030(f)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.030#(f)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.030(f)(1)", "x": "Subject to subparagraph (2), the Right-of-Way Agreement shall provide for a"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.030#(f)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.030(f)(2)", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.030#(f)(2)(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.030(f)(2)(A)", "x": "in-kind consideration;"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.030#(f)(2)(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.030(f)(2)(B)", "x": "payments based on throughput or percentage of income;"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.030#(f)(2)(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.030(f)(2)(C)", "x": "payments at specific stages during the life of the Right-of-Way grant, such"}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.030#(f)(2)(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.030(f)(2)(D)", "x": "bonuses."}], "x": "The Tribe may require or permit alternatives to monetary compensation that "}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.030#(f)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.030(f)(3)", "x": "Payments due under a Right-of-Way Agreement shall be made directly to the T"}], "x": "Compensation"}, {"t": "(g)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.030#(g)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.030(g)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.030#(g)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.030(g)(1)", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.030#(g)(1)(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.030(g)(1)(A)", "x": "The permissible uses of the Right-of-Way;"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.030#(g)(1)(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.030(g)(1)(B)", "x": "Whether the Right-of-Way may be assigned or mortgaged and the associated co"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.030#(g)(1)(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.030(g)(1)(C)", "x": "Ownership of Improvements; and"}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.030#(g)(1)(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.030(g)(1)(D)", "x": "The duration of the Right-of-Way and the conditions, if any, for renewal."}], "x": "Each Right-of-Way Agreement must address:"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.030#(g)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.030(g)(2)", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.030#(g)(2)(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.030(g)(2)(A)", "x": "The Tribe maintains its existing jurisdiction over the land, activities, an"}], "x": "Every Right-of-Way Agreement shall include substantially the following prov"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.030#(g)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.030(g)(3)", "x": "The grantee has no right to any of the products or resources of the land, i"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.030#(g)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.030(g)(4)", "x": "If historic properties, archeological resources, human remains, or other cu"}, {"t": "(5)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.030#(g)(5)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.030(g)(5)", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.030#(g)(5)(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.030(g)(5)(A)", "x": "Construct and maintain Improvements within the Right-of- Way in a professio"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.030#(g)(5)(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.030(g)(5)(B)", "x": "Pay promptly all damages and compensation, in addition to bond or alternati"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.030#(g)(5)(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.030(g)(5)(C)", "x": "Upon completion of construction, restore the land as nearly as possible to "}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.030#(g)(5)(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.030(g)(5)(D)", "x": "Clear and keep clear the land within the Right-of-Way, to the extent compat"}, {"t": "(E)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.030#(g)(5)(E)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.030(g)(5)(E)", "x": "Comply with all applicable laws and obtain all required permits;"}, {"t": "(F)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.030#(g)(5)(F)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.030(g)(5)(F)", "x": "Not commit waste;"}, {"t": "(G)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.030#(g)(5)(G)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.030(g)(5)(G)", "x": "Operate, repair and maintain Improvements consistent with the Right-of-Way "}, {"t": "(H)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.030#(g)(5)(H)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.030(g)(5)(H)", "x": "Build and maintain necessary and suitable crossings for all roads and trail"}, {"t": "(I)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.030#(g)(5)(I)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.030(g)(5)(I)", "x": "Upon cancellation or termination of the right-or-way, restore the land to i"}, {"t": "(J)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.030#(g)(5)(J)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.030(g)(5)(J)", "x": "At all times keep the Tribe informed of the grantee's address;"}, {"t": "(K)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.030#(g)(5)(K)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.030(g)(5)(K)", "x": "Refrain from interfering with the Tribe's use of the land, provided that th"}, {"t": "(L)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.030#(g)(5)(L)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.030(g)(5)(L)", "x": "Comply with due diligence requirements imposed by the Right-of-Way Agreemen"}, {"t": "(M)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.030#(g)(5)(M)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.030(g)(5)(M)", "x": "Notify the Tribe and the BIA if it files for bankruptcy or is placed in rec"}, {"t": "(N)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.030#(g)(5)(N)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.030(g)(5)(N)", "x": "Hold the United States and the Tribe harmless from any loss, liability, or "}, {"t": "(O)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.030#(g)(5)(O)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.030(g)(5)(O)", "x": "Indemnify the United States and the Tribe against all liabilities or costs "}], "x": "The grantee must:"}], "x": "Mandatory Provisions"}, {"t": "(h)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.030#(h)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.030(h)", "x": "Assignments, Amendments and Mortgages"}, {"t": "(i)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.030#(i)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.030(i)", "x": "Right to impose taxes, fees and assessments"}, {"t": "(j)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.030#(j)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.030(j)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.030#(j)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.030(j)(1)", "x": "Deliver a copy of the application packet to the Director for review pursuan"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.030#(j)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.030(j)(2)", "x": "Prepare a form of Right-of-Way Agreement; and"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.030#(j)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.030(j)(3)", "x": "Deliver a copy of the application packet to the Tribal Attorney for legal r"}], "x": "Initial Realty Officer Review"}, {"t": "(k)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.030#(k)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.030(k)", "x": "Legal Review"}, {"t": "(l)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.030#(l)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.030(l)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.030#(l)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.030(l)(1)", "x": "request any additional information needed from the applicant that may be ne"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.030#(l)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.030(l)(2)", "x": "perform an environmental review, and"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.030#(l)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.030(l)(3)", "x": "report the results of his or her determination to the Realty Officer."}], "x": "Environmental Review"}, {"t": "(m)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.030#(m)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.030(m)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.030#(m)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.030(m)(1)", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.030#(m)(1)(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.030(m)(1)(A)", "x": "so advise the applicant and provide a reasonable period of time for the app"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.030#(m)(1)(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.030(m)(1)(B)", "x": "determine the extent of deficiencies and the necessary recourse action, whi"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.030#(m)(1)(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.030(m)(1)(C)", "x": "provide documentation outlaying deficiencies to Director and Tribal Attorne"}], "x": "After receipt of the final environmental review report prepared pursuant to"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.030#(m)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.030(m)(2)", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.030#(m)(2)(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.030(m)(2)(A)", "x": "the proposed Right-of-Way Agreement document(s), together with the Realty O"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.030#(m)(2)(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.030(m)(2)(B)", "x": "the application submitted to the BIA pursuant to 25 C.F.R. \u00a7 169.102:"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.030#(m)(2)(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.030(m)(2)(C)", "x": "the Tribal Attorney's statement as to legal compliance and any comments or "}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.030#(m)(2)(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.030(m)(2)(D)", "x": "the Director's environmental review statement, including the recommendation"}, {"t": "(E)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.030#(m)(2)(E)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.030(m)(2)(E)", "x": "any documents that the Tribal Council may specifically request; and"}, {"t": "(F)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.030#(m)(2)(F)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.030(m)(2)(F)", "x": "any other relevant documents."}], "x": "If the Realty Officer determines that the application meets the requirement"}], "x": "Final Realty Officer Review"}, {"t": "(n)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.030#(n)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.030(n)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.030#(n)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.030(n)(1)", "x": "The Tribal Council shall have the sole authority to approve or disapprove t"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.030#(n)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.030(n)(2)", "x": "Triplicate originals of an approved Right-of-Way Agreement shall be execute"}], "x": "Tribal Council Decision"}, {"t": "(o)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.030#(o)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.030(o)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.030#(o)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.030(o)(1)", "x": "provide an original Right-of-Way Agreement to the BIA for recording and ret"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.030#(o)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.030(o)(2)", "x": "provide an original or certified copy of the Right-of-Way Agreement to the "}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.030#(o)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.030(o)(3)", "x": "preserve original and digital copies of executed Right-of-Way Agreement doc"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.030#(o)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.030(o)(4)", "x": "if the BIA grants a Right-of-Way pursuant to the Tribe's Right-of-Way Agree"}, {"t": "(5)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.030#(o)(5)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.030(o)(5)", "x": "in coordination with tribal technical staff monitor the grantee's complianc"}], "x": "Realty Officer's Post Execution Duties"}]}, {"t": "4.07.040 Service Line Agreements", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.040", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 4.07.040", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.07|4.07.040", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.040#(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.040(a)", "x": "Requirement"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.040#(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.040(b)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.040#(b)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.040(b)(1)", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.040#(b)(1)(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.040(b)(1)(A)", "x": "applicant's name, address, phone number, email address;"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.040#(b)(1)(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.040(b)(1)(B)", "x": "services the provider will supply;"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.040#(b)(1)(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.040(b)(1)(C)", "x": "name, addresses and contact information for the persons or buildings to be "}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.040#(b)(1)(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.040(b)(1)(D)", "x": "proposed avoidance, minimization, and/or mitigation of any damages incurred"}], "x": "A service provider shall submit to the Realty Officer a proposed Service Li"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.040#(b)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.040(b)(2)", "x": "If the service provider does not provide a proposed Service Line Agreement,"}], "x": "Application"}, {"t": "(c)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.040#(c)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.040(c)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.040#(c)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.040(c)(1)", "x": "determine whether to require a survey or, alternatively, to identify the re"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.040#(c)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.040(c)(2)", "x": "unless a categorical exclusion applies, deliver a copy of the application p"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.040#(c)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.040(c)(3)", "x": "deliver a copy of the application packet to the Tribal Attorney for legal r"}], "x": "Initial Realty Officer Review"}, {"t": "(d)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.040#(d)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.040(d)", "x": "Legal Review"}, {"t": "(e)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.040#(e)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.040(e)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.040#(e)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.040(e)(1)", "x": "request any additional information needed from the grantee that may be need"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.040#(e)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.040(e)(2)", "x": "perform an environmental review, and;"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.040#(e)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.040(e)(3)", "x": "report the results of his or her determination to the Realty Officer."}], "x": "Environmental Review"}, {"t": "(f)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.040#(f)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.040(f)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.040#(f)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.040(f)(1)", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.040#(f)(1)(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.040(f)(1)(A)", "x": "so advise the applicant and provide a reasonable period of time for the app"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.040#(f)(1)(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.040(f)(1)(B)", "x": "determine the extent of deficiencies and the necessary recourse action, whi"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.040#(f)(1)(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.040(f)(1)(C)", "x": "provide documentation outlaying deficiencies to Director and Tribal Attorne"}], "x": "Within fifteen business days after receipt of the final environmental revie"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.040#(f)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.040(f)(2)", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.040#(f)(2)(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.040(f)(2)(A)", "x": "the proposed Service Line Agreement, together with the Realty Officer's rec"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.040#(f)(2)(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.040(f)(2)(B)", "x": "the Tribal Attorney's statement as to legal compliance and any comments or "}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.040#(f)(2)(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.040(f)(2)(C)", "x": "the Director's review statement, including the recommendations, if any;"}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.040#(f)(2)(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.040(f)(2)(D)", "x": "any documents that the Tribal Council may specifically request; and"}, {"t": "(E)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.040#(f)(2)(E)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.040(f)(2)(E)", "x": "any other relevant documents."}], "x": "If the Realty Officer determines that the application meets the requirement"}], "x": "Final Realty Officer Review"}, {"t": "(g)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.040#(g)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.040(g)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.040#(g)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.040(g)(1)", "x": "The Tribal Council shall have the sole authority to approve or disapprove a"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.040#(g)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.040(g)(2)", "x": "Triplicate originals of an approved Service Line Agreement shall be execute"}], "x": "Tribal Council Decision"}, {"t": "(h)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.040#(h)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.040(h)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.040#(h)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.040(h)(1)", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.040#(h)(1)(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.040(h)(1)(A)", "x": "Must show the boundary of the ownership parcel and point of connection of t"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.040#(h)(1)(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.040(h)(1)(B)", "x": "include the signatures of the parties if the plat is on a sheet separate fr"}], "x": "Provide an executed copy of the Service Line Agreement together with a plat"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.040#(h)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.040(h)(2)", "x": "Provide an original or certified copy of the Service Line Agreement to the "}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.040#(h)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.040(h)(3)", "x": "preserve original and digital copies of the executed Service Line Agreement"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.040#(h)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.040(h)(4)", "x": "assure proper recording in accordance with this ordinance."}], "x": "Realty Officer's Post Execution Duties"}]}, {"t": "4.07.050 Environmental Review", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.050", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 4.07.050", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.07|4.07.050", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.050#(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.050(a)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.050#(a)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.050(a)(1)", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.050#(a)(1)(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.050(a)(1)(A)", "x": "statement of the purposes for which the right-of-way or Service Line Agreem"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.050#(a)(1)(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.050(a)(1)(B)", "x": "a description of the physical environmental conditions in the vicinity of t"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.050#(a)(1)(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.050(a)(1)(C)", "x": "a description of all significant short-term and long-term effects, includin"}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.050#(a)(1)(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.050(a)(1)(D)", "x": "recommendations, where appropriate, of conditions that should be placed on "}, {"t": "(E)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.050#(a)(1)(E)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.050(a)(1)(E)", "x": "the Director's determination whether the proposed activity will create sign"}, {"t": "(F)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.050#(a)(1)(F)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.050(a)(1)(F)", "x": "in the event of a finding of no significant detrimental effects, the Direct"}], "x": "Except in the case of categorical exclusions, the Director shall prepare a "}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.050#(a)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.050(a)(2)", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.050#(a)(2)(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.050(a)(2)(A)", "x": "the potential impact on public health or safety;"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.050#(a)(2)(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.050(a)(2)(B)", "x": "the potential impact on sites that are sacred or of cultural significance t"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.050#(a)(2)(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.050(a)(2)(C)", "x": "the potential impact on sites used by Tribal Members for hunting, fishing, "}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.050#(a)(2)(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.050(a)(2)(D)", "x": "the unique characteristics of the geographic area such as proximity to hist"}, {"t": "(E)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.050#(a)(2)(E)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.050(a)(2)(E)", "x": "whether the proposed activity is related to other actions with individually"}, {"t": "(F)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.050#(a)(2)(F)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.050(a)(2)(F)", "x": "the potential impact on sites, structures, or objects listed in or eligible"}, {"t": "(G)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.050#(a)(2)(G)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.050(a)(2)(G)", "x": "the potential impact on endangered or threatened species or their habitat t"}, {"t": "(H)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.050#(a)(2)(H)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.050(a)(2)(H)", "x": "whether the action may violate federal or Tribal Environmental Laws;"}, {"t": "(I)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.050#(a)(2)(I)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.050(a)(2)(I)", "x": "the potential impact on air quality;"}, {"t": "(J)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.050#(a)(2)(J)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.050(a)(2)(J)", "x": "the potential impact on water resources, including surface and ground water"}, {"t": "(K)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.050#(a)(2)(K)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.050(a)(2)(K)", "x": "the potential impact on biological resources, including wildlife, vegetatio"}, {"t": "(L)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.050#(a)(2)(L)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.050(a)(2)(L)", "x": "the potential impact on visual resources, scenic views, and wilderness valu"}, {"t": "(M)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.050#(a)(2)(M)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.050(a)(2)(M)", "x": "potential generation of excessive noise, vibrations, light, or glare; and"}, {"t": "(N)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.050#(a)(2)(N)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.050(a)(2)(N)", "x": "potential impact on transportation networks."}], "x": "In determining whether an effect is significant, the Director shall conside"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.050#(a)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.050(a)(3)", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.050#(a)(3)(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.050(a)(3)(A)", "x": "the Director supplements such environment review with an evaluation of effe"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.050#(a)(3)(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.050(a)(3)(B)", "x": "the public comment and response requirements of this section are substantia"}], "x": "The Director may adopt as a Tribal environmental review statement an enviro"}], "x": "Draft Environmental Review Statement"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.050#(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.050(b)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.050#(b)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.050(b)(1)", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.050#(b)(1)(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.050(b)(1)(A)", "x": "There is an earlier environmental review statement and finding of no signif"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.050#(b)(1)(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.050(b)(1)(B)", "x": "single family home sites, including up to four dwelling units in a single o"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.050#(b)(1)(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.050(b)(1)(C)", "x": "rooftop solar energy facilities;"}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.050#(b)(1)(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.050(b)(1)(D)", "x": "Up to two acres for ground-mounted solar facilities that do not involve rem"}, {"t": "(E)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.050#(b)(1)(E)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.050(b)(1)(E)", "x": "operation, repair, maintenance or minor alteration of existing structures, "}, {"t": "(F)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.050#(b)(1)(F)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.050(b)(1)(F)", "x": "Replacement or reconstruction of existing structures and facilities where t"}, {"t": "(G)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.050#(b)(1)(G)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.050(b)(1)(G)", "x": "Construction of a limited number of new, small facilities or structures; in"}, {"t": "(H)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.050#(b)(1)(H)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.050(b)(1)(H)", "x": "Minor alterations in the condition of land and/or vegetation which do not i"}, {"t": "(I)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.050#(b)(1)(I)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.050(b)(1)(I)", "x": "Minor additions to existing buildings or other structures where the additio"}, {"t": "(J)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.050#(b)(1)(J)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.050(b)(1)(J)", "x": "Cleanup actions taken under the supervision of the Tribe to avoid, minimize"}, {"t": "(K)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.050#(b)(1)(K)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.050(b)(1)(K)", "x": "Activity that does not involve changes in the use of land and that is align"}, {"t": "(L)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.050#(b)(1)(L)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.050(b)(1)(L)", "x": "Rights-of-Way inside another right-of-way, or amendments to rights-of-way w"}, {"t": "(M)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.050#(b)(1)(M)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.050(b)(1)(M)", "x": "Service line agreements to an individual residence, building or well from a"}, {"t": "(N)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.050#(b)(1)(N)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.050(b)(1)(N)", "x": "Renewals, assignments and conversions of existing rights-of-way or service "}], "x": "Except as provided in subsection (c), the approval of the following categor"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.050#(b)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.050(b)(2)", "x": "The Realty Officer and the Director must concur, in writing, that a propose"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.050#(b)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.050(b)(3)", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.050#(b)(3)(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.050(b)(3)(A)", "x": "Notwithstanding the categorical exclusions listed in subsection (a), the Di"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.050#(b)(3)(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.050(b)(3)(B)", "x": "Notwithstanding the categorical exclusions listed in subsection (a), the Tr"}], "x": "Exceptions to Exclusions"}], "x": "Categorical Exclusions"}, {"t": "(c)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.050#(c)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.050(c)", "x": "Public Notice and Comment"}, {"t": "(d)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.050#(d)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.050(d)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.050#(d)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.050(d)(1)", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.050#(d)(1)(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.050(d)(1)(A)", "x": "prepare a written response to all relevant and substantive public comments,"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.050#(d)(1)(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.050(d)(1)(B)", "x": "make such revisions to the draft environmental review statement as may be w"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.050#(d)(1)(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.050(d)(1)(C)", "x": "prepare a final environmental review statement, which shall include the res"}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.050#(d)(1)(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.050(d)(1)(D)", "x": "post the final environmental review statement on the Tribe's public website"}, {"t": "(E)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.050#(d)(1)(E)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.050(d)(1)(E)", "x": "forward copies of the final environmental review statement to the Realty Of"}], "x": "After the expiration of the comment period, the Director shall:"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.050#(d)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.050(d)(2)", "x": "The Director may make a recommendation whether the potential significant de"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.050#(d)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.050(d)(3)", "x": "In cases in which no environmental review statement is required, the Direct"}], "x": "Final environmental review statement"}]}, {"t": "4.07.060 Enforcement", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.060", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 4.07.060", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.07|4.07.060", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.060#(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.060(a)", "x": "Jurisdiction"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.060#(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.060(b)", "x": "Trespass"}, {"t": "(c)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.060#(c)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.060(c)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.060#(c)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.060(c)(1)", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.060#(c)(1)(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.060(c)(1)(A)", "x": "The name of the person allegedly in violation and each person or entity cla"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.060#(c)(1)(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.060(c)(1)(B)", "x": "A concise statement of the facts concerning the alleged default(s) and such"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.060#(c)(1)(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.060(c)(1)(C)", "x": "True and correct copies of the document by which the Occupancy Rights were "}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.060#(c)(1)(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.060(c)(1)(D)", "x": "Any applicable allegations concerning compliance with any relevant requirem"}], "x": "Upon violation of the terms of any Right-of-Way Agreement or Service Line A"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.060#(c)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.060(c)(2)", "x": "A copy of the summons and complaint shall be served on all defendants in ac"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.060#(c)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.060(c)(3)", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.060#(c)(3)(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.060(c)(3)(A)", "x": "Declaration of the plaintiff's right to recover the premises;"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.060#(c)(3)(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.060(c)(3)(B)", "x": "Termination of the defendant's right of occupancy;"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.060#(c)(3)(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.060(c)(3)(C)", "x": "A writ of restitution directing one or more Enforcement Officers to immedia"}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.060#(c)(3)(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.060(c)(3)(D)", "x": "Monetary damages, which may include damages to the Tribal Land, the revenue"}], "x": "An action to terminate an Occupancy Right shall be heard and decided in a p"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.060#(c)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.060(c)(4)", "x": "Emergency Expedited Hearing"}], "x": "Termination of Occupancy Right"}, {"t": "(d)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.07.060#(d)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.07.060(d)", "x": "BIA Enforcement."}]}]}, {"t": "Chapter 4.08 Bad River Low Flow Ordinance", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.08", "et": "container", "sc": "Chapter 4.08", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.08", "c": [{"t": "4.08.010 Purpose", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.08.010", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 4.08.010", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.08|4.08.010", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.08.010#(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.08.010(a)", "x": "The idea of water conservation ordinance focusing on low-flow plumbing fixt"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.08.010#(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.08.010(b)", "x": "Water quality is of paramount concern to the Tribe. Reduction in water use "}]}, {"t": "4.08.020 Policy", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.08.020", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 4.08.020", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.08|4.08.020", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.08.020#(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.08.020(a)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.08.020#(a)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.08.020(a)(1)", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.08.020#(a)(1)(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.08.020(a)(1)(A)", "x": "All mixing faucets shall be designed to deliver a maximum of 1.5 gallons pe"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.08.020#(a)(1)(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.08.020(a)(1)(B)", "x": "All shower heads shall be of a type that deliver a maximum of three gallons"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.08.020#(a)(1)(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.08.020(a)(1)(C)", "x": "All water closets shall be designed to use a maximum of 1.6 gallons per flu"}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.08.020#(a)(1)(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.08.020(a)(1)(D)", "x": "Evaporative cooling systems shall be equipped with water recycling or re-us"}, {"t": "(E)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.08.020#(a)(1)(E)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.08.020(a)(1)(E)", "x": "All water fountains, waterfalls and other decorative, water-using facilitie"}], "x": "Residential minimum low-flow compliance requirements."}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.08.020#(a)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.08.020(a)(2)", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.08.020#(a)(2)(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.08.020(a)(2)(A)", "x": "All shower heads shall be of a type that delivers a maximum of 2.5 gallons "}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.08.020#(a)(2)(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.08.020(a)(2)(B)", "x": "All water closets shall be designed to use a maximum of 1.6 gallons per min"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.08.020#(a)(2)(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.08.020(a)(2)(C)", "x": "All public-use lavatories shall be equipped with either spring loaded fauce"}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.08.020#(a)(2)(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.08.020(a)(2)(D)", "x": "All mixing faucets shall be designed to deliver a maximum of 1.5 gallons pe"}, {"t": "(E)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.08.020#(a)(2)(E)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.08.020(a)(2)(E)", "x": "All fountains, waterfalls, and other decorative, water-using facilities sha"}, {"t": "(F)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.08.020#(a)(2)(F)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.08.020(a)(2)(F)", "x": "All urinals designs shall use a maximum of one gallon per flush. No urinals"}], "x": "Commercial minimum low-flow compliance requirements."}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.08.020#(a)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.08.020(a)(3)", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.08.020#(a)(3)(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.08.020(a)(3)(A)", "x": "All shower heads shall be of a type that delivers a maximum of 2.5 gallons "}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.08.020#(a)(3)(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.08.020(a)(3)(B)", "x": "All water closets shall be designed to use a maximum of 1.6 gallons per min"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.08.020#(a)(3)(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.08.020(a)(3)(C)", "x": "All public-use lavatories shall be equipped with either spring loaded fauce"}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.08.020#(a)(3)(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.08.020(a)(3)(D)", "x": "All mixing faucets shall be designed to deliver a maximum of 1.5 gallons pe"}, {"t": "(E)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.08.020#(a)(3)(E)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.08.020(a)(3)(E)", "x": "All fountains, waterfalls, and other decorative, water-using facilities sha"}, {"t": "(F)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.08.020#(a)(3)(F)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.08.020(a)(3)(F)", "x": "All urinals designs shall use a maximum of one gallon per flush. No urinals"}], "x": "Governmental minimum low-flow compliance requirements."}], "x": "Minimum low-flow requirements"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.08.020#(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.08.020(b)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.08.020#(b)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.08.020(b)(1)", "x": "Owners or managers of property shall install or require the installation of"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.08.020#(b)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.08.020(b)(2)", "x": "All contractors and sub-contractors shall install low-flow devices where re"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.08.020#(b)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.08.020(b)(3)", "x": "Low-flow fixtures are required in all new construction of structures."}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.08.020#(b)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.08.020(b)(4)", "x": "Low-flow fixtures shall be installed with renovations of structure's plumbi"}, {"t": "(5)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.08.020#(b)(5)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.08.020(b)(5)", "x": "Replacement of failed current fixtures must be done with fixtures that meet"}, {"t": "(6)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.08.020#(b)(6)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.08.020(b)(6)", "x": "Low-flow fixtures shall be installed prior to the time of sale of a structu"}], "x": "Time Frame for meeting requirements."}]}, {"t": "4.08.030 Applicability", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.08.030", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 4.08.030", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.08|4.08.030"}, {"t": "4.08.040 Effective Date, Severability and Incentives", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.08.040", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 4.08.040", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.08|4.08.040", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.08.040#(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.08.040(a)", "x": "Effective Date: This ordinance shall be effective upon the date of adoption"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.08.040#(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.08.040(b)", "x": "Severability: If the Bad River Tribal Court judges any section, provision o"}, {"t": "(c)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.08.040#(c)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.08.040(c)", "x": "Incentives: The Tribal Council may enact incentives for free or low cost fi"}]}, {"t": "4.08.050 Enforcement/Evidence", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.08.050", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 4.08.050", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.08|4.08.050", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.08.050#(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.08.050(a)", "x": "The Bad River Construction Projects Manager, Conservation Wardens and the B"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.08.050#(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.08.050(b)", "x": "The Bad River Construction Projects Manager, Conservation Wardens and the B"}]}, {"t": "4.08.060 Jurisdiction/Penalties", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.08.060", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 4.08.060", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.08|4.08.060", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.08.060#(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.08.060(a)", "x": "The Bad River Tribal Court shall have jurisdiction to hear all matters pros"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.08.060#(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.08.060(b)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.08.060#(b)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.08.060(b)(1)", "x": "Immediate mandate requiring installation of low-flow plumbing fixtures;"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.08.060#(b)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.08.060(b)(2)", "x": "A civil forfeiture of not to exceed $1,000.00. Each day of any continuing v"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.08.060#(b)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.08.060(b)(3)", "x": "In addition to a civil forfeiture, any personal property, including vehicle"}], "x": "The Bad River Tribal Court may impose any of the following penalties for vi"}]}, {"t": "4.08.070 Authority", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.08.070", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 4.08.070", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.08|4.08.070"}, {"t": "4.08.080 Definitions", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.08.080", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 4.08.080", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.08|4.08.080", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.08.080#(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.08.080(a)", "x": "Bad River NRD: The Natural Resources Department of the Bad River Band of th"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.08.080#(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.08.080(b)", "x": "Black water: Wastewater from toilets, garbage disposals, and industrial pro"}, {"t": "(c)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.08.080#(c)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.08.080(c)", "x": "Commercial Structures: Any building engaged in Commerce, for example, in in"}, {"t": "(d)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.08.080#(d)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.08.080(d)", "x": "Contractor: A person who contracts to furnish, supply, or perform work at a"}, {"t": "(e)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.08.080#(e)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.08.080(e)", "x": "Evaporative Cooling System: System that cools by means of high velocity air"}, {"t": "(f)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.08.080#(f)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.08.080(f)", "x": "Faucet aerator: Device that can be installed in a sink to reduce water use "}, {"t": "(g)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.08.080#(g)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.08.080(g)", "x": "Gray Water: Domestic wastewater composed of wash water from kitchen sinks, "}, {"t": "(h)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.08.080#(h)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.08.080(h)", "x": "Low-flow plumbing: Plumbing equipment that uses less water than was conside"}, {"t": "(i)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.08.080#(i)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.08.080(i)", "x": "Low-flow showerhead: A showerhead that requires 3 gallons of water per minu"}, {"t": "(j)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.08.080#(j)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.08.080(j)", "x": "Low-flush toilet: A toilet that requires 1.6 gallons of water per flush or "}, {"t": "(k)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.08.080#(k)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.08.080(k)", "x": "Members: The Bad River Band of Lake Superior Tribe of Chippewa Indians. Any"}, {"t": "(l)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.08.080#(l)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.08.080(l)", "x": "Mixing Faucet: A single outlet for water from separately control hot water "}, {"t": "(m)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.08.080#(m)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.08.080(m)", "x": "Non-members: Any person who does not come within the definition of member."}, {"t": "(n)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.08.080#(n)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.08.080(n)", "x": "Non-residents: Any person who does not have a permanent place of abode on t"}, {"t": "(o)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.08.080#(o)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.08.080(o)", "x": "Person: Means any natural or legal person, both members of the Bad River Ba"}, {"t": "(p)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.08.080#(p)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.08.080(p)", "x": "Reservation: Refers to all areas within the exterior boundaries of the Bad "}, {"t": "(q)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.08.080#(q)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.08.080(q)", "x": "Residential Structures: Building suited for or characterized by private res"}, {"t": "(r)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.08.080#(r)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.08.080(r)", "x": "Residents: A person who resides on or in the boundaries of the Bad River Re"}, {"t": "(s)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.08.080#(s)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.08.080(s)", "x": "Respondent: Refers to any person accused of violating the prohibitions desc"}, {"t": "(t)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.08.080#(t)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.08.080(t)", "x": "Retrofit: Replacement of existing equipment with equipment that uses less w"}, {"t": "(u)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.08.080#(u)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.08.080(u)", "x": "Sub-contractor: A person or a business firm contracted to do part of anothe"}, {"t": "(v)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.08.080#(v)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.08.080(v)", "x": "Toilet displacement device: Object placed in a toilet tank to reduce the am"}, {"t": "(w)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.08.080#(w)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.08.080(w)", "x": "Tribal Court: Refers to the Bad River Tribal Court and its appellate court."}, {"t": "(x)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.08.080#(x)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.08.080(x)", "x": "Tribe: Refers to the Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Tribe of Chippewa "}, {"t": "(y)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.08.080#(y)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.08.080(y)", "x": "Warden: Refers to any officer authorized to enforce the terms of this ordin"}, {"t": "(z)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.08.080#(z)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.08.080(z)", "x": "Wastewater: Spent or used water from individual homes, a community, a farm,"}, {"t": "(aa)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.08.080#(aa)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.08.080(aa)", "x": "Waters: Refers to any waters within the exterior boundaries of the reservat"}, {"t": "(bb)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.08.080#(bb)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.08.080(bb)", "x": "Water Closet: An enclosed room or compartment containing a toilet bowl fitt"}, {"t": "(cc)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.08.080#(cc)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.08.080(cc)", "x": "Water use efficiency: Employing water-saving practices to reduce costs to s"}]}]}, {"t": "Chapter 4.09 Leasehold Mortgage Regulations", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.09", "et": "container", "sc": "Chapter 4.09", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.09", "c": [{"t": "4.09.010 Introduction", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.09.010", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 4.09.010", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.09|4.09.010"}, {"t": "4.09.020 Lien Priority", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.09.020", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 4.09.020", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.09|4.09.020"}, {"t": "4.09.030 Recording of Mortgage Loan Documents", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.09.030", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 4.09.030", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.09|4.09.030", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.09.030#(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.09.030(a)", "x": "The Tribal Recording Clerk shall maintain in the Tribal Real Estate program"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.09.030#(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.09.030(b)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.09.030#(b)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.09.030(b)(1)", "x": "The date and time of receipt of the mortgage or other document;"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.09.030#(b)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.09.030(b)(2)", "x": "The filing number to be assigned by the Tribal Recording Clerk, which shall"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.09.030#(b)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.09.030(b)(3)", "x": "The name of the Tribal Recording Clerk or designee receiving the mortgage o"}], "x": "The Tribal Recording Clerk shall endorse upon any mortgage loan or other do"}, {"t": "(c)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.09.030#(c)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.09.030(c)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.09.030#(c)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.09.030(c)(1)", "x": "The name(s) of the Borrower/Mortgagor of each mortgage loan identified as s"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.09.030#(c)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.09.030(c)(2)", "x": "The name(s) of the Lender/Mortgagee of each mortgage loan, identified as su"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.09.030#(c)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.09.030(c)(3)", "x": "The name(s) of the grantor(s), grantee(s) or other designation of each part"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.09.030#(c)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.09.030(c)(4)", "x": "The date and time of receipt;"}, {"t": "(5)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.09.030#(c)(5)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.09.030(c)(5)", "x": "The filing number assigned by the Tribal Recording Clerk; and"}, {"t": "(6)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.09.030#(c)(6)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.09.030(c)(6)", "x": "The name of the Tribal Recording Clerk or designee receiving the mortgage o"}], "x": "The Tribal Recording Clerk shall also maintain a log of each mortgage loan "}, {"t": "(d)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.09.030#(d)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.09.030(d)", "x": "The certified copies of the mortgage loan and other documents and the log m"}, {"t": "(e)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.09.030#(e)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.09.030(e)", "x": "All mortgages will be recorded with the BIA in addition to any Tribal recor"}]}, {"t": "4.09.040 Foreclosure Procedures", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.09.040", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 4.09.040", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.09|4.09.040", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.09.040#(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.09.040(a)", "x": "A Borrower/Mortgagor shall be considered to be in default when he or she is"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.09.040#(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.09.040(b)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.09.040#(b)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.09.040(b)(1)", "x": "Make a reasonable effort to arrange a face-to-face interview with the Borro"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.09.040#(b)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.09.040(b)(2)", "x": "Lender/Mortgagee shall document that it has made at least one phone call to"}], "x": "When a Borrower/Mortgagor is thirty days past due on his or her mortgage an"}, {"t": "(c)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.09.040#(c)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.09.040(c)", "x": "Lender/Mortgagee may appoint an agent to perform the services of arranging "}, {"t": "(d)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.09.040#(d)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.09.040(d)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.09.040#(d)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.09.040(d)(1)", "x": "Advise the Borrower/Mortgagor that information regarding the loan and defau"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.09.040#(d)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.09.040(d)(2)", "x": "Advise the Borrower/Mortgagor of homeownership counseling opportunities/pro"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.09.040#(d)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.09.040(d)(3)", "x": "Advise the Borrower/Mortgagor of other available assistance regarding the m"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.09.040#(d)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.09.040(d)(4)", "x": "In addition to the preceding notification requirements, the Lender/Mortgage"}], "x": "When the Borrower/Mortgagor is past due on three installment payments and a"}, {"t": "(e)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.09.040#(e)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.09.040(e)", "x": "If a Borrower/Mortgagor is past due on three or more installment payments a"}]}, {"t": "4.09.050 Foreclosure Complaint and Summons", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.09.050", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 4.09.050", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.09|4.09.050", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.09.050#(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.09.050(a)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.09.050#(a)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.09.050(a)(1)", "x": "The name of the Borrower/Mortgagor and each person or entity claiming throu"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.09.050#(a)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.09.050(a)(2)", "x": "A description of the property subject to the mortgage loan;"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.09.050#(a)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.09.050(a)(3)", "x": "A concise statement of the facts concerning the execution of the mortgage l"}], "x": "The verified complaint in a mortgage foreclosure proceeding shall contain t"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.09.050#(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.09.050(b)", "x": "True and correct copies of each promissory note, mortgage, deed of trust or"}, {"t": "(c)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.09.050#(c)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.09.050(c)", "x": "Any applicable allegations concerning relevant requirements and conditions "}, {"t": "(d)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.09.050#(d)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.09.050(d)", "x": "The complaint shall be verified by the Tribal Court Clerk along with a"}]}, {"t": "4.09.060 Service of Process and Procedures", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.09.060", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 4.09.060", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.09|4.09.060", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.09.060#(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.09.060(a)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.09.060#(a)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.09.060(a)(1)", "x": "Personally delivered to a Borrower/Mortgagor with a copy sent by mail, or"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.09.060#(a)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.09.060(a)(2)", "x": "Personally delivered to an adult living in the property with a copy sent by"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.09.060#(a)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.09.060(a)(3)", "x": "Personally delivered to an adult agent or employee of the Borrower/Mortgago"}], "x": "Delivery must be made by an adult person and is effective when it is:"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.09.060#(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.09.060(b)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.09.060#(b)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.09.060(b)(1)", "x": "Certified mail, return receipt requested, at the last known address of the "}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.09.060#(b)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.09.060(b)(2)", "x": "Securely taping a copy of the notice to the main entry door of the property"}], "x": "If the notice cannot be given by means of personal delivery, or the Borrowe"}, {"t": "(c)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.09.060#(c)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.09.060(c)", "x": "The person giving notice must keep a copy of the notice and proof of servic"}]}, {"t": "4.09.070 Cure of Default", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.09.070", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 4.09.070", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.09|4.09.070"}, {"t": "4.09.080 Judgment and Remedy", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.09.080", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 4.09.080", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.09|4.09.080", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.09.080#(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.09.080(a)", "x": "Foreclosing the interest of the Borrower/Mortgagor and each other defendant"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.09.080#(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.09.080(b)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.09.080#(b)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.09.080(b)(1)", "x": "The lender shall give the Tribe the right of first refusal on any acceptabl"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.09.080#(b)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.09.080(b)(2)", "x": "The Lender or Lender's Designated Assignee may only transfer, sell or assig"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.09.080#(b)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.09.080(b)(3)", "x": "The mortgagee has the right to convey the leasehold interest to the Secreta"}], "x": "Granting title to the property to the Lender/Mortgagee or the Lender's"}]}, {"t": "4.09.090 Foreclosure Evictions", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.09.090", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 4.09.090", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.09|4.09.090", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.09.090#(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.09.090(a)", "x": "Jurisdiction. The provisions of this section H. shall apply to all persons "}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.09.090#(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.09.090(b)", "x": "Unlawful Detainer. A Lessee, Sublessee, or other occupant of a Leasehold Es"}, {"t": "(c)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.09.090#(c)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.09.090(c)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.09.090#(c)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.09.090(c)(1)", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.09.090#(c)(1)(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.09.090(c)(1)(A)", "x": "Citing facts alleging jurisdiction of the Tribal Court;"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.09.090#(c)(1)(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.09.090(c)(1)(B)", "x": "Naming as defendants the mortgagors and any other record owner (including S"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.09.090#(c)(1)(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.09.090(c)(1)(C)", "x": "Describing the Leasehold Estate subject to the Leasehold Mortgage;"}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.09.090#(c)(1)(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.09.090(c)(1)(D)", "x": "(iv) Stating the facts concerning (1) the execution of the lease and the L"}, {"t": "(E)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.09.090#(c)(1)(E)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.09.090(c)(1)(E)", "x": "Stating any claim for damages or compensation due form the"}, {"t": "(F)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.09.090#(c)(1)(F)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.09.090(c)(1)(F)", "x": "Otherwise satisfying the requirements of the Tribal Court."}], "x": "A complaint, signed by the lender or Federal Agency, or an agent or attorne"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.09.090#(c)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.09.090(c)(2)", "x": "A copy of the summons, issued in accordance with established Tribal Court p"}], "x": "Complaint and Summons. The lender or Federal Agency (which made, guaranteed"}, {"t": "(d)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.09.090#(d)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.09.090(d)", "x": "Service of Summons and Complaint. A copy of the summons and complaint shall"}, {"t": "(e)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.09.090#(e)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.09.090(e)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.09.090#(e)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.09.090(e)(1)", "x": "delivering a copy personally to the Borrower/Mortgagor or to any other occu"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.09.090#(e)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.09.090(e)(2)", "x": "posting said notice in a conspicuous place near the entrance to said Leaseh"}], "x": "Procedures for Service of Notice. Notices required or authorized in the imm"}, {"t": "(f)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.09.090#(f)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.09.090(f)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.09.090#(f)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.09.090(f)(1)", "x": "Notice of suit is given by service of summons and complaint in accordance w"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.09.090#(f)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.09.090(f)(2)", "x": "The Tribal Court shall find during pre-trial proceedings or at trial that t"}], "x": "Powers of the Tribal Court. The Tribal Court shall enter of Order of Reposs"}, {"t": "(g)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.09.090#(g)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.09.090(g)", "x": "Enforcement. Upon issuance of an Order of Repossession by the Tribal Court,"}, {"t": "(h)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.09.090#(h)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.09.090(h)", "x": "Continuances in Cases Involving the Lender or Federal Agency. (Which origin"}]}, {"t": "4.09.100 No Merger of Estates", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.09.100", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 4.09.100", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.09|4.09.100"}, {"t": "4.09.110 Certified Mailing to Tribe", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.09.110", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 4.09.110", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.09|4.09.110"}, {"t": "4.09.120 Intervention", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.09.120", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 4.09.120", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.09|4.09.120"}, {"t": "4.09.130 Appeals", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.09.130", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 4.09.130", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.09|4.09.130"}]}, {"t": "Chapter 4.10 Tax", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.10", "et": "container", "sc": "Chapter 4.10", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.10", "c": [{"t": "4.10.010 Findings and Purposes", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.10.010", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 4.10.010", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.10|4.10.010", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.10.010#(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.10.010(a)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.10.010#(a)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.10.010(a)(1)", "x": "an essential attribute of tribal sovereignty;"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.10.010#(a)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.10.010(a)(2)", "x": "a necessary instrument of self-government and territorial management; and"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.10.010#(a)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.10.010(a)(3)", "x": "a means for the Tribe to raise revenue to fund essential governmental servi"}], "x": "The Tribal Council finds that the power to tax the significant electric fac"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.10.010#(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.10.010(b)", "x": "Purposes"}]}, {"t": "4.10.020 Authority", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.10.020", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 4.10.020", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.10|4.10.020"}, {"t": "4.10.030 Scope", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.10.030", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 4.10.030", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.10|4.10.030"}, {"t": "4.10.040 Definitions", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.10.040", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 4.10.040", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.10|4.10.040"}, {"t": "4.10.050 Tax", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.10.050", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 4.10.050", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.10|4.10.050", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.10.050#(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.10.050(a)", "x": "Property Taxes"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.10.050#(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.10.050(b)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.10.050#(b)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.10.050(b)(1)", "x": "A personal or real property interest of the Tribe, a Tribal instrumentality"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.10.050#(b)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.10.050(b)(2)", "x": "A personal or real property interest of the United States;"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.10.050#(b)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.10.050(b)(3)", "x": "A personal or real property interest of the State of Wisconsin; and"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.10.050#(b)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.10.050(b)(4)", "x": "A real property or personal property interest that has been granted an expr"}, {"t": "(5)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.10.050#(b)(5)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.10.050(b)(5)", "x": "Service Lines that are under 34 kv and/or that serve as a personal or real "}], "x": "Exemptions"}, {"t": "(c)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.10.050#(c)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.10.050(c)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.10.050#(c)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.10.050(c)(1)", "x": "Any electric facility equal to $.01 multiplied by the length (in feet) of t"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.10.050#(c)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.10.050(c)(2)", "x": "Any energy product facility equal to $.065 multiplied by the length (in fee"}], "x": "Assessment"}, {"t": "(d)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.10.050#(d)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.10.050(d)", "x": "Due Date and Late Payment Fee"}, {"t": "(e)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.10.050#(e)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.10.050(e)", "x": "Assessor"}, {"t": "(f)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.10.050#(f)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.10.050(f)", "x": "Judicial Review"}]}, {"t": "4.10.060 Effective Date, Severability and Repealer", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.10.060", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 4.10.060", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.10|4.10.060", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.10.060#(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.10.060(a)", "x": "Time of Taking Effect"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.10.060#(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.10.060(b)", "x": "Severability"}, {"t": "(c)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.10.060#(c)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.10.060(c)", "x": "Repealer"}]}]}, {"t": "Chapter 4.11 Electrical Facility Rights of Way and Service Lines", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11", "et": "container", "sc": "Chapter 4.11", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.11", "c": [{"t": "4.11.010 General", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.010", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 4.11.010", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.11|4.11.010", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.010#(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.010(a)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.010#(a)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.010(a)(1)", "x": "to take advantage of opportunities for greater self-determination presented"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.010#(a)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.010(a)(2)", "x": "to strengthen Tribal sovereignty and increase Tribal control over Tribal la"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.010#(a)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.010(a)(3)", "x": "to provide rules governing eligibility the issuance of rights-of-way and se"}], "x": "Purpose"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.010#(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.010(b)", "x": "Authority"}, {"t": "(c)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.010#(c)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.010(c)", "x": "Effective Date"}, {"t": "(d)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.010#(d)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.010(d)", "x": "Scope"}, {"t": "(e)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.010#(e)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.010(e)", "x": "Applicable Law"}, {"t": "(f)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.010#(f)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.010(f)", "x": "Sovereign Immunity"}, {"t": "(g)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.010#(g)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.010(g)", "x": "Definitions"}]}, {"t": "4.11.020 Administration", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.020", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 4.11.020", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.11|4.11.020", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.020#(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.020(a)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.020#(a)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.020(a)(1)", "x": "Approve all realty-related interests authorized by this ordinance, as evide"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.020#(a)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.020(a)(2)", "x": "Adopt rules, policies, forms, and procedures, consistent with this Ordinanc"}], "x": "Tribal Council"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.020#(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.020(b)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.020#(b)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.020(b)(1)", "x": "Provide information to interested persons or entities regarding the process"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.020#(b)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.020(b)(2)", "x": "Process applications for Rights-of-Way and Service Line Agreements for subm"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.020#(b)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.020(b)(3)", "x": "Facilitate the approval and recording of documents by the BIA to the extent"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.020#(b)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.020(b)(4)", "x": "Maintain an inventory of Tribal Lands and develop and maintain a land recor"}, {"t": "(5)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.020#(b)(5)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.020(b)(5)", "x": "Serve as the custodian of Tribal Lands for those lands designated by the Tr"}, {"t": "(6)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.020#(b)(6)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.020(b)(6)", "x": "Record all Rights-of-Way and Service Line Agreements under a land records s"}, {"t": "(7)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.020#(b)(7)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.020(b)(7)", "x": "Perform such additional duties as may be necessary in order to fulfill the "}], "x": "Realty Officer"}, {"t": "(c)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.020#(c)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.020(c)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.020#(c)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.020(c)(1)", "x": "perform the environmental reviews and other environmental functions require"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.020#(c)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.020(c)(2)", "x": "Adopt policies and procedures, including time lines, and forms for the purp"}], "x": "Natural Resources Director"}, {"t": "(d)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.020#(d)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.020(d)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.020#(d)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.020(d)(1)", "x": "perform the legal reviews and other legal functions required by this ordina"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.020#(d)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.020(d)(2)", "x": "adopt policies and procedures, including time lines, and forms for the purp"}], "x": "Tribal Attorney"}]}, {"t": "4.11.030 Rights of Way", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.030", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 4.11.030", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.11|4.11.030", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.030#(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.030(a)", "x": "Definitions"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.030#(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.030(b)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.030#(b)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.030(b)(1)", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.030#(b)(1)(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.030(b)(1)(A)", "x": "The applicant's name and address;"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.030#(b)(1)(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.030(b)(1)(B)", "x": "The purpose of the Right-of-Way and a statement describing the Public Inter"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.030#(b)(1)(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.030(b)(1)(C)", "x": "The requested duration of the Right-of-Way;"}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.030#(b)(1)(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.030(b)(1)(D)", "x": "The permanent Improvements associated with the Right-of-Way and the propose"}, {"t": "(E)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.030#(b)(1)(E)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.030(b)(1)(E)", "x": "The proposed ownership and disposition of Improvements upon termination of "}, {"t": "(F)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.030#(b)(1)(F)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.030(b)(1)(F)", "x": "An accurate legal description of the Right-of-Way, its boundaries, and parc"}, {"t": "(G)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.030#(b)(1)(G)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.030(b)(1)(G)", "x": "A map of definite location of the Right-of-Way;"}, {"t": "(H)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.030#(b)(1)(H)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.030(b)(1)(H)", "x": "Bonds, insurance, and/or other security meeting the requirements of \u00a7 422.0"}, {"t": "(I)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.030#(b)(1)(I)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.030(b)(1)(I)", "c": [{"t": "(i)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.030#(b)(1)(I)(i)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.030(b)(1)(I)(i)", "x": "The representative has authority to execute the application;"}, {"t": "(ii)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.030#(b)(1)(I)(ii)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.030(b)(1)(I)(ii)", "x": "The Right-of-Way will be enforceable against the applicant; and"}, {"t": "(iii)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.030#(b)(1)(I)(iii)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.030(b)(1)(I)(iii)", "x": "The legal entity is in good standing and authorized to conduct business in "}, {"t": "(iv)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.030#(b)(1)(I)(iv)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.030(b)(1)(I)(iv)", "x": "Environmental and archaeological reports, surveys, and site assessments, as"}], "x": "If the applicant is a corporation, limited liability company, partnership, "}], "x": "An applicant for Right-of-Way Agreement shall submit to the Realty Officer "}], "x": "Application"}, {"t": "(c)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.030#(c)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.030(c)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.030#(c)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.030(c)(1)", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.030#(c)(1)(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.030(c)(1)(A)", "x": "the date and the circumstances under which the facilities were placed on Tr"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.030#(c)(1)(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.030(c)(1)(B)", "x": "whether the facilities whether the siting of the facilities on Tribal Lands"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.030#(c)(1)(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.030(c)(1)(C)", "x": "if the siting of the facilities on Tribal Lands was previously approved, wh"}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.030#(c)(1)(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.030(c)(1)(D)", "x": "copies of any documentation related to the above matters."}], "x": "An applicant who owns, operates, licenses or otherwise benefits from, unaut"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.030#(c)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.030(c)(2)", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.030#(c)(2)(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.030(c)(2)(A)", "x": "The surcharge amount for applications otherwise complete and filed before J"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.030#(c)(2)(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.030(c)(2)(B)", "x": "The surcharge amount for applications otherwise complete and filed after Ja"}], "x": "No Right-of-Way application shall be considered complete for an applicant d"}], "x": "Applications Relating to Unauthorized Facilities"}, {"t": "(d)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.030#(d)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.030(d)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.030#(d)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.030(d)(1)", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.030#(d)(1)(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.030(d)(1)(A)", "x": "The highest annual rental specified in the grant, unless compensation is a "}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.030#(d)(1)(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.030(d)(1)(B)", "x": "The estimated damages resulting from the construction of any Improvements;"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.030#(d)(1)(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.030(d)(1)(C)", "x": "The estimated damages and remediation costs from any potential release of c"}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.030#(d)(1)(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.030(d)(1)(D)", "x": "The operation and maintenance charges for any land located within an irriga"}, {"t": "(E)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.030#(d)(1)(E)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.030(d)(1)(E)", "x": "The restoration of the premises to their condition at the start of the Righ"}], "x": "Unless the Tribe determines that the best interests of the Tribe will be se"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.030#(d)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.030(d)(2)", "x": "The bond or other security must be deposited with and made payable to the T"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.030#(d)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.030(d)(3)", "x": "The Right-of-Way Agreement will specify the conditions under which the bond"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.030#(d)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.030(d)(4)", "x": "The Tribe may require that the surety provide any supporting documents need"}, {"t": "(5)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.030#(d)(5)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.030(d)(5)", "x": "The bond, insurance, or other security instrument must require the surety t"}, {"t": "(6)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.030#(d)(6)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.030(d)(6)", "x": "Bonds or alternative security must satisfy the requirements of 25 C.F.R. \u00a7 "}], "x": "Security Document Requirements"}, {"t": "(e)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.030#(e)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.030(e)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.030#(e)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.030(e)(1)", "x": "If permanent Improvements are to be constructed, the Right-of-Way Agreement"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.030#(e)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.030(e)(2)", "x": "Failure of the grantee to comply with the due diligence requirements of the"}], "x": "Due Diligence"}, {"t": "(f)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.030#(f)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.030(f)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.030#(f)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.030(f)(1)", "x": "Subject to subparagraph (2), the Right-of-Way Agreement shall provide for a"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.030#(f)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.030(f)(2)", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.030#(f)(2)(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.030(f)(2)(A)", "x": "in-kind consideration;"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.030#(f)(2)(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.030(f)(2)(B)", "x": "payments based on throughput or percentage of income;"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.030#(f)(2)(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.030(f)(2)(C)", "x": "payments at specific stages during the life of the Right-of-Way grant, such"}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.030#(f)(2)(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.030(f)(2)(D)", "x": "bonuses."}], "x": "The Tribe may require or permit alternatives to the compensation that it de"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.030#(f)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.030(f)(3)", "x": "Payments due under a Right-of-Way Agreement shall be made directly to the T"}], "x": "Compensation"}, {"t": "(g)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.030#(g)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.030(g)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.030#(g)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.030(g)(1)", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.030#(g)(1)(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.030(g)(1)(A)", "x": "The permissible uses of the Right-of-Way;"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.030#(g)(1)(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.030(g)(1)(B)", "x": "Whether the Right-of-Way may be assigned or mortgaged and the associated co"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.030#(g)(1)(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.030(g)(1)(C)", "x": "Ownership of Improvements; and"}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.030#(g)(1)(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.030(g)(1)(D)", "x": "The duration of the Right-of-Way and the conditions, if any, for renewal."}], "x": "Each Right-of-Way Agreement must address:"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.030#(g)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.030(g)(2)", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.030#(g)(2)(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.030(g)(2)(A)", "x": "The Tribe maintains its existing jurisdiction over the land, activities, an"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.030#(g)(2)(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.030(g)(2)(B)", "x": "The grantee has no right to any of the products or resources of the land, i"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.030#(g)(2)(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.030(g)(2)(C)", "x": "If historic properties, archeological resources, human remains, or other cu"}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.030#(g)(2)(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.030(g)(2)(D)", "c": [{"t": "(i)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.030#(g)(2)(D)(i)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.030(g)(2)(D)(i)", "x": "Construct and maintain Improvements within the Right-of- Way in a professio"}, {"t": "(ii)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.030#(g)(2)(D)(ii)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.030(g)(2)(D)(ii)", "x": "Pay promptly all damages and compensation, in addition to bond or alternati"}, {"t": "(iii)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.030#(g)(2)(D)(iii)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.030(g)(2)(D)(iii)", "x": "Upon completion of construction, restore the land as nearly as possible to "}, {"t": "(iv)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.030#(g)(2)(D)(iv)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.030(g)(2)(D)(iv)", "x": "Clear and keep clear the land within the Right-of-Way, to the extent compat"}, {"t": "(v)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.030#(g)(2)(D)(v)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.030(g)(2)(D)(v)", "x": "Comply with all applicable laws and obtain all required permits;"}, {"t": "(vi)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.030#(g)(2)(D)(vi)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.030(g)(2)(D)(vi)", "x": "Not commit waste;"}, {"t": "(vii)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.030#(g)(2)(D)(vii)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.030(g)(2)(D)(vii)", "x": "Operate, repair and maintain Improvements consistent with the Right-of-Way "}, {"t": "(viii)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.030#(g)(2)(D)(viii)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.030(g)(2)(D)(viii)", "x": "Build and maintain necessary and suitable crossings for all roads and trail"}, {"t": "(ix)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.030#(g)(2)(D)(ix)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.030(g)(2)(D)(ix)", "x": "Upon cancellation or termination of the right-or-way, restore the land to i"}, {"t": "(x)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.030#(g)(2)(D)(x)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.030(g)(2)(D)(x)", "x": "At all times keep the Tribe informed of the grantee's address;"}, {"t": "(xi)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.030#(g)(2)(D)(xi)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.030(g)(2)(D)(xi)", "x": "Refrain from interfering with the Tribe's use of the land, provided that th"}, {"t": "(xii)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.030#(g)(2)(D)(xii)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.030(g)(2)(D)(xii)", "x": "Comply with due diligence requirements imposed by the Right-of-Way Agreemen"}, {"t": "(xiii)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.030#(g)(2)(D)(xiii)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.030(g)(2)(D)(xiii)", "x": "Notify the Tribe and the BIA if it files for bankruptcy or is placed in rec"}, {"t": "(xiv)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.030#(g)(2)(D)(xiv)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.030(g)(2)(D)(xiv)", "x": "Hold the United States and the Tribe harmless from any loss, liability, or "}, {"t": "(xv)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.030#(g)(2)(D)(xv)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.030(g)(2)(D)(xv)", "x": "Indemnify the United States and the Tribe against all liabilities or costs "}], "x": "The grantee must:"}], "x": "Every Right-of-Way Agreement shall include substantially the following prov"}], "x": "Mandatory Provisions"}, {"t": "(h)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.030#(h)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.030(h)", "x": "Assignments, Amendments and Mortgages"}, {"t": "(i)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.030#(i)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.030(i)", "x": "Right to impose taxes, fees and assessments"}, {"t": "(j)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.030#(j)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.030(j)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.030#(j)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.030(j)(1)", "x": "Deliver a copy of the application packet to the Director for review pursuan"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.030#(j)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.030(j)(2)", "x": "Prepare a form of Right-of-Way Agreement; and"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.030#(j)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.030(j)(3)", "x": "Deliver a copy of the application packet to the Tribal Attorney for legal r"}], "x": "Initial Realty Officer Review"}, {"t": "(k)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.030#(k)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.030(k)", "x": "Legal Review"}, {"t": "(l)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.030#(l)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.030(l)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.030#(l)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.030(l)(1)", "x": "request any additional information needed from the applicant that may be ne"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.030#(l)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.030(l)(2)", "x": "perform an environmental review, and"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.030#(l)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.030(l)(3)", "x": "report the results of his or her determination to the Realty Officer."}], "x": "Environmental Review"}, {"t": "(m)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.030#(m)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.030(m)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.030#(m)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.030(m)(1)", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.030#(m)(1)(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.030(m)(1)(A)", "x": "so advise the applicant and provide a reasonable period of time for the app"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.030#(m)(1)(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.030(m)(1)(B)", "x": "determine the extent of deficiencies and the necessary recourse action, whi"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.030#(m)(1)(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.030(m)(1)(C)", "x": "provide documentation outlaying deficiencies to Director and Tribal Attorne"}], "x": "After receipt of the final environmental review report prepared pursuant to"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.030#(m)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.030(m)(2)", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.030#(m)(2)(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.030(m)(2)(A)", "x": "the proposed Right-of-Way Agreement document(s), together with the Realty O"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.030#(m)(2)(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.030(m)(2)(B)", "x": "the application submitted to the BIA pursuant to 25 C.F.R. \u00a7 169.102;"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.030#(m)(2)(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.030(m)(2)(C)", "x": "the Tribal Attorney's statement as to legal compliance and any comments or "}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.030#(m)(2)(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.030(m)(2)(D)", "x": "the Director's environmental review statement, including the recommendation"}, {"t": "(E)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.030#(m)(2)(E)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.030(m)(2)(E)", "x": "any documents that the Tribal Council may specifically request; and"}, {"t": "(F)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.030#(m)(2)(F)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.030(m)(2)(F)", "x": "any other relevant documents."}], "x": "If the Realty Officer determines that the application meets the requirement"}], "x": "Final Realty Officer Review"}, {"t": "(n)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.030#(n)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.030(n)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.030#(n)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.030(n)(1)", "x": "The Tribal Council shall have the sole authority to approve or disapprove t"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.030#(n)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.030(n)(2)", "x": "Triplicate originals of an approved Right-of-Way Agreement shall be execute"}], "x": "Tribal Council Decision"}, {"t": "(o)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.030#(o)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.030(o)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.030#(o)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.030(o)(1)", "x": "provide an original Right-of-Way Agreement to the BIA for recording and ret"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.030#(o)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.030(o)(2)", "x": "provide an original or certified copy of the Right-of-Way Agreement to the "}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.030#(o)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.030(o)(3)", "x": "preserve original and digital copies of executed Right-of-Way Agreement doc"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.030#(o)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.030(o)(4)", "x": "if the BIA grants a Right-of-Way pursuant to the Tribe's Right-of-Way Agree"}, {"t": "(5)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.030#(o)(5)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.030(o)(5)", "x": "in coordination with tribal technical staff monitor the grantee's complianc"}], "x": "Realty Officer's Post Execution Duties"}]}, {"t": "4.11.040 Service Line Agreements", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.040", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 4.11.040", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.11|4.11.040", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.040#(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.040(a)", "x": "Requirement"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.040#(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.040(b)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.040#(b)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.040(b)(1)", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.040#(b)(1)(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.040(b)(1)(A)", "x": "applicant's name, address, phone number, email address;"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.040#(b)(1)(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.040(b)(1)(B)", "x": "services the provider will supply;"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.040#(b)(1)(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.040(b)(1)(C)", "x": "name, addresses and contact information for the persons or buildings to be "}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.040#(b)(1)(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.040(b)(1)(D)", "x": "proposed avoidance, minimization, and/or mitigation of any damages incurred"}], "x": "A service provider shall submit to the Realty Officer a proposed Service Li"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.040#(b)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.040(b)(2)", "x": "If the service provider does not provide a proposed Service Line Agreement,"}], "x": "Application"}, {"t": "(c)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.040#(c)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.040(c)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.040#(c)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.040(c)(1)", "x": "determine whether to require a survey or, alternatively, to identify the re"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.040#(c)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.040(c)(2)", "x": "unless a categorical exclusion applies, deliver a copy of the application p"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.040#(c)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.040(c)(3)", "x": "deliver a copy of the application packet to the Tribal Attorney for legal r"}], "x": "Initial Realty Officer Review"}, {"t": "(d)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.040#(d)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.040(d)", "x": "Legal Review"}, {"t": "(e)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.040#(e)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.040(e)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.040#(e)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.040(e)(1)", "x": "request any additional information needed from the grantee that may be need"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.040#(e)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.040(e)(2)", "x": "perform an environmental review, and;"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.040#(e)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.040(e)(3)", "x": "report the results of his or her determination to the Realty Officer."}], "x": "Environmental Review"}, {"t": "(f)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.040#(f)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.040(f)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.040#(f)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.040(f)(1)", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.040#(f)(1)(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.040(f)(1)(A)", "x": "so advise the applicant and provide a reasonable period of time for the app"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.040#(f)(1)(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.040(f)(1)(B)", "x": "determine the extent of deficiencies and the necessary recourse action, whi"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.040#(f)(1)(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.040(f)(1)(C)", "x": "provide documentation outlaying deficiencies to Director and Tribal Attorne"}], "x": "Within fifteen business days after receipt of the final environmental revie"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.040#(f)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.040(f)(2)", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.040#(f)(2)(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.040(f)(2)(A)", "x": "the proposed Service Line Agreement, together with the Realty Officer's rec"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.040#(f)(2)(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.040(f)(2)(B)", "x": "the Tribal Attorney's statement as to legal compliance and any comments or "}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.040#(f)(2)(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.040(f)(2)(C)", "x": "the Director's review statement, including the recommendations, if any;"}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.040#(f)(2)(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.040(f)(2)(D)", "x": "any documents that the Tribal Council may specifically request; and"}, {"t": "(E)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.040#(f)(2)(E)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.040(f)(2)(E)", "x": "any other relevant documents."}], "x": "If the Realty Officer determines that the application meets the requirement"}], "x": "Final Realty Officer Review"}, {"t": "(g)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.040#(g)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.040(g)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.040#(g)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.040(g)(1)", "x": "The Tribal Council shall have the sole authority to approve or disapprove a"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.040#(g)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.040(g)(2)", "x": "Triplicate originals of an approved Service Line Agreement shall be execute"}], "x": "Tribal Council Decision"}, {"t": "(h)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.040#(h)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.040(h)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.040#(h)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.040(h)(1)", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.040#(h)(1)(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.040(h)(1)(A)", "x": "Must show the boundary of the ownership parcel and point of connection of t"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.040#(h)(1)(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.040(h)(1)(B)", "x": "include the signatures of the parties if the plat is on a sheet separate fr"}], "x": "Provide an executed copy of the Service Line Agreement together with a plat"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.040#(h)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.040(h)(2)", "x": "Provide an original or certified copy of the Service Line Agreement to the "}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.040#(h)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.040(h)(3)", "x": "preserve original and digital copies of the executed Service Line Agreement"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.040#(h)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.040(h)(4)", "x": "assure proper recording in accordance with this ordinance."}], "x": "Realty Officer's Post Execution Duties"}]}, {"t": "4.11.050 Environmental Review", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.050", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 4.11.050", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.11|4.11.050", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.050#(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.050(a)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.050#(a)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.050(a)(1)", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.050#(a)(1)(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.050(a)(1)(A)", "x": "statement of the purposes for which the right-of-way or Service Line Agreem"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.050#(a)(1)(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.050(a)(1)(B)", "x": "a description of the physical environmental conditions in the vicinity of t"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.050#(a)(1)(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.050(a)(1)(C)", "x": "a description of all significant short-term and long-term effects, includin"}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.050#(a)(1)(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.050(a)(1)(D)", "x": "recommendations, where appropriate, of conditions that should be placed on "}, {"t": "(E)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.050#(a)(1)(E)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.050(a)(1)(E)", "x": "the Director's determination whether the proposed activity will create sign"}, {"t": "(F)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.050#(a)(1)(F)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.050(a)(1)(F)", "x": "in the event of a finding of no significant detrimental effects, the Direct"}], "x": "Except in the case of categorical exclusions, the Director shall prepare a "}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.050#(a)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.050(a)(2)", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.050#(a)(2)(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.050(a)(2)(A)", "x": "the potential impact on public health or safety;"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.050#(a)(2)(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.050(a)(2)(B)", "x": "the potential impact on sites that are sacred or of cultural significance t"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.050#(a)(2)(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.050(a)(2)(C)", "x": "the potential impact on sites used by Tribal Members for hunting, fishing, "}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.050#(a)(2)(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.050(a)(2)(D)", "x": "the unique characteristics of the geographic area such as proximity to hist"}, {"t": "(E)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.050#(a)(2)(E)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.050(a)(2)(E)", "x": "whether the proposed activity is related to other actions with individually"}, {"t": "(F)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.050#(a)(2)(F)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.050(a)(2)(F)", "x": "the potential impact on sites, structures, or objects listed in or eligible"}, {"t": "(G)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.050#(a)(2)(G)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.050(a)(2)(G)", "x": "the potential impact on endangered or threatened species or their habitat t"}, {"t": "(H)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.050#(a)(2)(H)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.050(a)(2)(H)", "x": "whether the action may violate federal or Tribal Environmental Laws;"}, {"t": "(I)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.050#(a)(2)(I)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.050(a)(2)(I)", "x": "the potential impact on air quality;"}, {"t": "(J)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.050#(a)(2)(J)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.050(a)(2)(J)", "x": "the potential impact on water resources, including surface and ground water"}, {"t": "(K)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.050#(a)(2)(K)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.050(a)(2)(K)", "x": "the potential impact on biological resources, including wildlife, vegetatio"}, {"t": "(L)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.050#(a)(2)(L)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.050(a)(2)(L)", "x": "the potential impact on visual resources, scenic views, and wilderness valu"}, {"t": "(M)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.050#(a)(2)(M)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.050(a)(2)(M)", "x": "potential generation of excessive noise, vibrations, light, or glare; and"}, {"t": "(N)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.050#(a)(2)(N)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.050(a)(2)(N)", "x": "potential impact on transportation networks."}], "x": "In determining whether an effect is significant, the Director shall consid"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.050#(a)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.050(a)(3)", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.050#(a)(3)(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.050(a)(3)(A)", "x": "the Director supplements such environment review with an evaluation of effe"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.050#(a)(3)(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.050(a)(3)(B)", "x": "the public comment and response requirements of this Section are substantia"}], "x": "The Director may adopt as a Tribal environmental review statement an enviro"}], "x": "Draft Environmental Review Statement"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.050#(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.050(b)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.050#(b)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.050(b)(1)", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.050#(b)(1)(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.050(b)(1)(A)", "x": "There is an earlier environmental review statement and finding of no signif"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.050#(b)(1)(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.050(b)(1)(B)", "x": "single family home sites, including up to four dwelling units in a single o"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.050#(b)(1)(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.050(b)(1)(C)", "x": "rooftop solar energy facilities;"}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.050#(b)(1)(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.050(b)(1)(D)", "x": "Up to two acres for ground-mounted solar facilities that do not involve rem"}, {"t": "(E)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.050#(b)(1)(E)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.050(b)(1)(E)", "x": "operation, repair, maintenance or minor alteration of existing structures, "}, {"t": "(F)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.050#(b)(1)(F)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.050(b)(1)(F)", "x": "Replacement or reconstruction of existing structures and facilities where t"}, {"t": "(G)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.050#(b)(1)(G)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.050(b)(1)(G)", "x": "Construction of a limited number of new, small facilities or structures; in"}, {"t": "(H)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.050#(b)(1)(H)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.050(b)(1)(H)", "x": "Minor alterations in the condition of land and/or vegetation which do not i"}, {"t": "(I)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.050#(b)(1)(I)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.050(b)(1)(I)", "x": "Minor additions to existing buildings or other structures where the additio"}, {"t": "(J)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.050#(b)(1)(J)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.050(b)(1)(J)", "x": "Cleanup actions taken under the supervision of the Tribe to avoid, minimize"}, {"t": "(K)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.050#(b)(1)(K)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.050(b)(1)(K)", "x": "Activity that does not involve changes in the use of land and that is align"}, {"t": "(L)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.050#(b)(1)(L)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.050(b)(1)(L)", "x": "Rights-of-Way inside another right-of-way, or amendments to rights-of-way w"}, {"t": "(M)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.050#(b)(1)(M)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.050(b)(1)(M)", "x": "Service line agreements to an individual residence, building or well from a"}, {"t": "(N)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.050#(b)(1)(N)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.050(b)(1)(N)", "x": "Renewals, assignments and conversions of existing rights-of-way or service "}], "x": "Except as provided in subsection (c), the approval of the following categor"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.050#(b)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.050(b)(2)", "x": "The Realty Officer and the Director must concur, in writing, that a propose"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.050#(b)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.050(b)(3)", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.050#(b)(3)(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.050(b)(3)(A)", "x": "Notwithstanding the categorical exclusions listed in subsection (a), the Di"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.050#(b)(3)(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.050(b)(3)(B)", "x": "Notwithstanding the categorical exclusions listed in subsection (a), the Tr"}], "x": "Exceptions to Exclusions"}], "x": "Categorical Exclusions"}, {"t": "(c)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.050#(c)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.050(c)", "x": "Public Notice and Comment"}, {"t": "(d)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.050#(d)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.050(d)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.050#(d)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.050(d)(1)", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.050#(d)(1)(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.050(d)(1)(A)", "x": "prepare a written response to all relevant and substantive public comments,"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.050#(d)(1)(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.050(d)(1)(B)", "x": "make such revisions to the draft environmental review statement as may be w"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.050#(d)(1)(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.050(d)(1)(C)", "x": "prepare a final environmental review statement, which shall include the res"}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.050#(d)(1)(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.050(d)(1)(D)", "x": "post the final environmental review statement on the Tribe's public website"}, {"t": "(E)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.050#(d)(1)(E)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.050(d)(1)(E)", "x": "forward copies of the final environmental review statement to the Realty Of"}], "x": "After the expiration of the comment period, the Director shall:"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.050#(d)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.050(d)(2)", "x": "The Director may make a recommendation whether the potential significant de"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.050#(d)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.050(d)(3)", "x": "In cases in which no environmental review statement is required, the Direct"}], "x": "Final environmental review statement"}]}, {"t": "4.11.060 Enforcement", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.060", "et": "section", "sc": "Section 4.11.060", "sp": "library|Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code|4|4.11|4.11.060", "c": [{"t": "(a)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.060#(a)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.060(a)", "x": "Jurisdiction"}, {"t": "(b)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.060#(b)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.060(b)", "x": "Trespass"}, {"t": "(c)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.060#(c)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.060(c)", "c": [{"t": "(1)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.060#(c)(1)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.060(c)(1)", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.060#(c)(1)(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.060(c)(1)(A)", "x": "The name of the person allegedly in violation and each person or entity cla"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.060#(c)(1)(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.060(c)(1)(B)", "x": "A concise statement of the facts concerning the alleged default(s) and such"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.060#(c)(1)(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.060(c)(1)(C)", "x": "True and correct copies of the document by which the Occupancy Rights were "}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.060#(c)(1)(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.060(c)(1)(D)", "x": "Any applicable allegations concerning compliance with any relevant requirem"}], "x": "Upon violation of the terms of any Right-of-Way Agreement or Service Line A"}, {"t": "(2)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.060#(c)(2)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.060(c)(2)", "x": "A copy of the summons and complaint shall be served on all defendants in ac"}, {"t": "(3)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.060#(c)(3)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.060(c)(3)", "c": [{"t": "(A)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.060#(c)(3)(A)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.060(c)(3)(A)", "x": "Declaration of the plaintiff's right to recover the premises;"}, {"t": "(B)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.060#(c)(3)(B)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.060(c)(3)(B)", "x": "Termination of the defendant's right of occupancy;"}, {"t": "(C)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.060#(c)(3)(C)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.060(c)(3)(C)", "x": "A writ of restitution directing one or more Enforcement Officers to immedia"}, {"t": "(D)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.060#(c)(3)(D)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.060(c)(3)(D)", "x": "Monetary damages, which may include damages to the Tribal Land, the revenue"}], "x": "An action to terminate an Occupancy Right shall be heard and decided in a p"}, {"t": "(4)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.060#(c)(4)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.060(c)(4)", "x": "Emergency Expedited Hearing"}], "x": "Termination of Occupancy Right"}, {"t": "(d)", "p": "/us/nsn/badriver/council/code/4.11.060#(d)", "et": "para", "sc": "Section 4.11.060(d)", "x": "BIA Enforcement"}]}]}]}