Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Law Library
Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

7.01.090 Suspension and Revocation, Penalties, Civil Liability

(a) The Tribal Council may suspend or revoke the certification of any Indian retailer who is found to have submitted misleading, untruthful, or fraudulent information in the retailer's application for certification.

(b) The Tribal Council may refuse to issue, or may suspend or revoke the certification of any Indian retailer who has any outstanding cigarette tax pre-collection liability or who is found by Tribal Court to have violated this chapter or any provision of applicable state cigarette tax law.

(c) Any violation of this ordinance may be punished by a civil forfeiture not to exceed $5,000.00. All findings of violation of this chapter shall be reported by the Clerk of Court to the Tribal Chairman and Treasurer.

(d) In addition to a penalty, if any, imposed by the Tribal Court, or suspension or revocation, if any, imposed by the Tribal Council, the Tribe by its Chairman or Treasurer, may assess an Indian retailer holding a class I certification 25 cents, and an Indian retailer holding a class II certification __________________ cents, for each carton of unstamped cigarettes sold to a person ineligible to purchase it. Such assessments may also include simple interest at 1«% per month from the date of the sale, or if the date of the sale cannot reasonable be estimated, from assessment, the Indian retailer may file a complaint in Tribal Court seeking review of the assessment.