Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Law Library
Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

1.28.130 Application for Limited Guardianship of Property

(a) An incompetent person who is 18 years of age or older, a guardian or any person authorized to petition for guardianship of a person may apply to a court for a limited guardianship of property. Consonant with the least restrictive limitation of rights, when the person demonstrates to the satisfaction of the court that the person is capable of managing in whole or in part the person's wages, earnings, income or assets, the court may appoint a limited guardian of such person's property, or in the event one person is appointed or serving as both guardian of the person and of the property of such person, a guardian of the person with limited powers as guardian of the property. Such limited guardianship shall be used until the person has established himself or herself as reasonably capable of managing personal affairs without supervision.

(b) A limited guardian of the property shall receive, manage, disburse and account for all property, both real and personal, of the person not resulting from wages or earnings.

(c) Unless otherwise specified by the court, the person of 18 years of age or over for whom a limited guardian of the property has been appointed shall have the right to:

(1) Receive and expend any and all wages or other earnings from the person's employment; and

(2) Contract and legally bind himself or herself for any sum of money not exceeding $300 or one month's wages or earnings, whichever is greater.

(d) Notwithstanding sub. (c), the court may place such other limitations upon the rights of a person subject to limited guardianship of property under this section as it determines are in the best interests of the person.

(e) The appointment of a limited guardian of property shall have no bearing on any of the rights specified in Section 1.28.030(c) except upon specific finding of the court based upon clear and convincing evidence of the need for such limitations. In no event shall the appointment of a limited guardian constitute evidence of or a presumption as to the incompetence of the ward in any area not mentioned in the court order.