Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Law Library
Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

1.28.140 Guardian of the Person of Incompetent

(a) A guardian of the person of an incompetent, upon order of the court, may have custody of the person, may receive all notices on behalf of the person and may act in all proceedings as an advocate of the person, but may not have the power to bind the ward or the ward's property, or to represent the ward in any legal proceedings pertaining to the property, unless the guardian of the person is also the guardian of the property. A guardian of the person of an incompetent or a temporary guardian of the person of an incompetent may not make a permanent protective placement of the ward unless ordered by a court but may admit a ward to certain residential facilities or make an emergency protective placement under. The guardian of the person has the power to apply for placement and for commitment under Wisconsin Statute Section 51.20 or 51.45(13).

(b) A guardian of the person shall endeavor to secure necessary care, services or appropriate protective placement on behalf of the ward.

(c) A guardian of the person of an incompetent appointed under this chapter shall make an annual report on the condition of the ward to the court. The report shall include, but not be limited to, the location of the ward, the health condition of the ward, any recommendations regarding the ward and a statement of whether or not the ward is living in the least restrictive environment consistent with the needs of the ward.