Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Law Library
Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

3.23.060 Solid Waste Disposal

(a) No personal shall leave, deposit, or dump solid waste anywhere within the reservation except at designated solid waste collection sites. Sites shall be designated by the Tribal Council and locations of such shall be published and posted.

(b) No non-resident shall dispose of solid waste anywhere within the Reservation.

(c) No person shall dispose of any solid waste generated outside the boundaries of the Reservation on any lands, dumping sites, or landfill within the boundaries of the Reservation.

(d) No person shall dispose of solid waste on any private or public residential property, where disposal of such wastes will cause a public nuisance or health hazard, by causing foul odors to escape or by infestation of insects or rodents.

(e) No person shall deposit solid waste from any stopped or moving vehicle onto any state, county, town, or tribal highways, roads, or right of ways.

(f) No person shall release any hazardous waste within the Reservation, "release" meaning any spilling, leaking, pumping, pouring, emitting, emptying, discharging, injecting, escaping, leaching, dumping, or disposing into the environment, or causing or allowing any of the above.

(g) No person shall dispose of any solid waste at a designated solid waste collection site except in the bin, container, or area specifically designated for the particular type of solid waste disposed.

(h) No person shall dispose of any solid waste at a designated solid waste collection site except in the manner provided by this chapter.

(i) No person shall dispose of any solid waste at a designated solid waste collection site except during the hours when such site is open to accept solid waste.

(j) No person shall dispose of any sewage or human waste except into a community sanitary sewage system or individual sanitary system constructed and operated according to Indian Health Service specifications on Indian owned land, or state of Wisconsin specification on non-Indian owned land, or except into an enclosed pit in operation and used on the date of passage of this chapter.