Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Law Library
Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

3.23.070 Solid Waste Collection

(a) All solid waste presented to the Tribe for collection, either at curbside or at a designated solid waste collection site, shall be treated as provided by this section.

(b) "Recyclables" means

(1) Glass containers

(2) Metal cans

(3) Newspaper

(4) Cardboard

(5) Plastics, HDPE and PET only

(6) Aluminum cans

(7) Motor oil

(8) Major appliances, except microwave ovens from which the capacitors have been removed and disposed of off-reservation in compliance with community or county clean-sweep programs.

(9) Computers and computer accessories.

(c) "Non-Recyclables" means all solid waste not listed in subsection (b), above, excluding hazardous waste.

(d) Recyclables shall be prepared for collection as follows:

(1) Glass containers: Lids shall be removed; interior shall be rinsed out.

(2) Metal cans: Interior shall be rinsed out.

(3) Newspapers shall be bundled and tied with string or placed in a brown paper bag.

(4) Cardboard shall be flattened, tape and labels removed, and pieces sized no greater than 24 inches x 24 inches.

(5) Plastic. Caps shall be removed and interior rinsed out.

(6) Aluminum cans. Interior shall be rinsed out.

(7) Motor oil shall be placed in a non-breakable container with a tight fitting cap.

(8) Major appliances or White Goods: Recycling and Solid Waste Department shall be contacted to arrange for proper pick-up or drop-off and handling. A fee to cover Department costs may be charged for pick-up or drop-off at times other than designated spring clean-up.

(9) Computers and Computer Accessories: Recycling and Solid Waste Department shall be contacted after options in Section 3.23.070(d)(9). A. are exhausted to arrange for proper pick-up or drop-off and handling. A fee to cover Department costs of recycling Computers and Computer Accessories may be charged.

(10) A Disposers of Computers and Computer Accessories shall, prior to recycling them through the Bad River Recycling and Solid Waste Department, attempt to reuse or recycle the computer through reuse, donation, resale, materials exchange, or through a computer recycler. Information on material exchange or computer recyclers may be obtained from the Bad River Recycling and Solid Waste Department.

(e) Recyclables shall be placed in the bin provided by the Tribe for that purpose and set out at curbside for pickup on the regular solid waste collection day. Recyclables transported to a designated solid waste collection site shall be sorted and disposed of according to the designations at the site.

(f) Non recyclables shall be disposed of only in bags purchased from the Tribe and specially designated for that purpose.

(g) No person shall dispose of recyclables in bags designated for the disposal of non-recyclables.

(h) No designated solid waste collection site operated by the Tribe, no transfer station operated by the Tribe, and no collector transporting solid waste to a solid waste collection site or transfer station operated by the Tribe shall collect any solid waste in any bags designated for non-recyclables if the bag contains any recyclables.

(i) After written warning, any collector transporting solid waste to a solid waste collection site or transfer station operated by the Tribe may suspend the collection of all solid waste from any household or other collection site if any provision of this chapter is violated at that site, until compliance with this chapter is shown.

(j) The Solid Waste Administrator shall fix the fee to be charged for the bags designated for non-recyclables. Such fee shall be based on the amount necessary to cover the operating and capital costs of all solid waste collection facilities and systems.

(k) The Solid Waste Administrator shall fix the fee to be charged for the deposit of non-recyclable solid waste that is not contained in bags designated for such use, included but not limited to furniture, white goods, tires, and demolition materials.