Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Law Library
Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

3.23.080 Enforcement

(a) The Solid Waste Administrator, all tribal law enforcement and conservation enforcement personnel shall be empowered to enforce this chapter.

(b) Actions for violations of this chapter may be commenced in tribal court by conservation citation or by summons and complaint.

(c) Violation of any provision of this chapter may be punished or remedied by a civil forfeiture not to exceed $1,000. Each day of any continuing violation may be charged as a separate violation, and a separate forfeiture may be imposed.

(d) In addition to a civil forfeiture, any personal property, including vehicles and other equipment, which has been used in connection with the violation of this chapter may be seized and forfeited pursuant to the appropriate sections of the Tribal Court Code.

(e) Nothing herein shall prevent the Tribe from bringing suit against any violator of this chapter for money damages for harm to any tribal resource caused by the violation, or for injunctive relief.

(f) Any person may bring suit in tribal court to enjoin a violation of this chapter.