Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Law Library
Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

3.25.170 No Further Action/Certificate of Completion

(a) If the department concludes that a responsible party has completed all necessary remedial actions, and cleanup standards for the site have been achieved, the department may make a determination that no further action is required and update the hazardous sites list pursuant to Section 3.25.070(b)(3).

(b) A responsible party conducting the remediation may request a Certificate of Completion from the department. Upon receiving such a request, the department may (a) grant the Certificate, (b) deny the request, or (c) notify the submitter that there is insufficient information on which the department can make a decision, and specify what information is missing and is necessary for a decision. In the event of a denial, the department shall specify the reasons for the denial.

(c) There shall be no appeal of the department's determination under this section.