Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Law Library
Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

6.01.040 Powers and Duties of Enrollment Clerk

The enrollment clerk and assistant shall have the following powers and duties:

(a) To protect and maintain the records that are in the custody of the Committee.

(b) To accept and process applications for enrollment in the Tribe.

(c) To certify eligibility for entitlements and benefits based on tribal membership.

(d) To perform the ministerial duties of the Committee as delegated.

(e) To advise the Committee and the Tribal Council on matters related to membership and enrollment.

(f) Such other duties as assigned by this chapter or by job description.

(g) The acts of the Enrollment Clerk shall be reviewable as provided by the Tribe's Personnel Policies.

(h) The names of all applicants whose applications have been processed and the disposition thereof shall be entered on a master log, which shall be typed up on the first regular working day following Committee screening session and which shall be kept by the Enrollment Clerk who shall keep the master log locked in the file cabinet when not in use.