Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Law Library
Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

6.01.050 Committee Structure

(a) The Committee shall be composed of seven members appointed by the Tribal Council, each of whom shall serve a term of two years, and be eligible for reappointment.

(b) The Tribal Council shall appoint from the seven members a Chairperson. The members among themselves shall select a vice-chairperson, who shall have all of the powers and duties of chairperson in his or her absence and a secretary, who shall keep the minutes of all committee meetings. All Committee members shall be deemed researchers.

(c) Each Committee member shall take an oath of office, which shall include an oath to keep all information he or she obtains by virtue of the office secret and confidential.

(d) The Committee shall meet regularly on the first Tuesday of each month, or such other day as established by the Committee, but no less frequently than once per month. The Committee may also hold special meetings as required. A quorum of four shall be necessary for the transaction of business.

(e) Any member who is absent, with or without excuse from two consecutive regular Committee meetings will be deemed to have resigned and will be considered automatically removed. No further action will be required to treat the seat of such member vacant. The Committee, or a member designated by those remaining on the Committee, shall report such vacancy to the Tribal Chairman within five days of its occurrence.

(f) Any member who is convicted of a felony or misdemeanor involving dishonesty in any state, federal, or tribal court shall be subject to removal from the Committee by a vote of four members. The Committee, or a member designated by those remaining on the Committee, shall report such removal to the Tribal Chairman within five days of the removal.

(g) Any member who has violated his or her oath of office may be removed by the Committee by a vote of four members. Upon an allegation of such breach being lodged with the Committee, the Chairperson shall call a meeting of the Committee to be held within five days to determine if the evidence warrants removal. If the Chairperson is alleged to have violated the oath, the Vice-Chairperson shall call the meeting. If both the Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson are alleged to have violated the oath, or if the Vice-Chairperson is unavailable, any member may call the meeting. The challenged member shall have the opportunity to be heard. If the challenged member does not contest the allegations, or if he or she does not appear at the meeting, he or she shall be considered automatically removed. The Committee, or a member designated by the remaining members of the Committee, shall report any removal under this section to the Tribal Chairman within five days of such removal.

(h) Any decision on removal of a Committee member taken under subsection (f) or (g) may be appealed to the Tribal Council by an aggrieved party. "Aggrieved party" in this section shall mean, in the case of a vote to remove, the member so removed; in the case of a vote not to remove, shall mean the person or persons instituting the complaint against the member. Any such appeal must be filed by providing written notice thereof to the Tribal Chairperson and to the Committee within five days of the action appealed from.

(i) Each Committee member shall receive a stipend of $25.00 for each Committee meeting attended and the Committee Secretary shall receive a stipend of $35.00.